Los McDurney y McFersson est?n enfrentados desde hace d?cadas. Desde que sus bisabuelos provocaron un choque que acab? con la vida de uno de ellos.Al regresar de una aldea en la que ha estado ayudando a sanar a los enfermos, la patrulla de Josleen hace prisionero a un hombre, crey?ndole culpable de un robo de caballos perpetrado a su clan. Atra?da por ?l, averigua asombrada que se trata de un McFersson y, temiendo las represalias, le deja escapar para evitar posteriores complicaciones o incluso una guerra.Meses m?s tarde, Josleen parte ...
Der ist ein 1919 verfasster, jedoch niemals abgeschickter Brief Franz Kafkas an seinen Vater. Er wurde postum ver?ffentlicht und ist ein bevorzugter Text f?r psychoanalytische und biographische Studien ?ber Kafka.Nachdem Kafka im Januar 1919 bei einem Kuraufenthalt in Schelesen (B?hmen) Julie Wohryzeck kennen gelernt hatte und sich einige Monate sp?ter mit ihr verlobte, reagierte sein Vater ungehalten auf seine neuen und unstandesgem??en Heiratspl?ne. Es wird angenommen, dass dies der Ausl?ser f?r die Verfassung des Briefes zwischen dem 10. und 13. November 1919 war. Die Hochzeit war urspr?nglich f?r den November geplant, fand ...
The tragicomedy of a young man in NYC, struggling with the reality of his mother's death, alienation and the seductive pull of drugs.***All messed up and no place to go. It's six a.m., the party's over and reality is threatening to intervene in the frenetic, powder-fuelled existence of a young man who should have everything but might just end up with nothing at all…His wife, a famous model, has left him. His job at a Prestigious Magazine can't last much longer. And the life he's been living in Manhattan's fast lane as if he owned it is about to end. Even a bright young man eventually has to face the biggest question of them all: which is worse, living an illusion – or losing it?
Annie Proulx has written some of the most original and brilliant short stories in contemporary literature, and for many readers and reviewers, Brokeback Mountain is her masterpiece.Brokeback Mountain was originally published in The New Yorker. It won the National Magazine Award. It also won an O. Henry Prize. Included in this volume is Annie Proulx's haunting story about the difficult, dangerous love affair between a ranch hand and a rodeo cowboy. Also included is the celebrated screenplay for the major motion picture " Brokeback Mountain," written by Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana. All three writers have contributed essays on the process of adapting this critically acclaimed story for film.
It is Enniscorthy in the southeast of Ireland in the early 1950s. Eilis Lacey is one among many of her generation who cannot find work at home. Thus when a job is offered in America, it is clear to everyone that she must go. Leaving her family and country, Eilis heads for unfamiliar Brooklyn, and to a crowded boarding house where the landlady's intense scrutiny and the small jealousies of her fellow residents only deepen her isolation.Slowly, however, the pain of parting is buried beneath the rhythms of her new life – until she begins to realize that ...
Nathan Glass ha sobrevivido a un c?ncer de pulm?n y a un divorcio despu?s de treinta y tres a?os de matrimonio, y ha vuelto a Brooklyn, el lugar donde naci? y pas? su infancia. Quiere vivir all? lo que le queda de su `rid?cula vida`. Hasta que enferm? era un pr?spero vendedor de seguros, ahora que ya no tiene que ganarse la vida, piensa escribir El libro de las locuras de los hombres. Contar? todo lo que pasa a su alrededor, todo lo que le ocurre y lo que se le ocurre, y hasta algunas de las historias caprichosas, disparatadas, verdaderas locuras de personas que recuerda. Comienza a frecuentar el bar del barrio, el muy austeriano Cosmic Diner, y est? casi enamorado de la camarera, la casada e inalcanzable Marina. Y va tambi?n a la librer?a de segunda mano de Harry Brightman, un homosexual culto y contradictorio, que no es ni remotamente quien dice ser.
Tennyson:Bront?:Award-winning author Neal Shusterman has crafted a chilling and unforgettable novel about the power of unconditional friendship, the complex gear workings of a family, and the sacrifices we endure for the people we love.
Bruno, dying, obsessed with spiders and preoccupied with death and reconciliation, lies at the centre of an intricate spider's web of relationships and passions. Including creepy Nigel the nurse and his besotted twin Will, fighter of duels.
An allegory of the struggle between good and evil, in which Eliot Nailles, a chemist, meets Paul Hammer, who is not the ordinary citizen he seems to be. "We're the Hammers," The stranger said to the priest. Nailles did not think this funny, anticipating the fact that almost everyone else in the neighborhood would. How many hundreds or perhaps thousands cocktail parties would they have to live through, side by side: Hammer and Nailles." Hammer is the illegitimate son of a kleptomaniac, and he plans to awaken the suburban world – by burning Eliot's son Tony in a church.
Akcja reporta?y sk?adaj?cych si? na Busz po polsku rozgrywa si? w latach 50 i 60., na prowincji, w Olecku, w Puszczy Bia?owieskiej, nad Narwi?, w okolicach Brodnicy, pod M?aw?, we wsi Grunwald, w Pratkach ko?o E?ku, kr?tko m?wi?c – gdzie diabe? m?wi dobranoc.Kapu?ci?ski znajduje w polskiej rzeczywisto?ci bohater?w, kt?rzy robi? wra?enie. Bohaterami s?: dwie Niemki uciekaj?ce z domu starc?w w Szczytnie, flisak, str?? nocny, ma?orolny ch?op klepi?cy bied?, robotnicy sezonowi, wyrzuceni ze studi?w, kt?rzy nie chc? ...
So begins , an intense and absorbing novel. It is the unforgettable story of one woman’s account of what it is to lose control as the world watches, to figure out what went so every wrong, and to accept an imperfect life in a world that demands perfection.While breaking the hottest new story of the year, broadcast journalist Isabel Murphy unravels on life television in front of an audience of millions. She lands at Three Breezes, a four-star psychiatric hospital nicknamed the “nut hut,” where she begins the painful process of recovering the life everyone thought she had.But accepting her place among her fellow patients proves more difficult as Isabel struggles to reconcile the fact that she is, indeed, one of them, and faces the reality that in order to mend her painfully fractured life she must rely solely on herself.
From China 's first-ever winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature comes an exquisite new book of fictions, none of which has ever been published before in English. A young couple on honeymoon visit a beautiful temple up in the mountains, and spend the day intoxicated by the tranquillity of the setting; a swimmer is paralysed by a sudden cramp and finds himself stranded far out to sea on a cold autumn day; a man reminisces about his beloved grandfather, who used to make his own fishing rods from lengths of crooked bamboo straightened over a fire! Blending the ...
Zapis codziennych zmaga? z ?yciem i pr?ba rozrachunku z brutaln? przesz?osci? kobiety chorej na schizofreni?. Poruszaj?ca historia cz?owieka, kt?rego cierpienie i choroba psychiczna popychaj? ku samob?jstwu.
Najbardziej wstrz?saj?ca, bardzo pouczaj?ca i rozbijaj?ca mity ksi??ka, w kt?rej by?y ksi?dz-Roman Jonasz, na kanwie w?asnych prze?y?, opisuje proz? kap?a?skiego ?ycia- pe?nego intryg, skandali, ludzkich s?abo?ci i upadk?w. Nie ksi??a s? tu jednak pi?tnowani, ale b??dny system kt?ry ich deprawuje.
"…Najbardziej wstrz?saj?ca, bardzo pouczaj?ca i rozbijaj?ca mity ksi??ka, w kt?rej by?y ksi?dz-Roman Jonasz, na kanwie w?asnych prze?y?, opisuje proz? kap?a?skiego ?ycia- pe?nego intryg, skandali, ludzkich s?abo?ci i upadk?w. Nie ksi??a s? tu jednak pi?tnowani, ale b??dny system kt?ry ich deprawuje…"
Peter and Rebecca Harris: mid-forties denizens of Manhattan’s SoHo, nearing the apogee of committed careers in the arts—he a dealer, she an editor. With a spacious loft, a college-age daughter in Boston, and lively friends, they are admirable, enviable contemporary urbanites with every reason, it seems, to be happy. Then Rebecca’s much younger look-alike brother, Ethan (known in the family as Mizzy, “the mistake”), shows up for a visit. A beautiful, beguiling twenty-three-year-old with a history of drug problems, Mizzy is wayward, at loose ends, looking for direction. And in his presence, Peter finds himself questioning ...
Pe?na dramatyzmu opowie?? o losach ?o?nierzy wcielonych przymusowo do armii austriackiej w latach pierwszej wojny ?wiatowej oparta jest na osobistych prze?yciach autora. Po raz pierwszy opublikowana w 1937 roku, prze?ywa obecnie prawdziwy renesans popularno?ci, wywo?any zapewne filmem, kt?ry cieszy? si? niema?? frekwencj?.Pi?ciu dezerter?w z c.k. armii, kt?rym przewodzi Polak, przez d?u?szy czas wymyka si? ob?awom, stosuj?c przer??ne fortele, aby zachowa? ?ycie. Pod warstw? anegdotyczn? kryj? si? g??bsze problemy moralne, tak wi?c powie?? Sejdy odznacza si? walorami nie tylko historyczno-poznawczymi.
Despu?s de una bella y sugestiva introducci?n a la ciudad, Antonio Mu?oz Molina narra para el lector la historia de la C?rdoba musulmana, desde el a?o 711, en el que los invasores del norte de ?frica conquistan el lugar, hasta las guerras civiles que desintegran el califato, haciendo posible que en 1236 Fernando III de Castilla se apoderara de lo que fue capital de los califas. Entre las estampas que componen el libro destacan los cap?tulos dedicados al primer emir cordob?s, Abd al-Rahman I, a la vida cotidiana de la ciudad laberinto, con interesantes ...