D?ERALDS DARELSNOENKUROTAIS??IRSTSR?GA «ZIN?TNE» 1981Oerald Durrell THE STAT!ONARY ARK Collins, London, 1976Gerald Durrell GOLDEN BATS AND P1NK PIGEONS Collins, London, 1977Darels D?.Noenkurotais ??irsts / No ang?u vai. tulk. H. Lapi?a; V. Flinta p?cv?rds; Zin. redaktors Z. Spuris; V. Olivera un E. Martelmensa z?m. — R.: Zin?tne, 1981. — 287 lpp., il„ 8 lp. il. — (Apv?rsnis).st?stits par zoolo?isko d?rzu, ko D?. Darels atbilsto?i saviem ide?la zoolo?isk? d?rza principiem izveidojis D?ersijas sal?.
From America's master storyteller and writer of historical fiction comes the epic story of two families — the Hazards and the Mains. Separated by vastly different ways of life, joined by the unbreakable bonds of true friendship, and torn asunder by a country at the threshold of a bloody conflict that would change their lives forever...
ST?STIPAR DABUD?ERALDS DARELS NOSL?PUMAINO TROK??U ZEMER?GA«LIESMA»1980Velt?jums manai sievai D?ekijai, atceroties pr?riju c?kas un citus bichosGerald DurrelI THE DRUNKEN FOREST Penguin Books 1972Gerald DurrelI THE WHISPERING LAND -Rupert Hart — D?vis 1961No angju valodas tulkojusi Ilze Gintere Ilustr?jis Ralfs Tompsons V?ku z?m?jusi Maija Drag?neAtsaucot atmi?? pag?tnes ainas, man bie?i acu priek?? iznirst Patagonijas l?dzenumi, kaut ari visiem tie ??iet no??lojami kaili un nekam neder?gi. Aprakstot Patagoniju, var st?st?t tikai par to, k? tur nav: nav m?ju, nav ?dens, nav koku, nav kalnu, zeme tur baro vien?gi da?us punduraugus. ??p?c tad man — un vai tikai man? — ?ie tuksnes?gie klajumi tik cie?i iespiedu?ies atmi??? ??rlzs Darvins, Ce?ojums ar ku?i «B?gls»
T.Main-RidsOCEOLA- SEMINOLU VIRSAITISLATVIJAS VALSTS IZDEVNIEC?BA R?G? 1960МАЙН РИДOцеола, вождьСЕМИНОЛОВ Повесть о стране цветовНа латышском языкеM?kslinieks V. VEIDE. , No ang?u valodas tulkojusi R: KOKA.
OKE?NA M?KLAV. BE?KOVi?S S. KLEINENBERGS A. JABLOKOVSVa?i un delf?ni, to dz?ves veids un biolo?isk?s ?patn?bas tie??m ir oke?na liel? m?kla. T? nodarbina matem?ti?us un psihologus, in?enierus un valodniekus, ra?e?u konstruktorus un zem?dens speci?listus. Un, l?k, ku?i, kurus kl?j delf?na ?dai l?dz?gs apvalks, brauc divreiz ?tr?k. Nav t?lu tas laiks, kad ra- diotehni?i konstru?s tikpat prec?zu lokatoru, k?ds ir delf?nam: ...
В трилогии («Остров Робинзона», «Ориноко», «Белый Ягуар») польского писателя и путешественника Аркадия Фидлера рассказывается о судьбе потомка польских переселенцев, который, спасаясь от гнева английских лордов, бежит из Северной Америки и попадает на необитаемый остров Карибского моря, а затем в племя южноамериканских индейцев-араваков и возглавляет их борьбу против испанских, английских и голландских завоевателей. Автор остро разоблачает их «цивилизаторскую» миссию. Время действия трилогии — начало XVIII столетия. Издание рассчитано на массового читателя.
Do rom?nu Lezvije britvy (Ost?? b?itvy, 1964; ?. 1967) vlo?il autor mno?stv? hypot?z z oboru biologie, psychologie, etiky, estetiky atd.Dobrodru?n? rom?n nab?zej?c? exotiku, tajemstv? a nap?t?. P??b?h, jeho? d?j je motivov?n honbou za ?ernou korunou — starobylou pam?tkou indick? zem?. Nap?nav? vypr?v?n? o cest? skupiny dobrodruh?, kte?? se sna?? indick? poklad nez?konn? z?skat a dost?vaj? se na t?to cest? a? do ticha indick?ch kl??ter?..
In this book, the author of Seven Gothic Tales gives a true account of her life on her plantation in Kenya. She tells with classic simplicity of the ways of the country and the natives; of the beauty of the Ngong Hills and coffee trees in blossom; of her guests, from the Prince of Wales to Knudsen, the old charcoal burner, who visited her; of primitive festivals; of big game that were her near neighbors—lions, rhinos, elephants, zebras, buffaloes—and of Lulu, the little gazelle who came to live with her, unbelievably ladylike and beautiful.
Claire Randall is leading a double life. She has a husband in one century, and a lover in another… In 1945, Claire Randall, a former combat nurse, is back from the war and reunited with her husband on a second honeymoon – when she innocently touches a boulder in one of the ancient stone circles that dot the British Isles. Suddenly she is a Sassenach – an "outlander" – in a Scotland torn by war and raiding border clans in the year of our Lord… 1743. Hurled back in time by forces she cannot understand, Claire’s destiny in soon inextricably intertwined with Clan MacKenzie and the forbidden Castle Leoch. She is catapulted without warning into the intrigues of lairds and spies that may threaten her life… and shatter her heart. For here, James Fraser, a gallant young Scots warrior, shows her a passion so fierce and a love so absolute that Claire becomes a woman torn between fidelity and desire… and between two vastly different men in two irreconcilable lives.
D. F. K?persP?D?JAIS MOHIK?NISROM?NS 2. izdevumsRIGA «LIESMA» 1981No ang?u valodas tulkoju?as Ei??nija Turkina un Ruta KokaM?kslinieks Aleksandrs Dembo
D?ERALDS DARELSP?RPILD?TAIS ??IRSTSIZDEVNIEC?BA «ZIN?TNE» R?GA 1977THE OVERLOADED ARK by Gerald M. Durrell Faber and Faber Limited London 1953No ang?u valodas tulkojusi Helma Lapi?a Vladimira Flitita p?cv?rdsSab?nes Bauras un Edvarda Mortelmensa ilustr?cijas Zin?tniskais konsultants Zandis Spuris Tulkojums latvie?u valod?, p?cv?rds Izdevniec?ba «Zin?tne», 1977DA?I VARDI IEVADAM?? b?s hronika par se?u m?ne?u ilgo ce?ojumu, kur? es kop? ar savu biedru devos uz Kamer?nas liel? lietus me?...
Dirk Pitt's first, most terrific adventure! Dirk Pitt, death-defying adventurer and deep-sea expert, is out to the ultimate test as he plunges into the perilous waters of the Pacific Vortex — a fog-shrouded sea zone where dozens of ships have vanished without a trace. The latest victim is the awesome superb Starbuck, America's deep-diving nuclear arsenal. Its loss poses an unthinkable threat to national defense. Pitt's job is to find it, salvage it, before the sea explodes. In a furious race against time, Pitt's mission swirls him into a battle with underwater assassins-and traps him in the arms of Summer Moran, the most stunningly exotic and dangerous toward disaster, Clive Cussler plummets his hero onto an ancient sunken island-the astonishing setting for the explosive climax of Pacific Vortex!
In October 1789, Captain Richard Bolitho, in command of the frigate Tempest, arrives at Sydney, capital of the infant colony of New South Wales. The ship has been in commission for two years and has been employed on isolated patrols, searching out pirates and protecting the great spread of trading concessions and their vulnerable supply routes. Instead of being ordered to England as he hopes, Bolitho is despatched to the outwardly idyllic islands of the Great South Sea where yet another trading concession has been claimed for the Crown. He hears of the Bounty mutiny in the same waters, and is aware of the many temptations to his own men, and to himself. Unknown to him, the uneasy peace across Europe is relentlessly drawing to an end, and when news of the French Revolution eventually reaches Bolitho's lonely command he finds danger and death among the islands, and an involvement which is both personal and tragic.
Emilio SalgariGeboren am 21. August 1862 in Verona; gestorben am 25. April 1911 in Turin.Sein Vater ist Tuchh?ndler. Die Oberschule kann er wegen schlechter Noten nicht zu Ende bringen. Von 1878 bis 1881 studierte er am K?niglich Nautischen Institut in Venedig, um Kapit?n zu werden. Er fiel bei der ersten Pr?fung durch und heuerte als Schiffsjunge an, verlie? in Brindisi das Schiff und fuhr mit der Eisenbahn zur?ck nach Verona. Soweit bekannt ist, hat er Italien nie verlassen.Er studiert aber eifrig Abenteuerromane und ver?ffentlicht schon 1883, zwei Jahre nach seiner mi?gl?ckten ...