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Книги 30576—30600 из 33968.
  • A-10s over Kosovo
  • Haave Christopher
  • Жанр: Книги о войне
  • There are certain dates in the history of warfare that mark real turning points…. Now there is a new date on the calendar: June 3, 1999, when the capitulation of President Milosevic proved that a war can be won by airpower alone.—John Keegan, London’s Colonels Haave and Haun organized the firsthand accounts of members of the 40th Expeditionary Operations Group into this book. Their descriptions of the application of airpower—a new wingman’s first combat sortie, a support officer’s view of an FS relocation during combat, and Sandy pilot’s efforts to find and ...

  • A Bend in the Road
  • Sparks Nicholas
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Miles Ryan's life seemed to end the day his wife was killed in a hit-and-run accident two years ago. Missy had been his first love, and Miles fervently believes she will be his last. As a deputy sheriff in the North Carolina town of New Bern, he not only grieves for Missy, but longs to bring the unknown driver to justice.Then Miles meets Sarah Andrew. The second-grade teacher of his son, Jonah, Sarah had left Baltimore after a difficult divorce to start over in the gentler surroundings of New Bern. Perhaps it is her own emotional wounds ...

  • ?a, c’est un baiser
  • Djian Philippe
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Ce roman r?unit au d?but tous les clich?s du polar. De nos jours, dans une grande ville plut?t glauque et violente, «malade de ses cracks boursiers, de ses d?localisations sauvages, des affrontements sociaux et ethniques qui la harc?lent, des gu?rilleras urbaines qui se multiplient?», un homme et une femme m?nent une enqu?te autour du meurtre de Jennifer Brennen.L'homme, Nathan (40 ans), est un flic ordinaire mari? ? Chris. Il est en pleine d?prime. Sa femme vient de le quitter pour rejoindre la maison communautaire de Wolf (professeur d'?conomie ...

  • A Clockwork Orange
  • Burgess Antony
  • Жанр: Классическая проза
  • Fifteen-year-old Alex and his three friends start an evening’s mayhem by hitting an old man, tearing up his books and stripping him of money and clothes.Or rather Alex and his three droogs tolchock an old veck, razrez his books, pull off his outer platties and take a malenky bit of cutter.For Alex’s confessions are written in ‘nadsat’—the teenage argot of a not-too-distant future.Because of his delinquent excesses, Alex is jailed and made subject to “Ludovico’s Technique,” a chilling experiment in Reclamation Treatment…Horror farce? Social prophecy? Penetrating study of human choice between good and evil? A “Clockwork Orange” is all three, dazzling proof of Anthony Burgess’s vast talents.

  • A Clockwork Orange (UK Version)
  • Burgess Anthony
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • In Anthony Burgess’s A Clockwork Orange, Burgess creates a gloomy future full of violence, rape and destruction. In this dystopian novel, Burgess does a fantastic job of constantly changing the readers’ allegiance toward the books narrator and main character, Alex. Writing in a foreign language, Burgess makes the reader feel like an outsider. As the novel begins, the reader has no emotional connection to Alex. This non-emotional state comes to a sudden halt when Alex and his droogs begin a series of merciless acts of violence. The reader rapidly begins to form what seems to be an irreversible ...

  • A Dictionary of Maqiao
  • Shaogong Han
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • From Publishers WeeklyMaqiao, a fictitious rural village lost in the vitals of Mao's Communist empire, is to Han's magical novel what Macondo is to One Hundred Years of Solitude-a place in which the various brutalities and advances of contemporary history are transformed within the "fossil seams" of popular myth. Han adopts the rules of the dictionary to the rules of fiction, distributing mini-sagas of rural bandits, Daoist madmen and mixed up Maoists across the definitions of terms with special meaning in Maqiao. Han, narrator as well as author, is sent to Maqiao as part of a cadre ...

  • A Dirty Job
  • Moore Christopher
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Charlie Asher is a pretty normal guy. A little hapless, somewhat neurotic, sort of a hypochondriac. He's what's known as a Beta Male: the kind of fellow who makes his way through life by being careful and constant — you know, the one who's always there to pick up the pieces when the girl gets dumped by the bigger/taller/stronger Alpha Male.But Charlie's been lucky. He owns a building in the heart of San Francisco, and runs a secondhand store with the help of a couple of loyal, if marginally insane, employees. He's married to a bright ...

  • A Faraway Island
  • Thor Annika
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Mildred L. Batchelder AwardTorn from their homeland, two Jewish sisters find refuge in Sweden.It's the summer of 1939. Two Jewish sisters from Vienna -12-year-old Stephie Steiner and 8-year-old Nellie-are sent to Sweden to escape the Nazis. They expect to stay there six months, until their parents can flee to Amsterdam; then all four will go to America. But as the world war intensifies, the girls remain, each with her own host family, on a rugged island off the western coast of Sweden.Nellie quickly settles in to her new surroundings. She’s happy with her foster family and soon favors the Swedish language over her native German. Not so for Stephie, who finds it hard to adapt; she feels stranded at the end of the world, with a foster mother who’s as cold and unforgiving as the island itself. Her main worry, though, is her parents-and whether she will ever see them again.

  • A Fraction of the Whole
  • Toltz Steve
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • At the heart of this sprawling, dizzying debut from a quirky, assured Australian writer are two men: Jasper Dean, a judgmental but forgiving son, and Martin, his brilliant but dysfunctional father. Jasper, in an Australian prison in his early 20s, scribbles out the story of their picaresque adventures, noting cryptically early on that [m]y father's body will never be found. As he tells it, Jasper has been uneasily bonded to his father through thick and thin, which includes Martin's stint managing a squalid strip club during Jasper's adolescence; an Australian outback home literally hidden within impenetrable mazes; Martin's ...

  • A Free Life
  • Jin Ha
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • From Publishers WeeklyHa Jin, who emigrated from China in the aftermath of Tiananmen Square, had only been writing in English for 12 years when he won the National Book Award for Waiting in 1999. His latest novel sheds light on an ?migr? writer's woodshedding period. It follows the fortunes of Nan Wu, who drops out of a U.S. grad school after the repression of the democracy movement in China, hoping to find his voice as a poet while supporting his wife, Pingping, and son, Taotao. After several years of spartan living, Nan and Pingping save enough to buy ...

  • A Gdyby To By?a Prawda…
  • Levy Marc
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Co mo?na zrobi? z siedz?c? w waszej szafie nieznajom? kobiet?? Poprosi?, ?eby sobie posz?a? Ale to nie takie proste, zw?aszcza dla przystojnego architekta, Arthura. Bo, po pierwsze, ta kobieta jest m?oda i czaruj?ca, po drugie, twierdzi, ?e jej cia?o znajduje si? zupe?nie gdzie indziej – le?y pogr??one w g??bokiej ?pi?czce w szpitalu. Lauren uwa?a, ?e tylko Arthur mo?e jej pom?c, jako jedyna osoba, kt?ra j? s?yszy i widzi w cielesnej postaci. Chocia? zaintrygowany m??czyzna ma mn?stwo podejrze? i w?tpliwo?ci, ostatecznie poddaje si? urokowi ?licznego "ducha" i przyjmuje wyzwanie. Tymczasem lekarze, zniech?ceni d?ug?, daremn? walk? o ?ycie pacjentki, planuj? eutanazj?. Przera?ony Arthur wykrada ze szpitala cia?o ukochanej. Nast?puje seria nieoczekiwanych zdarze?…

  • A Good Year
  • Mayle Peter
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • From Publishers WeeklyMayle's breezy, uncomplicated fifth novel (Chasing Cezanne, etc.) and ninth book follows 30-something Max Skinner from a sabotaged financial career in London to his adoption of the Proven?al lifestyle on an inherited vineyard in France. Max spent holidays at his Uncle Henry's vineyard as a child, so when he inherits the place, the prospect of returning is tempting; a generous "bridging loan" from ex-brother-in-law Charlie seals the deal. The estate, Le Griffon, is in a dire state of disrepair and the wine cellar is filled with bottles of a dreadful-tasting swill, but it's nothing ...

  • A Hero of Our Time
  • Lermontov Mikhail
  • Жанр: Классическая проза
  • A Hero of Our Time, by Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov (1814-1841), 1840, 1841. fiction. russian novel. romanticism. Realism. Title Geroy nashego vremeni in russian; this is the second edition (1841), including the author's preface. This complete HTML e-text is based on the translation from the Russian into English by Martin Parker, published by Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1947, 1951, in the public domain in the United States of America. (A translation that has also been reprinted by but not copyrighted by the Everyman Library, 1995, revised and edited by Neil Cornwell, University of Bristol, ISBN 0-660-87566-3.) Illustrations are from the Moscow edition. We have extensively ...

  • A Heros Daughter
  • Makine Andrei
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Early works of an author who has hit the big-time are often reissued for reasons more venal than literary. None of the pre- and post- publications of Tracy Chevalier come anywhere near the standard of The Girl with the Pearl Earring, but that didn't stop them being rushed into instant print once best-sellerdom was declared and the film came out.Andrei Makine gained international recognition only when his fourth novel, Le Testament Francais, won two prestigious prizes. Famously, the refugee from the Soviet Union who wrote in French hadn't been able to get his first novel published until ...