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Книги 23026—23050 из 24208.

  • Revelation
  • Karpyshyn Drew
  • Every advanced society in the galaxy relies on the technology of the Protheans, an ancient species that vanished fifty thousand years ago. After discovering a cache of Prothean technology on Mars in 2148, humanity is spreading to the stars; the newest interstellar species, struggling to carve out its place in the greater galactic community.On the edge of colonized space, ship commander and Alliance war hero David Anderson investigates the remains of a top secret military research station; smoking ruins littered with bodies and unanswered questions. Who attacked this post and for what purpose? And where is Kahlee Sanders, ...

  • Revelation Space
  • Reynolds Alastair
  • Dr Dan Sylveste, an archaeologist who has for years been fascinated with the long-dead alien race the Amarantin, is about to discover something that could change the course of mankind. But before he can act on anything his wife is killed and he is captured when a coup sweeps across the planet Resurgam. Meanwhile, an astonishing ship bearing a crew of militaristic cyborgs and a kidnapped Gunnery Officer is bearing down on Resurgam, crossing light years of space to enlist Sylveste’s help to save their metamorphosing Captain. Only Sylveste, or, more accurately, the software programme containing his father’s knowledge that he carries in his mind, can save the Captain. None of them can anticipate the cataclysm that will result when they meet, a cataclysm that will sweep through space and could determine the ultimate fate of humanity.Nominated for BSFA Award in 2000.Nominated for Arthur C. Clarke Award in 2001.

  • Revolte gegen die Unsterblichen
  • Herbert Frank
  • Das Ehepaar Durant darf ein Kind haben — so haben es die Regenten der Genetik entschieden. Und das Gesetz 10927 gestattet es den Durants, der genetischen Umformung ihres Embryos beizuwohnen. Dr. Potter, der gro?e K?nstler unter den Genchirurgen, nimmt die Operation vor. Dabei handelt er den Gesetzen der Regenten zuwider, die kategorisch die Ausmerzung aller Erbanlagen fordern, die Menschen zur Rebellion gegen die jahrtausendealte Herrschaft der Unsterblichen f?hren k?nnten. Mit Hilfe einer Untergrundorganisation von halbrobotischen Cyborgs gl?ckt die Entf?hrung des Embryos aus dem Bruttank des Hospitals. Doch der Preis, den die Verschw?rer zahlen m?ssen, ist ungeheuer hoch. In panischer Furcht vor einer Revolte gegen ihre Herrschaft sind die unsterblichen Regenten eher bereit, die ?brige Menschheit auszul?schen, als dem neuen Leben eine Chance zu geben.

  • Rezerwat goblin?w
  • Simak Clifford
  • Dzia?o si? to w czasach, kiedy udoskonalono wynalazek transmisji materii na mi?dzygwiezdne odleg?o?ci i zrealizowano mo?liwo?? podr??y w czasie. Wszystkie istoty, prawdziwe i legendarne, mog?y swobodnie przemierza? ca?? Galaktyk?.Profesor Peter Maxwell wyruszy? z Ziemi w misji specjalnej, ale wskutek nieprzewidzianych okoliczno?ci wyl?dowa? na nieznanej kryszta?owej planecie, kt?ra okaza?a si? magazynem wiedzy zaginionej staro?ytnej supercywilizacji.Kiedy Peter Maxwell wr?ci? na Ziemi?, pragn?c u?wiadomi? wszystkim istnienie tego skarbu, ze zdumieniem przekona? si?, ?e nikt go nie s?ucha. Wszystko wskazywa?o bowiem na to, ?e wr?ci? z wyprawy miesi?c wcze?niej, nie przywo??c ze sob? ?adnych rewelacji, a p??niej zgin?? w wypadku.Po prostu nikt nie wierzy?, ?e Peter Maxwell — orygina? istnieje naprawd?…

  • Richter 10
  • Clarke Arthur
  • Lewis Crane survived the Los Angeles earthquake of 1994, but his family didn’t. At 7 years old, his life was torn apart. Now, at 37, he’s a seismologist with a mission: protect others from that fate. He’s got a unique theory of quake prediction, but in an America split along racial and religious lines, he’ll have to predict the unpredictable to get anyone to believe him. Steeped in the latest discoveries of earth science, this is a near-future story of high-tech suspense and the staggering force of a moving, living earth.

  • RIETUMOS NO ?DENESHarijs HarisonsSapr?t?gu ?irzaku un akmens laikmeta cilv?ku sadursme… Vai patie??m t?da ir civiliz?cijas v?sture? Par to var?siet izlas?t aizraujo?aj? episkaj? rom?n?, kas ir viens no interesant?kajiem popul?r? amerik??u rakstnieka dai?rad?.R?ga, 1997 Izdevniec?ba GANDRS HARRY HARRISONWest of EdenPublished by Panther Books 1985Granada Publishing Ltd. Copyright © harry harrison 1984© No ang?u valodas tulkoja Valdis Felsbergs © Dmitrija Paramonova v?ks un z?m?jumi © Katr?nas Vasi?evskas noform?jums Redaktors ...

  • Rihla
  • Aguilera Juan
  • En el a?o 890 de la J?gira, Lis?n al-Aysar, erudito ?rabe del reino de Granada, convencido de la existencia de un mundo m?s all? del oc?ano, se embarca en una gran expedici?n. En esta rilha le acompa?ar?n aventureros ?rabes, corsarios turcos, caballeros sarracenos, un hechicero mameluco y un piloto vizca?no, renegado y borracho. Descubrir?n una tierra lujuriosamente f?rtil y deber?n enfrentarse a sus extra?os pobladores: hombres-jaguar, guerras floridas y sacrificios humanos. El viaje llevar? a Lis?n a alcanzar una nueva sabidur?a, conocer la magia, recuperar el motor y vivir una gran aventura. Una original novela que nos sumerge en una emocionante y ex?tica aventura y nos invita a reflexionar sobre las culturas ajenas y la propia, del pasado y del presente.

  • Rings of Ice
  • Anthony Piers
  • ArrayGus and Thatch were desperately trying to drive the big mobile home up into the mountains, high above the floods rapidly drowning out the rest of the world. They even had some crazy notion about saving civilization from the waters—which was why they took along uptight Zena - who knew far more than she was telling about why that vast canopy of ice had suddenly surrounded Earth—and voluptuous Gloria—who turned out sometimes to be a man and sometimes a woman as well. And then they picked up Karen, and Floy, and Dust Devil, and Foundling—two latterday Noahs in a motorized ark. The trouble was, their little community wasn’t the only one frantically trying to find dry land, food and fuel. And seeing robbery, looting, murder and cannibalism were now looked on as legitimate means of survival, the struggle for life was apt to become a little vicious at times.

  • Ringwelt
  • Niven Larry
  • Abenteurer dreier verschiedenen Rassen unternehmen eine waghalsige Expedition zum gr??ten Wunder der Milchstra?e: Einst baute ein l?ngst vergessenes Volk eine gigantische ringf?rmige Welt, die um eine Sonne rotiert. Die Abenteurer glauben, auf einem verlassenen Artefakt zu landen — doch die Ringwelt ist nicht tot…Ein Klassiker der Science Fiction in Neuauflage. Der preisgekr?nte, brillante Roman Larry Nivens liegt hiermit in der kongenialen ?berstzung von Axel Merz erstmals vollst?ndig, ungek?rzt und bis ins Detail werkgetreu vor: Eine Neuentdeckung, ebenso spannend wie die Entdeckung der Ringwelt selbst.

  • Rite of Passage
  • Panshin Alexei
  • In 2198, one hundred and fifty years after the desperate wars that destroyed an overpopulated Earth, Man lives precariously on a hundred hastily-established colony worlds and in the seven giant Ships that once ferried men to the stars. Mia Havero’s Ship is a small closed society. It tests its children by casting them out to live or die in a month of Trial in the hostile wilds of a colony world. Mia Havero’s Trial is fast approaching and in the meantime she must learn not only the skills that will keep her alive but the deeper courage to face herself and her world. Published originally in 1968, Alexei Panshin’s Nebula Award-winning classic has lost none of its relevance, with its keen exploration of societal stagnation and the resilience of youth.Won Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1968.Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1969.