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Книги 23101—23125 из 24208.
  • Schadrach im Feuerofen
  • Силверберг Роберт
  • Der 3. Weltkrieg wurde mit biologischen Waffen ausgetragen. Die "F?ulnis", die Menschen bei lebendigem Leib verrotten l?sst, grassiert auch noch Jahrzehnte nach Kriegsende. Es gibt ein Serum, doch das ist teuer und nur den Privilegierten vorbehalten.Die heutigen Machtbl?cke der Erde sind zerstoben. Ein greiser Mongole regiert den Weltstaat, ein Tyrann, der sich f?r die Inkarnation Dschingis Khans und Maos zugleich h?lt. Sein erdumspannender Geheimdienstapparat ist allgegenw?rtig; die ?berwachung der Untertanen l?ckenlos. Er bestimmt, wer der Gnade teilhaftig wird, das Serum zu erhalten. Ein Entzug kommt dem Todesurteil gleich.Schadrach Mordecai, ...

  • Schild’s Ladder
  • Иган Грег
  • In , humanity has transcended both death and Earth, and discovered its home world is nearly unique as a cradle of life. As it spreads throughout the galaxy, humanity enjoys an almost utopian existence — until a scientist accidentally creates an impenetrable, steadily expanding vacuum that devours star systems and threatens the entire universe with destruction.Tchicaya is a Yielder, member of the faction that believes this "novo-vacuum" deserves study. The opposing Preservationists — among them Mariama, his first love — seek to save worlds and destroy the novo-vacuum. Discord heats to terrorist violence; then enmities and alliances are turned upside-down by a discovery that may mean the novo-vacuum is, instead, a new and very different universe — and one which may contain life.

  • Sea of Silver Light
  • Williams Tad
  • Otherland—the private, multidimensional universe created and controlled by The Grail Brotherhood, an organization made up of the world's most powerful and ruthless individuals—was crumbling. The Brotherhood's plans for immortality within the network had been shattered by the monstrous intelligence that ran the network, a presence known only as the Other, and by the even more monstrous human being who called himself John Dread. Seizing control of the network from his employer, Felix Jongleur, Dread had now made himself the god of this virtual universe and was systematically turning the network's worlds into killing grounds.As helplessly ...

  • Second Ending
  • White James
  • “Five miles below the surface, Ross was awakened from the deep sleep of suspended animation to find himself in an empty world. There was no noise, or people, and no motion save for the steady activity of the hospital robots” (blurb). Ross, the sole survivor of World War Last, must meet up with some other human beings — even if he’s got to create them himself. And, with the hibernation technique and omnicompetent robots at his command, he eventually does just that. After a fashion. White’s most beautifully fitted piece of work, with this fitting Dedication: “TO PEGGY, who isn’t the last girl on Earth, just the only one.”Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1962.

  • Second Genesis
  • Moffitt Donald
  • Many centuries ago, an alien race known as the Nar were able to recreate human beings from genetic code, broadcast from earth into outer space by a beleaguered humanity. Although the Nar are kind and benevolent masters to the humans, discontent leads the humans to rebel, and the Nar realize that they do not yet fully understand their rebellious creations. They allow a group of humans to travel millions of light years through the galaxy, in order to discover what has happened to the original occupants of planet earth. However, none of the human participants of the expedition are prepared for what awaits them at the completion of their journey…

  • Sector General
  • White James
  • Sector General is a 1983 science fiction novel by author James White and is part of the Sector General series. The book includes four stories.“Accident” — A major accident at a multi-species spaceport inspires the two heroes who ended the human-Orligian war (MacEwan and Grawlya-Ki) to found Sector General.“Survivor” — A giant snail spacewreck survivor transmits pain and fear while unconscious.“Investigation” — A spacewreck scene seems to indicate amputations from each victim, causing ambulance commander Fletcher to suspect cannibalism.“Combined Operation” — The scene of a spacewreck contains hundreds of pods, which turn out to be a colony ship carrying the last survivors of an alien race.

  • Segnali da Giove
  • Hughes Zach
  • Da osservazioni raccolte sulla Terra risulta che nella bassa atmosfera di Giove ? entrato qualcosa da cui cominciano a pervenire dei segnali. Un Ufo? La deduzione sembrerebbe inevitabile dal momento che nessuna astronave terrestre ? ancora mai penetrata laggi?. Ma Zach Hughes — autore dell’indimenticabile Il campo degli Ufo e specialista di fantascienza spaziale non pu? certamente accontentarsi di una spiegazione cos? semplice…