Autor pragnie rozprawi? si? z tzw. 'wyborem mniejszego z?a', a wi?c z problemem etycznym, dyskutowanym od stuleci przez wszelkich m?drc?w i demagog?w, i ze zjawiskiem psychospo?ecznym, realizowanym od stuleci przez jednostki i ka?d? w?adz?, tak autokratyczn?, jak demokratyczn?. Ca?a akcja rozgrywa si? w trakcie d?ugiej i dramatycznej wieczerzy, w jednym pomieszczeniu, kt?re staje si? klatk? bez wyj?cia dla biesiadnik?w. Cokolwiek nie zrobi? zostan? ska?eni grzechem. W tej powie?ci dominuj? kwestie uniwersalne, ale nie brak r?wnie? analizy ?ci?le polskich problem?w.
Jeden z najwi?kszych bestseller?w ?wiatowych.Przedmiotem reporta?u-powie?ci s? ludzie dworu cesarza Etiopii Hajle Sellasje, zmar?ego w 1975 roku. Ukazuj?c ich s?u?alczo??, lizusostwo, strach, pazerno??, uleg?o?? oraz walk? o wzgl?dy w?adcy, Kapu?ci?ski w mistrzowski spos?b przedstawia ponure kulisy jego panowania. Ksi??ka ma uniwersalny charakter, obna?a mechanizmy w?adzy nie tylko politycznej."Cesarzem" Ryszard Kapu?ci?ski rozpocz?? karier? mi?dzynarodow? i nada? reporta?owi wymiar literacki.
Hannah ma 15 lat. Dot?d czu?a si? bezpiecznie w spo?eczno?ci ?wiadk?w Jehowy, teraz jednak chcia?aby z niej wyst?pi?, by ?y? tak jak jej r?wie?nicy. Hannah walczy o prawo wyboru, a dzi?ki wsparciu i mi?o?ci Paula postanawia uczyni? pierwszy krok ku wolno?ci, jakiej zaznaj? jej szkolni koledzy i kole?anki.
"Ch?opaki nie p?acz?" to znakomita powie?? Krzysztofa Varga, opowiadaj?ca o perypetiach paczki przyjaci??.Kultowa rzecz o piciu, paleniu i pannach."Boys Don't Cry" to jedna ze sztandarowych piosenek The Cure. Do tego tytu?u nawi?zywali muzycy, pisarze i re?yserzy, Muniek Staszczyk i Krzysztof Varga
En este breve ensayo-rese?a se pretender? distinguir el leitmotiv dentro de su cuento Chac Mool: las reminiscencias prehisp?nicas y el pasado ind?gena, pulsiones constantes en el trabajo del escritor. Conscientes estamos que intentar aprehender las fuentes del discurso literario de Fuentes es una tarea tit?nica, ya que independientemente de la vastedad de su obra y de la densidad de sus historias, determinar las ideas o mociones de un autor tan prol?fico es adentrarse dentro de un marem?gnum que no admite clasificaci?n. Por tal raz?n s?lo me atrever? a esbozar ideas ...
From Publishers WeeklyIn contrast to the utopian official literature of Communist China, the stories in this wide-ranging collection marshal wry humor, entangled sex, urban alienation, nasty village politics and frequent violence. Translated ably enough to keep up with the colloquial tone, most tales are told with straightforward familiarity, drawing readers into small communities and personal histories that are anything but heroic. "The Brothers Shu," by Su Tong (Raise the Red Lantern), is an urban tale of young lust and sibling rivalry in a sordid neighborhood around the ironically named Fragrant Cedar Street. That story's earthiness is matched ...
From Publishers WeeklyIn contrast to the utopian official literature of Communist China, the stories in this wide-ranging collection marshal wry humor, entangled sex, urban alienation, nasty village politics and frequent violence. Translated ably enough to keep up with the colloquial tone, most tales are told with straightforward familiarity, drawing readers into small communities and personal histories that are anything but heroic. "The Brothers Shu," by Su Tong (Raise the Red Lantern), is an urban tale of young lust and sibling rivalry in a sordid neighborhood around the ironically named Fragrant Cedar Street. That story's earthiness is matched ...
A non fiction bookOne of Zadie Smith's great gifts as a novelist is her openness: both to character and ideas in her stories, and to what a novel itself should be. That she's a novelist was clear as soon she broke through with White Teeth in her early twenties, but what kind she'll be (or will be next) seems open to change. Which all, along with her consistent intelligence, grace, and wit, makes her an ideal essayist too, especially for the sort of "occasional essays" collected for the first time in Changing My Mind. She can make ...
The bestselling author of The Devil Wears Prada and Everyone Worth Knowing is back with a delicious new novel about a trio of best friends in Manhattan who agree to change their lives in the most personal and dramatic way possible – and within one calendar year.
Сборник Хемингуэя "Мужчины без женщин" — один из самых ярких опытов великого американского писателя в «малых» формах прозы.Увлекательные сюжетные коллизии и идеальное владение словом в рассказах соседствуют с дерзкими для 1920-х годов модернистскими приемами. Лучшие из произведений, вошедших в книгу, продолжают биографию Ника Адамса, своеобразного альтер эго самого писателя и главного героя не менее знаменитого сборника "В наше время".
Kirpal Singh is travelling on the slow train to Kashmir. As India passes by the window in a stream of tiny lights, glistening fields and huddled, noisy towns, he reflects on his destination, which is also his past: a military camp to which he has not returned for fourteen years. Kirpal, Kip to his friends, is timorous and barely twenty when he arrives for the first time at General Kumar's camp, nestled in the shadow of the mighty Siachen Glacier that claimed his father's life. He is placed under the supervision of Chef Kishen, a fiery, anarchic mentor with ...
Oh Chelsea, how do I love thee… Seriously, I cannot get enough of Chelsea Handler. She first made it onto my radar when she would make guest appearances on VHI shows such as Best of the and Best Week Ever. Then she got her own show, Chelsea Lately, on E! and it was over for me. I became a devoted fan.Handler’s written three books, this one being the newest (released this month) and I have read all three. Her first, My Horizontal Life: A History of One Night Stands, killed me. In a good way. The ...
This novel starts April 25, 1986 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station which supplies the eastern Ukraine with one quarter of its electrical energy. While the characters are fiction, actual Soviet persons are referred to in the book. Dedicated to the people who kept a terrible accident from becoming far more terrible.
The Egyptian writer Alaa Al Aswany's second novel is a bit of a curate's egg, or maybe a mullah's omelette: on the one hand it's a racy campus novel set among the Egyptian ?migr? community of the University of Illinois, while on the other it's full of undigested lumps of socio-political commentary that appear to have been cut and pasted from an encyclopedia. But despite the catastrophically pedantic opening chapter, there are some treats. The best characters are worthy of an Arabic David Lodge, particularly Professor Graham, a sad, pony-tailed relic of the 1960s counter-culture who pores over his ...
Grady Tripp es un escritor ya cercano a la mediana edad y profesor en una universidad de provincias. En su juventud fue una promesa de la literatura, un esplendoroso chico prodigio que tuvo su fugaz temporada de gloria, pero el tiempo ha pasado y Grady arrstra desde hace ocho a?os una inmensa novela inconclusa, cada vez m?s larga e hirsuta y cuyo t?tulo es, claro est?, Chicos prodigiosos. A Grady le gusta compararla con Ada, de Navokov, y dice que es la clase de obra que "ense?a al lector c?mo debe leerla a medida ...
Weather Warden Joanne Baldwin hasn't had it easy. In the previous two books in Caine's sharply written series, she "had a really bad week, died, got reborn as a Djinn, had an even worse week, and saved the world, sort of" and "died again, sort of" before waking up human. Normally, Weather Wardens must simply protect the rest of the human race from deadly weather, but Joanne, who's deeply tough, resolutely moral and highly fond of fast cars and "bitchin' shoes," keeps getting tasked with saving the world. This time, a surly teenager named Kevin has holed up in ...
Try me…Test me…Taste me…When an exotic stranger, Vianne Rocher, arrives in the French village of Lansquenet and opens a chocolate boutique directly opposite the church, Father Reynaud identifies her as a serious danger to his flock – especially as it is the beginning of Lent, the traditional season of self-denial. War is declared as the priest denounces the newcomer's wares as the ultimate sin.Suddenly Vianne's shop-cum-caf? means that there is somewhere for secrets to be whispered, grievances to be aired, dreams to be tested. But Vianne's plans for an Easter Chocolate Festival divide the whole community in a conflict that escalates into a 'Church not Chocolate' battle. As mouths water in anticipation, can the solemnity of the Church compare with the pagan passion of a chocolate ?clair?For the first time here is a novel in which chocolate enjoys its true importance. Rich, clever and mischievious, Chocolat is a literary feast for all senses.
The acclaimed author of and returns with a roar with this gorgeous, searing portrayal of Manhattanites wrapped in their own delusions, desires, and lies.Chase Insteadman, a handsome, inoffensive fixture on Manhattan's social scene, lives off residuals earned as a child star on a beloved sitcom called . Chase owes his current social cachet to an ongoing tragedy much covered in the tabloids: His teenage sweetheart and fianc?e, Janice Trumbull, is trapped by a layer of low-orbit mines on the International Space Station, from which she sends him rapturous and heartbreaking love letters. Like Janice, Chase is adrift, ...
"Chronicle in Stone"…is epic in its simplicity; the history of a young Albanian and a primitive Albania awakening into the modern world."-Michael Dregni, Minneapolis Star Tribune
? Paris, le protestant Bernard de Mergy retrouve son fr?re a?n?, converti au catholicisme. D?cid?s ? ne pas quereller leurs croyances religieuses, les deux jeunes gens s'accordent de partager les jouissances qu'offre la cour des M?dicis, o? les intrigues amoureuses se d?m?lent ? force de duels chevaleresques. Mais tandis que le roi Charles IX s'offre le plaisir barbare d'une chasse ? cour, gronde le r?le sourd et macabre de la Saint-Barth?lemy… R?pondant ? la mode du roman historique, M?rim?e tire du massacre politique orchestr? par Charles IX et Catherine de M?dicis la mati?re d'une fiction savoureuse. Violemment ironique, l'auteur peint sous des charmes romanesques l'image monstrueuse d'une France ?ventr?e par la guerre civile pour le seul caprice d'un roi en mal de divertissement.
Wznowienie legendarnej ksi??ki Ryszarda Kapu?ci?skiego (1932-2007) z 1975 roku. "Chrystus z karabinem na ramieniu" zaraz po wydaniu zosta? okrzykni?ty przez magazyn "Nowe Ksi??ki" tytu?em ksi??ki roku. To zbi?r reporta?y z Bliskiego Wschodu, Afryki i Ameryki ?aci?skiej. Bohaterami reporta?y s? Palesty?czycy, Syryjczycy, Liba?czycy, Jorda?czycy i ?ydzi, partyzanci Mozambiku i Salwadoru, zamieszkuj?cy jedn? wysp? obywatele dwu pa?stw Dominikany oraz Haiti, zmieniaj?ce si? jak r?kawiczki rz?dy Boliwii, porwany przez terroryst?w ambasador RFN w Gwatemali Karl von Spreti, wreszcie prezydent Salvadore Allende i rewolucjonista Che Guevara, kt?rego "Dziennik z Boliwii" Kapu?ci?ski opublikowa? w swoim t?umaczeniu w roku 1969.