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Книги 30826—30850 из 33968.
  • Between the lines
  • Picoult Jodi
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • New York Times bestselling author Jodi Picoult and her teenage daughter present their first-ever novel for teens, filled with romance, adventure, and humor.What happens when happily ever after.isn't?Delilah is a bit of a loner who prefers spending her time in the school library with her head in a book – one book in particular. Between the Lines may be a fairy tale, but it feels real. Prince Oliver is brave, adventurous, and loving. He really speaks to Delilah.And then one day Oliver actually speaks to her. Turns out, Oliver is more than a ...

  • Beyond the Chocolate War
  • Cormier Robert
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • The school year is almost at an end, and the chocolate sale is past history. But no one at Trinity School can forget The Chocolate War.Devious Archie Costello, commander of the secret school organizationcalled the Virgils, stall has some torturous assignments to hand out before he graduates. In spite of this pleasure, Archie is troubled by his right-hand man, Obie, who has started to move away from the Virgils. Luckily Archie knows his stooges will fix that. But won't Archie be shocked when he discovers the surprise Obie has waiting for him?And there are surprises waiting for others. The time for revenge has come to those boys who secretly suffered the trials of Trinity. The fuse is set for the final explosion. Who will survive?

  • Bez mojej zgody
  • Picoult Jodi
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Anna zosta?a pocz?ta, by zosta? dawczyni? szpiku dla swej siostry, Kate. Nigdy nie kwestionowa?a tej roli, cho? musi ?y? tak, jakby by?a ci??ko chora.Ma dopiero trzyna?cie lat, a ju? przesz?a niezliczone zabiegi operacyjne, by jej starsza siostra mia?a szans? wyleczy? si? z bia?aczki. Jak wi?kszo?? nastolatk?w, Anna zastanawia si?, kim jest; inaczej jednak ni? przeci?tna nastolatka ma pouk?adane ?ycie: istnieje w?a?ciwie wy??cznie jako dope?nienie siostry. Dlatego podejmuje decyzj?, kt?ra zagrozi jej rodzinie i prawdopodobnie b?dzie mie? fatalne konsekwencje ...

  • Bezpowrotnie Utracona Lewor?czno??
  • Pilch Jerzy
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Tw?rczo?? Jerzego Pilcha nie wymaga specjalnej rekomendacji. W swojej ksi??ce Pilch rejestruje r??norodno?? ?ycia spo?eczno-obyczajowego wsp??czesnej Polski, ??cz?c swe obserwacje z nostalgiczno-ironicznymi wspomnieniami z okresu dzieci?stwa i m?odo?ci. Oryginalno?? obserwacji, humor i sarkazm, b?yskotliwe paradoksy i groteska to dodatkowe atuty autobiograficznej prozy Pilcha. Jerzy Pilch wybitny prozaik, autor Monologu z lisiej jamy (1996), zbioru opowiada? pt. Wyznania tw?rcy pok?tnej literatury erotycznej (1988), powie?ci Spis cudzo?o?nic (1993), Tysi?c spokojnych miast (1998), felieton?w opublikowanych w zbiorach Rozpacz z powodu utraty furmanki (1994) oraz Tezy o g?upocie, piciu i umieraniu (1997), kt?re znalaz?y si? w si?demce najlepszych ksi??ek roku, nominowanych do Nagrody NIKE 98.

  • Bia?a Gardenia
  • Belinda Alexandra
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Akcja Bia?ej gardenii rozpoczyna si? pod koniec II wojny ?wiatowej w wiosce na granicy chi?sko-rosyjskiej. Ksi??ka opisuje histori? matki i c?rki, rozdzielonych wojenn? zawieruch?. W Harbinie, schronieniu dla rodzin, kt?re uciek?y z Rosji po upadku caratu, Alina Koz?owa musi podj?? rozdzieraj?c? serce decyzj?, dotycz?c? ?ycia lub ?mierci swojego jedynego dziecka, c?rki Ani. Bia?a gardenia to ksi??ka o zderzeniu kultur r??nych kontynent?w. Jej bohater?w spotkamy zar?wno w nocnych klubach Szanghaju, jak i w surowej Rosji radzieckiej lat sze??dziesi?tych XX wieku, w najtrudniejszym okresie zimnej wojny, na samotnej wyspie Pacyfiku i w powojennej Australii. Matka i c?rka musz? si? przygotowa? na wiele po?wi?ce?, ale czy cena przetrwania nie jest zbyt wysoka? I, przede wszystkim, czy jeszcze si? kiedy? odnajd?? Mnogo?? przyg?d przeplatanych licznymi faktami historycznymi owocuje znakomit? opowie?ci? o t?sknocie i wybaczaniu.

  • Billy Budd
  • Melville Herman
  • Жанр: Классическая проза
  • When Billy, a handsome, unpretentious, stuttering young able-seaman, is falsely accused of inciting mutiny, he lashes out, kills his accuser and is condemned to die. Written in allusive and beautiful prose, many-layered, resonant with ideas and meanings, Billy Budd has inspired drama, films and opera and continues to elude interpretation.The main theme of the novel, however, is generally considered to be the vulnerability of innocence in a fallen world. Billy, a victim of one man's unnatural hatred, is the embodiment of goodness destroyed by evil, but as "the criminal pays the penalty of his crime", a greater justice comes into play.The original source for this text has not been identified. The text has been checked for italics against Harrison Hayford and Merton M. Sealts, Jr., eds, Billy Budd: Sailor (An Inside Narrative) (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962).

  • Bitches Get Everything
  • Карпа Ирена
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Відверта історія розкутого життя молодої кінорежисерки Тріші Торнберг, яка знімає провокативне кіно. У вільний час Тріша розважається в колі друзів, і розваги їхні з погляду пересічного громадянина досить нестандартні, навіть скандальні, її черговий фільм забороняє цензура, однак відбуваються підпільні покази, і картина Тріші здобуває премію престижного Венеційського кінофестивалю. Під час вручення кінопремії на неї чинить замах маніяк. Із жахом Тріша розуміє, що це – один з її колишніх коханців...

  • Black Hills
  • Simmons Dan
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • Paha Sapa, a young Sioux warrior, first encounters General George Armstrong Custer as Custer lies dying on the battlefield at Little Bighorn. He believes?as do the holy men of his tribe?that the legendary general's ghost entered him at that moment and will remain with him until Sapa convinces him to leave.In BLACK HILLS, Dan Simmons weaves the stories of Paha Sapa and Custer together seamlessly, depicting a violent and tumultuous time in the history of Native Americans and the United States Army. Haunted by the voice of the general his people called "Long Hair," Paha Sapa lives a long life, driven by a dramatic vision he experiences in the Black Hills that are his tribe's homeland. As an explosives worker on the massive Mount Rushmore project, he may finally be rid of his ghosts?on the very day FDR comes to South Dakota to dedicate the Jefferson face.

  • Black Milk
  • Shafak Elif
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • A non fiction bookElif Shafak is the most popular woman writer in Turkey today. In her lyrical and deeply-personal book, Black Milk, she writes of the struggle between art and motherhood.Shafak tells of an imaginary “harem of small finger women” or tiny “Thumbelinas” who live within her and vie for dominance. All of her “finger women” are manifestations of different aspects of Shafak’s own personality struggling for control, as she wrestles with her decision to become a mother.The book was written after the birth of Shafak’s first child and long bout of post-partum depression. In the book, Shafak examines her own feelings and career against those of Sylvia Plath, Zelda Fitzgerald, Virginia Woolf, Ayn Rand, Simone de Beauvoir, and other female writers of note. Black Milk is original, humorous, and insightful – a must-read for all women who have ever felt the pull of more than one path. На английском языке

  • Blackberry Wine
  • Harris Joanne
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • ‘A lively and original talent’ – Sunday Times‘Harris is at her best when detailing the sensual pleasures of taste and smell. As chocoholics stand advised to stock up on some of their favourite bars before biting into Chocolat, so boozers everywhere should get a couple of bottles in before opening Blackberry Wine’ – Helen Falconer, Guardian‘Joanne Harris has the gift of conveying her delight in the sensuous pleasures of food, wine, scent and plants… [Blackberry Wine] has all the appeal of a velvety scented glass of vintage wine’ – Lizzie Buchan, Daily Mail‘If Joanne Harris didn’...

  • Blanco Nocturno
  • Piglia Ricardo
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • En esta extraordinaria novela, Ricardo Piglia se confirma, incontestablemente, como uno de los escritores mayores en lengua espa?ola de nuestro tiempo.Tony Dur?n, un extra?o forastero, nacido en Puerto Rico, educado como un americano en Nueva Jersey, fue asesinado a comienzos de los a?os setenta en un pueblo de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Antes de morir, Tony ha sido el centro de la atenci?n de todos, el admirado, vigilado, diferente pero tambi?n el fascinante. Hab?a llegado siguiendo a las bellas hermanas Belladona, las gemelas Ada y Sof?a, hijas de ...

  • Bleak House
  • Dickens Charles
  • Жанр: Классическая проза
  • Soon after she returns to Bleak House, Esther decides to go to London to see Mr. Guppy. First, she visits Caddy and Prince Turveydrop. Taken aback by Esther's scarred face, Guppy emphatically retracts his former marriage proposal to Esther. Esther obtains from him a promise to "relinquish all idea of . . . serving me." She no longer needs Guppy's assistance in helping her learn her real identity, and Guppy's presence could possibly endanger her attempt to be secret about what she has learned from Lady Dedlock.

  • Bleeding Heart Square
  • Taylor Andrew
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Andrew Taylor has written over 25 crime novels, and won many awards for his books. His best selling historical crime novel THE AMERICAN BOY was selected by Richard and Judy's book club. This new story is set in Bleeding Heart Square in the 1930s. In case you were wondering, there is no 'Bleeding Heart Square' in London, but there is a 'Bleeding Heart Yard'. It is apparently named after Elizabeth Hatton, a 17th century society beauty who was murdered one night in 1626 after a ball, and her body found in the Yard torn limb from limb and with her heart ...

  • Blindness
  • Saramago Jose
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Winner of the 1998 Nobel Prize for Literature. A city is hit by an epidemic of 'white blindness.' The blindness spreads, sparing no one. Authorities confine the blind to a vacant mental hospital secured by armed guards. Inside, the criminal element among the blind hold the rest captive: food rations are stolen, women are raped. There is one eyewitness to this nightmare who guides seven strangers through the barren streets. The developments within this oddly anonymous group -- the first blind man, the old man with the black eye patch, the girl with dark glasses, the boy with no mother, and the dog of tears -- are as uncanny as the surrounding chaos is harrowing.A parable of loss and disorientation, of man's worst appetities and hopeless weaknesses,is one of the most challenging, thought-provoking, and ultimately exhilarating novels published in any language in recent years.

  • Bliss
  • Carey Peter
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • "Bliss" was Peter Carey's astonishing first novel, originally published in 1981 - a fast-moving extravaganza, both funny and gripping, about a man who, recovering from death, is convinced that he is in Hell. For the first time in his life, Harry Joy sees the world as it really is and takes up a notebook to explore and notate the true nature of the Underworld. As in his stories and some of his later novels, it is Peter Carey's achievement in "Bliss" to create a brilliant but totally believable fusion of ordinary experience with the crazier fantasies of the mind. This powerful and original novel is a love story about a man who misunderstands the world so totally that he almost gets it right.