This story is set in the winter of 1773, in and around the West Country of England. Midshipman Bolitho's ship, the Gorgon, is laid up for refit, and he with some other 'young gentlemen' is allowed home for Christmas. Bolitho, now seventeen, returns to his family in Falmouth, taking with him his best friend and fellow midshipman, Martyn Dancer. Bolitho soon discovers that all is not well in Cornwall. There are rumours of an increase in smuggling, even of witchcraft, and when a murdered man is found near the Bolitho house, ugly rumour becomes reality. Wrecking, the most savage of all crimes, is a further cause for alarm. Only a small and agile man-of-war can be of use against such restless enemies. To Falmouth comes one such vessel, the Avenger, and thoughts of a carefree leave are quickly forgotten by Richard Bolitho, especially when he learns the name of the Avenger's commander.
The early career of Horatio Hornblower of the British Royal Navy is traced in a series of adventurous episodes. They illustrate the quick thinking, brilliant intuition, and decisiveness characteristic of our hero and leave him with the rank of lieutenant.
When the unconventional Durrell family can no longer endure the damp, gray English climate, they do what any sensible family would do: sell their house and relocate to the sunny Greek isle of Corfu. My Family and Other Animals was intended to embrace the natural history of the island but ended up as a delightful account of Durrell’s family’s experiences, from the many eccentric hangers-on to the ceaseless procession of puppies, toads, scorpions, geckoes, ladybugs, glowworms, octopuses, bats, and butterflies into their home.
O'Donoghue tells what happened when he entered the 1991 Iditarod, along with 17 sled dogs with names like Rainy, Harley and Screech. O'Donoghue braved snowstorms, sickening wipeouts, and endured the contempt of more experienced racers. Narrated with icy elan and self deprecating wit, this is a true story of heroism, cussedness, and astonishing dumb luck.
1793 — Gibraltar: Die wachsende Macht des revolution?ren Frankreich erschreckt die royalistischen L?nder Europas, darunter auch England, das wie stets mit seiner Flotte siegen oder untergehen wird. Eines ihrer ?ltesten Linienschiffe ist die «», mit der Kapit?n Bolitho, von Gibraltar kommend, in einem k?hnen Handstreich die Insel Cozar erobert. Von seinem eifers?chtigen Admiral im Stich gelassen, mu? sich Bolitho der franz?sischen ?bermacht stellen — eine Seeschlacht, die nicht nur ?ber das Schicksal der Blockade entscheidet, sondern auch dar?ber, ob Bolitho jemals Falmouth und seine ihn dort erwartende Verlobte wiedersehen wird.
D?eks LondonsKOPOTI raksti desmit s?jumos-1 s?jSAST?D?JUSI TAMARA Z?L?TE NO ANG?U VALODAS TULKOJU'SAS ROTA EZERI?A UN HELMA LAPI?A M?KSLINIEKS ?DOLFS LIELAIS Tulkojums latvie?u valod?, -«Liesma», 1974
Nanon, n?e en 1775, raconte en 1850 les ?v?nements qu'elle a v?cus dans son enfance et sa jeunesse. La p?riode pr?r?volutionnaire est ?voqu?e comme un temps imm?morial, o? rien ne semble devoir changer. On apprend la prise de la Bastille un jour de march?. George Sand ?voque fort bien la Grande Peur dans ce qu'elle a d'irrationnel et de terrifiant, la f?te de la F?d?ration, moment d'exaltation et de bonheur, puis la vente des biens nationaux. Ainsi, Nanon peut devenir propri?taire de sa maison…C'est une vue de ...
by Robert Louis Stevenson, first published in 1882, is a collection of short stories previously published in magazines between 1877 and 1880. The collection contains Stevenson's first published fiction, and a few of the stories are considered by some critics to be his best work, as well as pioneering works in the English short story tradition is divided into two volumes.The first volume contains seven stories originally called and published by London Magazine in serial format from June to October 1878. It is composed of two story groups, or cycles:"The Suicide Club""The Rajah's Diamond"The second volume is a collection of four unconnected (standalone) stories that were previously published in magazines:"The Pavilion on the Links" (1880), told in 9 mini-chapters"A Lodging for the Night" (1877)"The Sire De Mal?troits Door" (1877)"Providence and the Guitar" (1878)
??NI?A Z?LAMANA RAKTUVESRaiders Hegards Pag?ju?? gadsimta popul?rais rakstnieks Raiders Hegards latvie?u las?t?jam nav sve?s — 1967. gad? izdevniec?ba «Zin?tne» laida klaj? vi?a spraigiem notikumiem bag?to v?sturisko rom?nu «Montesumas meita».Saj? izdevum? apvienotos darbus — «??ni?a Z?lamana raktuves» un «Dai?? Margareta» — ari raksturo veiksm?gi samezglots si?ets, negaid?ti notikumu pav?rsieni.Pirm? rom?na darb?ba notiek Dienvid?frik?. Rakstnieka izt?li rosin?jis un rom?nam vielu devis nepr?t?gais dimantu un zelta drudzis, ko bija izrais?...