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Приключения и путешествия - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 4751—4775 из 5353.
  • Жанр: Морские приключения
  • As 1794 draws to a close Richard Bolitho, commanding the old seventy-four-gun ship of the line Hyperion, leaves Plymouth to join a squadron blockading the rising power of Revolutionary France. After six months of repairs his ship is ready to fight again, but her company is mostly raw and untrained. Unfortunately, Bolitho finds himself under a commodore who is no match for the French admiral, Lequiller, whose powerful squadron uses guile and ruthless determination to elude him and vanish into the Atlantic. Hyperion, as part of a small British force, gives chase, the desperate voyage taking them from the Bay of Biscay's squall to the heat of the Caribbean – and for each mile sailed and every battle fought Bolitho finds himself being forced into the ever more demanding role of strategist and squadron commander.

  • Жанр: Природа и животные
  • ST?STI PAR DABUD?ERALDS DARELS?ENGURENA CE??Velt?ju Krisam un Di?imam, atceroties d?les, lirastes un velosip?dus d?­men? (nemaz nerun?jot par j??t?rpi?iem)J?su priek?? ir v?st?jums par se?u m?ne?u ce?ojumu, kas m?s aizveda uz Jaunz?landi, Austr?liju un Malaju. Ce?ojumam bija div?j?di nol?ki: pirmk?rt, es grib?ju redz?t, kas ?aj?s zem?s tiek dar?ts dz?v­nieku aizsardz?b?, un, otrk?rt, B?-B?-S? bija nodoms uz?emt daudz­s?riju telev?zijas filmu par ??du t?mu. Es skaidri apzinos, ka p?r?k ?sais laiks, ko esam aizvad?ju?i katr? no ??m zem?m, padara m?su eksped?ciju l?dz?gu ?oti steidz?gam kaptei?a Kuka ce?ojumam, t?p?c var gad?ties, ka da?uviet gr?mat? b?s nodar?ts p?ri ?sten?bai un at­st?ts bez iev?r?bas daudz kas cits, par ko b?tu vajadz?jis past?st?t.

  • Flu?piraten
  • Kastner J.
  • Жанр: Приключения: прочее
  • Das Jahr des Herrn 1863 ist eine d?stere, hoffnungslose Zeit in Deutschland. Das einfache Volk ist verarmt. Wer Arbeit hat, schuftet f?r Groschen. Menschen sterben an Hunger und Epidemien.In dieser Zeit ist »Amerika« ein Wort der Hoffnung und Sehnsucht - ein Land, wo jeder sein Gl?ck machen und zu Wohlstand kommen kann. Ein magisches Wort auch f?r den jungen Handwerksgesellen Jacob Adler, der zu Unrecht des Mordversuchs beschuldigt wird und aus Deutschland fliehen muss.Doch sein Leben in Amerika wird h?rter und gefahrvoller sein, als er es sich in seinen ?rgsten Tr?umen vorzustellen vermag. Ein Abenteuer wartet auf JacobAdler, wie es kaum ein zweiter je erlebt hat...

  • For My Country’s Freedom
  • Жанр: Морские приключения
  • It is March 1811, and Richard Bolitho is recalled to duty after only two and a half months of precious peace in Cornwall with his beloved mistress Catherine. Promoted Admiral, his choice of flagship and flag captain shock the Admiralty, but Bolitho, poignantly aware of his own vulnerability, surrounds himself only with those men he can trust completely: the faithful Allday, the withdrawn and intelligent Avery, and James Tyacke, who must confront the sternest test of his loyalty with great personal courage. When diplomacy fails the cannon must speak, and Bolitho, patrolling the troubled waters from Antigua north to Halifax, knows that when war with America comes he must fight an enemy not foreign but familiar, for the freedom to leave the sea forever.

  • Жанр: Морские приключения
  • In June 1793 Captain Richard Bolitho arrives at Gibraltar to take command of the Hyperion, a seventy-four-gun ship of the line. Although not completely recovered from a serious fever contracted in the Great South Sea, Bolitho is eager to get back to duty against the rising might of Revolutionary France. He sails to join Lord Hood to partake in the Monarchist-inspired occupation of Toulon. But at heart Bolitho is still a frigate captain, and he is soon fretting at being tied to the fleet's apron strings; his ship, too, is old and slow, her hull weed-encrusted after nearly four years' continuous commission. Beneath the Mediterranean sun, and often in sight of the enemy coast, Bolitho and his tired old ship face one conflict after another – and when at last the ill-fated campaign collapses in failure it is the Hyperion, outgunned and outnumbered, which takes her rightful place in the line of battle.