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Приключения и путешествия - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 4926—4950 из 5353.

  • Man of War
  • Жанр: Морские приключения
  • Antigua, 1817 and every harbour and estuary is filled with ghostly ships, the famous and the legendary now redundant in the aftermath of war. In this uneasy peace, Adam Bolitho is fortunate to be offered the seventy-four gun Athena, and as flag captain to Vice-Admiral Sir Graham Bethune once more follows his destiny to the Caribbean. But in these haunted waters where Richard Bolitho and his 'band of brothers' once fought a familiar enemy, the quarry is now a renegade foe who flies no colours and offers no quarter, and whose traffic in human life is sanctioned by flawed treaties and men of influence. And here, when Athena's guns speak, a day of terrible retribution will dawn for the innocent and the damned.

  • Mana ?imene un citi zv?ri
  • Жанр: Природа и животные
  • D?ERALDS DARELSMANA ?IMENE UN CITI ZV?RI«Mana ?imene un citi zv?ri» ir viens no agr?najiem ?? iev?rojam? ang?u zoologa un rakstnieka anim?lista darbiem. Taj? st?st?ts par au­tora b?rn?bu, par vair?kiem Grie?ij?, Korfu sal?, pavad?tiem gadiem, kad z?n? mostas m?lest?ba pret dabu, pret visu dz?vo rad?bu, redzams, k? no vi?a pamaz?m veidojas nopietns dabas p?tnieks, zin?tnieks zoo­logs. Ta?u gr?mata nav vienk?r?s autobiogr?fisks v?st?jums. ?oti liela ir t?s izzino?? v?rt?ba. Autors atkl?j las?t?jam savdab?gu pasauli, kas pavir?a v?rot?ja ac?m pasl?d gar?m nepaman?ta, un past?sta par to daudz interesanta.Gr?mata uzrakst?ta saisto?i, ar D?eraldam Darelam rakstur?go br?ni?­??go humoru, un to ar aizraut?bu las?s ne tikvien biolo?ijas zin?t?u speci?listi, bet ikviens dabas draugs.

  • Master & Commander
  • O'Brian Patrick
  • Жанр: Морские приключения
  • Master and Commander is the first of Patrick O'Brian's now famous Aubrey/Maturin novels, regarded by many as the greatest series of historical novels ever written. It establishes the friendship between Captain Jack Aubrey RN and Stephen Maturin, who becomes his secretive ship's surgeon and an intelligence agent. It contains all the action and excitement which could possibly be hoped for in a historical novel, but it also displays the qualities which have put O'Brian far ahead of any of his competitors: his depiction of the detail of life aboard a Nelsonic man-of-war, of weapons, food, conversation and ambience, ...

  • Mathias Sandorf
  • Verne Jules
  • Жанр: Приключения: прочее
  • Die Handlung setzt 1866 in Triest ein. Die mittellosen Gauner Sarcany und Zirone finden auf einem ihrer Spazierg?nge durch die Stadt eine Brieftaube, die eine Geheimbotschaft bef?rdert. Sarcany will sehen, ob sie aus der Botschaft Kapital schlagen k?nnen. Sie lassen die Taube von einem Kirchturm aus frei und verfolgen sie mit den Augen bis zu ihrem Taubenschlag.Dieser befindet sich in einem Haus, das dem Grafen Ladislaus Zathmar, einem ungarischen Adligen, geh?rt. Graf Zathmar plant, mit seinen Freunden, dem Professor Stefan Bathory und dem Grafen Mathias Sandorf in Ungarn, ihrer Heimat, einen Volksaufstand anzuzetteln ...