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Книги 22626—22650 из 24208.

  • Nightscape
  • Ryan Kevin
  • TV Series Placement: Post-Season 3 / Few weeks after "A New Beginning"While traveling through Colorado, Liz sees a vision of Maria being chased through a large house. Needless to say, the van then mysteriously breaks down right in front of a creepy old mansion. Tired of being pushed around by fate, the group decides to spend the night. But what they find hidden inside the house forces them all to face a powerful enemy, Max to make a decision about his leadership abilities, and Liz to reconsider her role in the group now that her powers are developing. Looks like the battles they fought back in Roswell aren't entirely over. And while the group knows they have changed their destiny by leaving Roswell, they begin to wonder how much they are really in control. Liz can see the future, but when they act on her visions, are they changing or simply carrying out their destiny?

  • Nightwings
  • Силверберг Роберт
  • A fabulous tale of pilgrimage and hope, betrayal and transformation by one of science fiction’s greatest writers. Only at night on the winds of darkness can she soar. And it was Avluela the Flier’s ebony and scarlet wings that lead the Watcher to the seven hills of the ancient city from which, in a moment of weakness, the Watcher failed his vigil, leaving the skies and deep space unguarded. The invaders came and conquered. With Avluela lost in the turmoil of conquest, the Watcher set out alone for the Holy City home of the Rememberers, keepers of ...

  • No Doors, No Windows
  • Эллисон Харлан
  • YOU HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR BUT FEAR ITSELF! The only trouble is, fear comes in so many different shapes and sizes these days. It comes as rejection by a beautiful woman. It comes in the brutalization of your love by an amoral man. It comes with the threat of impending nuclear holocaust; with the slithering shadows in the city streets; with the ripoff artists who lie in wait behind every television commercial. Fear is the erratic behavior of all the nut cases and whackos walking the streets-they look just like you and me and your lover and your mother-and ...

  • Noise
  • Clement Hal
  • Hal Clement, the dean of hard science fiction, has written a new planetary adventure in the tradition of his classic . It is the kind of story that made his reputation as a meticulous designer of otherworldly settings that are utterly convincing because they are constructed from the ground up using established principles of orbital mechanics, geology, chemistry, biology, and other sciences.Kainui is one of a pair of double planets circling a pair of binary stars. Mike Hoani has come there to study the language of the colonists, to analyze its evolution in the years since settlement. But ...

  • Non-Stop
  • Aldiss Brian
  • Curiosity was discouraged in the Greene tribe. Its members lived out their lives in cramped Quarters, hacking away at the encroaching ponics. As to where they were—that was forgotten. Roy Complain decides to find out. With the renegade priest Marapper, he moves into unmapped territory, where they make a series of discoveries which turn their universe upside-down… Non-Stop is the classic SF novel of discovery and exploration; a brilliant evocation of a familiar setting seen through the eyes of a primitive.

  • Nonnina non fa la calza
  • Sturgeon Theodore
  • Mai troppo rimpianto, Theodore Sturgeon era uno dei pochi autori di cui la sf potesse essere davvero orgogliosa: scrittore maturo, intelligente, letterariamente raffinato, Sturgeon riusciva a trasportare nelle sue storie tutta la sua possente sensibilit? interiore e a coinvolgere emotivamente il lettore con una intensit? unica. Questa deliziosa «novella» ? un tipico esempio delle sue enormi qualit?: una piccola gemma finalmente ripescata dall’oblio e dai tempi d’oro di «Galaxy».

  • Nostalgia za Sluag Side
  • Drzewi?ski Andrzej
  • – Dok?d – warkn?? kierowca.Wzrok Ashcrofta znowu zatrzyma? si? na dymi?cych kratach.– Sluag Side – rzuci? odruchowo.– A gdzie to do cholery jest?!Ashcroft spojrza? w zaczerwienione oczy taks?wkarza. Potem roze?mia? si? cicho.– Nie wiem. Naprawd? nie wiem.Pewien znajomy pisarz przyzna? mi si?, ?e okropnie wstydzi si? swoich ksi??ek sprzed pi?tnastu lat. Wiele by da?, aby nigdy si? nie ukaza?y i do dzisiaj ?a?uje, i? ich orygina?y nie pozosta?y na zawsze w szufladzie jego biurka. Czy autorzy Nostalgii… my?l? podobnie? Szczerze m?wi?...