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Книги 23001—23025 из 24208.

  • Regreso a Belzagor
  • Силверберг Роберт
  • Cuando los humanos abandonan el planeta Belzagor, siguiendo la pol?tica de descolonizaci?n consistente en dar independencia a todos los alien?genas con cultura propia, el administrador imperial Gundersen retorna para emprender un viaje etnol?gico-sentimental-m?stico-inici?tico… donde hallar? o no hallar? lo que esperaba, pero en todo caso no retornar? el mismo que se puso en camino… como tampoco el lector volver? a ser el mismo despu?s del viaje maravilloso que esta novela propone.

  • Regresso das estrelas
  • Lem Stanislaw
  • Hall Bregg ? um homem sem mundo, um astronauta que regressa duma miss?o no espa?o e encontra a Terra Irreconhec?vel. Apesar de s? terem passado dez anos biol?gicos, na Terra j? decorreram cento e vinte e sete. As cidades est?o constru?das com uma tecnologia que ele desconhece, os h?bitos sociais est?o completamente alterados; ? ministrada aos seres huma| nos, na inf?ncia, uma droga que neutraliza os seus impulsos agressivos. Como conseguir? um astronautal — que representa o pioneirismo — adaptar-se a uma civiliza??o onde n?o se corre o menor risco, onde as pessoas se tornam menos cultivadoras do prazer e da juventude, esquecendo-se der que significa sonhar ou ambicionar? Hall Bregg ir? lutar por se adaptar e encontrar um lugar para si pr?prio.

  • Remake
  • Willis Connie
  • In the Hollywood of the future there’s no need for actors since any star can be digitally recreated and inserted into any movie. Yet young Alis wants to dance on the silver screen. Tom tries to dissuade her, but he fears she will pursue her dream — and likely fall victim to Hollywood’s seamy underside, which is all to eager to swallow up naive actresses. Then Tom begins to find Alis in the old musicals he remakes, and he has to ask himself just where the line stands between reality and the movies.Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1996.

  • Remnant Population
  • Moon Elizabeth
  • Failure to become a successful space colony, plus fear of the indigenous non-human population, forces the abandonment of Sims Bancorp Colony. Ofelia, tired of taking orders and too elderly to survive the trip to the next colony, hides until all fellow humans are evacuated. Alone but unafraid, she meets the challenges of survival and eventually befriends the natives who call themselves “The People.” Gradually, Ofelia becomes an important member of The People and acts as their diplomatic liaison when a new group of humans return to the planet. Once downtrodden and overlooked, Ofelia rises above her old position to rebuild her self-esteem and redefine herself as she rises to situations calling for her to use her intelligence, emotional fortitude, and abilities. Once she has power, she uses it wisely and justly.

  • Rendez-vous avec Rama
  • Clarke Arthur
  • Venant de l'espace interstellaire, un objet p?n?tre dans le syst?me solaire. Au d?but, il n'int?resse gu?re les astronomes et encore mois les journalistes ; les ast?ro?des et les com?tes caract?ris?s par des orbites tr?s excentriques sont innombrables.Mais cet objet n'est pas ordinaire. Une observation pouss?e montre qu'il est parfaitement cylindrique. Ses dimensions sont imposantes : une trentaine de kilom?tres de long, une quinzaine de diam?tre. Pour la premi?re fois de m?moire d'homme, un navire venu d'une autre ?toile traverse le syst?me ...

  • Rendezvous mit Rama
  • Clarke Arthur
  • Das r?tselhafte Objekt, das die Astronomen auf den Namen Rama tauften, gab allen R?tsel auf. Es war noch weit entfernt, deutlich au?erhalb der Jupiter-Umlaufbahn. Etwas, das auf eine solch gro?e Entfernung auf dem Radar erschien, musste gigantisch gro? sein. W?hrend das Objekt durch das Sonnensystem raste, zeigte sich bald, dass es geformt war wie ein perfekter Zylinder. Offenbar stand die Menschheit im Begriff, ihren ersten Besucher von den Sternen zu empfangen…

  • Retorno a la Tierra
  • Card Orson
  • El planeta Armon?a, colonizado por humanos hace casi cuarenta millones de a?os atr?s, ha estado siempre bajo el cuidado de una inteligencia artificial: el Alma Suprema, el ordenador que todo lo sabe y todo lo protege. Pero el Alma Suprema ha envejecido y est? d?bil. Debe volver a la lejana Tierra para recobrar la ayuda del Guardi?n.En , Nafai y su familia, los elegidos del Alma Suprema, realizan un viaje interestelar de un centenar de a?os que, pese a la hibernaci?n de la mayor?a, no deja de acrecentar el odio ...

  • RETOUR A «0»
  • Stefan Wul est un ?crivain de Science Fiction fran?ais n? en 1922 (c'est donc maintenant un vieux monsieur de presque 80 ans). Il se mit assez tard ? la SF, vers 1950. Il avait ?crit avant cette date, mais se lance dans le genre presque par hasard. Son premier roman "Retour ? 0" propose l'id?e de m?decins r?duits en taille introduits dans le corps du patient... id?e qui sera reprise dans le film "Le voyage fantastique".

  • Retribution
  • Karpyshyn Drew
  • Humanity has reached the stars, joining the vast galactic community of alien species. But beyond the fringes of explored space lurk the Reapers, a race of sentient starships bent on 'harvesting' the galaxy's organic species for their own dark purpose.The Illusive Man, leader of the pro-human black ops group Cerberus, is one of the few who know the truth about the Reapers. To ensure humanity's survival, he launches a desperate plan to uncover the enemy's strengths - and weaknesses - by studying someone implanted with modified Reaper technology. He knows the perfect subject for his horrific experiments: ...

  • Retronauci
  • Sawczenko Wladimir
  • Zebrane opowiadania prezentuj? rozmaite odmiany literatury sf od „powie?ci kryminalnej w czterech trupach” do interesuj?cej parafrazy motywu wehikulu czasu. Pisarz rezygnuje niekiedy z zasady prawdopodobie?stwa naukowego na rzecz fantazji paradoksalnych hipotez i eksperyment?w intelektualnych. Jego utwory dobrze os?dzone s? w codzienno?ci radzieckiej, wiele tu trafnych obserwacji obyczajowych i humoru.

  • Retter einer Welt
  • Harrison Harry
  • Der Mann: Brion Brandd, Agent der Gesellschaft f?r kulturelle Beziehungen.Der Auftrag: Eine Welt vor der atomaren Vernichtung zu bewahren.Der Schauplatz: Dis — ein wilder, unwirtlicher Planet mit unheimlichen Bewohnern.Das Problem: Den Ursprung des ?bels zu finden, das die Bewohner des Planeten befallen hatte.Fr?her einmal waren die Disaner Menschen gewesen. Jetzt waren sie nur noch von dem Wunsch besessen, zu morden! Alles und jeden zu t?ten, sich selbst zu vernichten, ihren Planeten zu zerst?ren — nach M?glichkeit sogar das gesamte Universum, wenn man sie gew?hren lie?…Brion hatte nur noch wenige Stunden Zeit, um sie daran zu hindern.

  • Return from the Stars
  • Lem Stanislaw
  • Space wasn’t half so scary, half so strange, or even half so alien, as what Hal Bregg returned to. He had been away from Planet Earth for ten years space-time. But that was 127 years back home and a lot of things had changed. Sex. Money. Transit. Violence. There’s no more violence. Everyone gets it “betrizated” out of them in childhood. And that’s just the beginning…Naturally, Hal refuses to be acclimated by the “Adapt” people. He prefers to figure it out all by himself, be a stranger in a strange land, draw his own conclusions. ...