Andrew Taylor has written over 25 crime novels, and won many awards for his books. His best selling historical crime novel THE AMERICAN BOY was selected by Richard and Judy's book club. This new story is set in Bleeding Heart Square in the 1930s. In case you were wondering, there is no 'Bleeding Heart Square' in London, but there is a 'Bleeding Heart Yard'. It is apparently named after Elizabeth Hatton, a 17th century society beauty who was murdered one night in 1626 after a ball, and her body found in the Yard torn limb from limb and with her heart ...
Winner of the 1998 Nobel Prize for Literature. A city is hit by an epidemic of 'white blindness.' The blindness spreads, sparing no one. Authorities confine the blind to a vacant mental hospital secured by armed guards. Inside, the criminal element among the blind hold the rest captive: food rations are stolen, women are raped. There is one eyewitness to this nightmare who guides seven strangers through the barren streets. The developments within this oddly anonymous group -- the first blind man, the old man with the black eye patch, the girl with dark glasses, the boy with no mother, and the dog of tears -- are as uncanny as the surrounding chaos is harrowing.A parable of loss and disorientation, of man's worst appetities and hopeless weaknesses,is one of the most challenging, thought-provoking, and ultimately exhilarating novels published in any language in recent years.
"Bliss" was Peter Carey's astonishing first novel, originally published in 1981 - a fast-moving extravaganza, both funny and gripping, about a man who, recovering from death, is convinced that he is in Hell. For the first time in his life, Harry Joy sees the world as it really is and takes up a notebook to explore and notate the true nature of the Underworld. As in his stories and some of his later novels, it is Peter Carey's achievement in "Bliss" to create a brilliant but totally believable fusion of ordinary experience with the crazier fantasies of the mind. This powerful and original novel is a love story about a man who misunderstands the world so totally that he almost gets it right.
Jody never asked to become a vampire. But when she wakes up under an alley dumpster with a badly burned arm, an aching neck, superhuman strength, and a distinctly Nosferatuan thirst, she realizes the decision has been made for her. Making the transition from the nine-to-five grind to an eternity of nocturnal prowlings is going to take some doing, however, and that's where C. Thomas Flood fits in. A would-be Kerouac from Incontinence, Indiana, Tommy (to his friends) is biding his time night-clerking and frozen turkey bowling in a San Francisco Safeway. But all that changes when a beautiful, ...
Sir Giles Lynchwood, millionaire property developer and Tory MP, is determined to see a motorway driven through the ancestral home of his spouse, Lady Maud. As local opposition grows, the MP is devoured by lions, and Lady Maud marries her gardener, Blott.
Александр Вяльцев — родился в 1962 году в Москве. Учился в Архитектурном институте. Печатался в “Знамени”, “Континенте”, “Независимой газете”, “Литературной газете”, “Юности”, “Огоньке” и других литературных изданиях. Живет в Москве.
Named one of the best books of 1999 by the Los Angeles Times, Gordon's novel takes on the difficult subject of a young girl coming of age and falling in love with an older woman, her psychiatrist.
An?bal iturralde es un delincuente sin escr?pulos. V?ctor, su hijo, un muchacho de car?cter d?bil que necesita protecci?n, y para eso est? Olsen, un pistolero temerario y con buena punter?a, a quien le repugna matar.Olsen es tambi?n un macho de arrebatada sexualidad y a la vez un individuo taciturno con problemas de conciencia. Un hombre traicionado que planea vengarse, un ma?oso ladr?n de autom?viles y un amante susceptible. Y a?n as?, todas estas caracter?sticas no acaban de definirlo: su origen es incierto, tanto como sus instintos y designios.En el umbral de la madurez, Olsen descubre en su ser una realidad que lo sorprende y desconcierta.Bolero es novela negra y novela de amor, pero sobre todo una indagaci?n sobre la amistad y el destino.
In Bookends, four friends in their 30s cope with changes. Following a dream, Cath is leaving a stable job to open a bookstore with her friend Lucy. Meanwhile, Lucy's husband, Josh, seems to be straying into the arms of an old college flame, and longtime friend Simon finds that his new beau is not winning favor among his dearest friends.
Antoine cree que el mejor regalo que puede hacerle a su hermana es un viaje al lugar donde iban de vacaciones en su infancia. Pero este viaje trastocar? sus vidas actuales por culpa de un impactante hecho que presenciaron siendo unos ni?os y que ahora recordar?n con lucidez.Recordar la infancia puede despertar momentos anquilosados en la mente que har?n que la vida no vuelva a ser la misma.Hay recuerdos que siempre vuelven… para quedarse.
From The Washington PostReviewed by Judy BudnitzDoes government-sanctioned suicide offer the same potential for satire as, say, the consumption of children? Possibly. One need only look to Kurt Vonnegut's story "Welcome to the Monkey House," with its "Federal Ethical Suicide Parlors" staffed by Juno-esque hostesses in purple body stockings. Or the recent film "Children of Men," in which television commercials for a suicide drug mimic, to an unsettling degree, the sunsets-and-soothing-voices style of real pharmaceutical ads. Now, Christopher Buckley ventures into a not-too-distant future to engage the subject in his new novel, Boomsday.Here's ...
El texto nos remite a un pasado argentino, a la oculta sordidez de un mundo de novela rosa transcrito con implacable objetividad a trav?s del calco par?dico de los clich?s del lenguaje period?stico, de la impasibilidad feroz de las descripciones aparentemente neutras, de la trivialidad exasperante de unas vidas despersonalizadas.Nen?, varias d?cadas despu?s, a?n conserva las cartas de su antiguo enamorado, Juan Carlos, a pesar de su actual matrimonio. Don Juan Carlos ya fallecido en un sanatorio v?ctima de la tuberculosis, se va reconstruyendo, mediante la intimidad de unos seres rencorosos o inocentes, esa relaci?n amorosa acontecida en la Argentina de los a?os treinta.
Brand-new stories by: Dennis Lehane, Stewart O'Nan, Patricia Powell, John Dufresne, Lynne Heitman, Don Lee, Russ Aborn, Itabari Njeri, Jim Fusilli, Brendan DuBois, and Dana Cameron.Dennis Lehane (Mystic River , The Given Day) has proven himself to be a master of both crime fiction and literary fiction. Here, he extends his literary prowess to that of master curator. In keeping with the Akashic Noir series tradition, each story in Boston Noir is set in a different neighborhood of the city-the impressively diverse collection extends from Roxbury to Cambridge, from Southie to the Boston Harbor, and all stops in ...
Brand-new stories by: Dennis Lehane, Stewart O'Nan, Patricia Powell, John Dufresne, Lynne Heitman, Don Lee, Russ Aborn, Itabari Njeri, Jim Fusilli, Brendan DuBois, and Dana Cameron.Dennis Lehane (Mystic River , The Given Day) has proven himself to be a master of both crime fiction and literary fiction. Here, he extends his literary prowess to that of master curator. In keeping with the Akashic Noir series tradition, each story in Boston Noir is set in a different neighborhood of the city-the impressively diverse collection extends from Roxbury to Cambridge, from Southie to the Boston Harbor, and all stops in ...
Boy Meets Boy is a young adult novel by David Levithan, published in 2003. It is set in a gay-friendly small town in America, and describes a few weeks in the lives of a group of high school students. As the title suggests, the central story follows the standard romantic plotline usually known as "boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl" except that the main characters are both boys, the narrator Paul and newcomer Noah. The novel won a Lambda Literary Award.
W po?arze, kt?ry wybucha w s?ynnej katedrze tury?skiej, ginie m??czyzna pozbawiony j?zyka i linii papilarnych, prawdopodobnie rabu?. Podobne pr?by w?amania, a nawet po?ary, mia?y wielokrotnie miejsce w przesz?o?ci, na przestrzeni wiek?w. Sprawcy pozostawali zawsze anonimowi, nie dawa?o si? ustali? ich to?samo?ci. Spraw? zajmuje si? policyjny wydzia? do spraw dzie? sztuki. Okazuje si?, ?e rozwi?zania zagadki nale?y szuka? w historii. ?ledztwo, kt?re prowadzi komisarz Marco Valoni, historyk sztuki Sofia Galloni oraz dociekliwa dziennikarka Ana Jimenez ujawnia, ?e w?amywacze pochodz? z tego samego ?rodowiska, wsp?lnoty chrze?cija?skiej z miasta Urfa, antycznej Eddessy.Obiektem ich zainteresowania jest najcenniejsza relikwia chrze?cija?stwa: Syndon, po?miertna szata Chrystusa.
Trigiani's sequel to Very Valentine is a sweet second act for shoemaker and designer Valentine Roncalli. Val takes over the New York family-run shoe business with feet-of-clay older brother, Alfred; falls for the dashing, older Gianluca in Italy; and takes a business risk in South America, where she unearths a dusty chapter of family history. There are plenty of picturesque globe-trotting adventures in Tuscany, Manhattan, and Buenos Aires, and, for artistic and independent Val, a grown-up commitment evolves. There is no art without love. Only love can open someone up to the possibilities of living and creating art, Val ...
Holly Golightly is generally up all night drinking cocktails and breaking hearts. She hasn't got a past. She doesn't want to belong to anything or anyone, not even to her one-eyed rag-bag pirate of a cat. One day Holly might find somewhere she belongs.