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Книги 33001—33025 из 33971.
  • Sentido y Sensibilidad
  • Austen Jane
  • Жанр: Классическая проза
  • Reglas y emociones. Deberes y devociones. Ubicada en la Inglaterra de principios del siglo XIX, Sentido y sensibilidad presenta las alegr?as y sinsabores de las hermanas Dashwood. Desamparadas tras la muerte de su padre y a merced de su medio hermano, Elinor y Marianne deber?n enfrentarse a los contrastes del amor y a las exigencias de la sociedad, siempre acompa?adas de su madre y su hermana menor. Est?n ya en edad casadera y sin embargo, ni su car?cter ni sus habilidades las ayudan a concretar una relaci?n. El tiempo sigue pasando y todo ...

  • Sereno en el peligro
  • Silva Lorenzo
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • Sereno en el peligro. La aventura hist?rica de la Guardia Civil ofrece un recorrido por el devenir espa?ol, desde 1844, en busca de una l?nea vertebradora que nos explique lo que de excepci?n tiene un cuerpo de seguridad p?blica que se conoce con el apelativo de benem?rito: sus peculiaridades, sus claroscuros, sus miserias y, pese a todo, sus glorias. Lorenzo Silva, que ya conoce el ?xito con sus novelas sobre los guardias civiles Bevilacqua y Chamorro, se aventura por el ensayo en busca del «car?cter de esta peculiar instituci?n y de los hombres, y m?s recientemente mujeres, que la integran». Contra los t?picos m?s arraigados, que sobre el Cuerpo existen, esta obra presenta una interpretaci?n personal del papel hist?rico de la instituci?n. Muchos espa?oles todav?a la ven como una entidad reaccionaria, cuando en realidad es una creaci?n de la Espa?a liberal y ha sido hist?ricamente motor de progreso.

  • Sex and Violence
  • Козлов Владимир
  • Серия: Гопники
  • Жанр: Контркультура
  • Во дворе девятиэтажного дома, возле гаражей-«ракушек», четверо подростков – им лет по шестнадцать-семнадцать – бьют ногами парня постарше, который лежит на земле и пытается закрыть лицо руками. В стороне стоят две девушки. Им тоже лет по шестнадцать, и они, не отрываясь, наблюдают за избиением. Уже поздно, около часа ночи, и в окрестных домах светятся только несколько окон....

  • Sex. Убийство. Миллион
  • Арфуш Валид
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • В запутанный клубок сплетаются судьбы героев — братьев Саймона и Давида, родившихся в солнечном городке Испании. Жизнь приготовила им массу сюрпризов и неожиданных поворотов: переезд в СССР, первый заработок, убийство, бездомная жизнь во Франции, тернистый путь к успеху в Украине. О том, как люди бывают одиноки, счастливы и богаты; о цене дружбы, предательства и силе Любви; о том, как заработать миллион и стать знаменитым; о сексе, мечтах и незабываемых приключениях — «Sex. Убийство. Миллион» никого не оставит равнодушным.

  • Shadow Country
  • Matthiessen Peter
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • 2008 NATIONAL BOOK AWARD WINNERPeter Matthiessen's great American epic-Killing Mister Watson, Lost Man's River, and Bone by Bone-was conceived as one vast mysterious novel, but because of its length it was originally broken up into three books. In this bold new rendering, Matthiessen has cut nearly a third of the overall text and collapsed the time frame while deepening the insights and motivations of his characters with brilliant rewriting throughout. In Shadow Country, he has marvelously distilled a monumental work, realizing his original vision.Inspired by a near-mythic event of the wild Florida frontier at the turn ...

  • Shadowgame
  • Feehan Christine
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • The classified experiment is the brainchild of renowned scientist Peter Whitney and his brilliant daughter, Lily. Created to enhance the psychic abilities of an elite squadron, it can transform their natural mental powers into a unique military weapon. But something goes wrong. In the isolated underground labs, the men have been dying-victims of bizarre accidents. Captain Ryland Miller knows he is next. When Dr. Whitney himself is murdered, Ryland has only one person left to trust: the beautiful Lily. Possessed of an uncanny sixth sense herself, Lily shares Ryland's every new fear, every betrayal, every growing suspicion, and every passionate beat of the heart. Together, they will be drawn deeper into the labyrinth of her father's past…and closer to a secret that someone would kill to keep hidden.

  • Shalimar the Clown
  • Rushdie Salman
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • The Man Booker Prize (nominee)Whitbread Prize (nominee)International IMPAC Dublin Literary Awards (nominee)Los Angeles, 1991. Ambassador Maximilian Ophuls, one of the makers of the modern world, is murdered in broad daylight on his illegitimate daughter India's doorstep, slaughtered by a knife wielded by his Kashmiri Muslim driver, a myscerious figure who calls himself Shalimar the clown. The dead man is a World War II Resistance hero, a man of formidable intellectual ability and much erotic appeal, a former US ambassador to India and subsequently America's counter-terrorism chief. The murder looks at first like a political ...

  • Shanghai Baby
  • Hui Wei
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Coc? cive con su novio, Tiantian, un joven de una sensibilidad extraordinaria que tiene un grave problema de impotencia y que, a pesar de amar intensamente a Coc?, no puede satisfacerla sexualmente.En una fiesta, Coc? conoce a Mark, un alem?n casado con quien iniciar? una aventura basada en la mutua atracci?n sexual pero que, inevitablemente, se ir? desplazando hacia el centro mismo de sus ser. En medio del caos emocional, la voz de Coc? nos muestra c?mo el amor y el deseo tienen a menudo caminos separados y nos transmite una inesperada y conmovedora sensaci?n de verdad.Shangai Baby es tambi?n el retrato de la fascinante ciudad de Shangai en la actualidad. Despu?s de varios libros de ?xito que nos han transportado al Oriente de las geishas y sus tradiciones, esta novela nos habla de la vida en la China de hoy.

  • Shanghai Baby (chinese)
  • Hui Wei
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • From Publishers WeeklyAlthough it caused an uproar in the author's native China, Western readers will find 27-year-old Wei Hui's semiautobiographical offering reminiscent of fiction by the brat pack writers of the '80s, though more clich‚d and less edgy. Waitress Nikki "but my friends call me Coco after Coco Chanel" is in love with Tian Tian, a melancholy and impotent artist who falls prey to narcotics. Coco loves him madly, but not so madly that she wants to give up sex, and this is why she's also been seeing Mark, a married German businessman. Coco's deceptions, ...

  • Shanghai Girls
  • See Lisa
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • For readers of the phenomenal bestsellers Snow Flower and the Secret Fan and Peony in Love-a stunning new novel from Lisa See about two sisters who leave Shanghai to find new lives in 1930s Los Angeles.May and Pearl, two sisters living in Shanghai in the mid-1930s, are beautiful, sophisticated, and well-educated, but their family is on the verge of bankruptcy. Hoping to improve their social standing, May and Pearl ’s parents arrange for their daughters to marry “ Gold Mountain men” who have come from Los Angeles to find brides.But when the sisters leave China ...

  • Shattered Image
  • Margos J.
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Forensic sculptor Toni Sullivan's job takes her to crime scenes to put faces to victims. Shaping the clay always gives her a sense of purpose and order, but that all changes when she feels a mysterious connection to the victim found on Red Bud Isle.When Toni accepts another assignment that may officially prove an old friend is dead, memories of her nursing days in Vietnam begin to haunt her.Suddenly, her calm professionalism is gone. To find peace, she'll do whatever it takes to unmask a murderer. But where will she find the strength to handle the traumatic legacy of the past?

  • Ships Life, или «Океаны нам по щиколотку!»
  • Пуаро Алина
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Вы когда-нибудь были на круизном лайнере? А хотели бы? А если вам всего 25 и вы вдруг оказываетесь на огромном белом корабле, ходящем по всем уголкам Европы? Молодо-зелено, все в новинку, сплошные приключения, все впопыхах и всем здорово весело.Читайте, плачьте и смейтесь вместе с героями — каждый день новый порт, новая страна, новые встречи и новые расставанья. Попробуйте-ка не сойти с ума! А хуже всего — то, что все описанное произошло на самом деле…

  • Shopgirl
  • Martin Steve
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Steve Martin's first foray into fiction is as assured as it is surprising. Set in Los Angeles, its fascination with the surreal body fascism of the upper classes feels like the comedian's familiar territory, but the shopgirl of the book's title may surprise his fans. Mirabelle works in the glove department of Neiman's, "selling things that nobody buys any more." Spending her days waiting for customers to appear, Mirabelle "looks like a puppy standing on its hind legs, and the two brown dots of her eyes, set in the china plate of her face, make her seem very cute ...

  • Shroud
  • Banville John
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • One part Nietzsche, one part Humbert Humbert, and a soupcon of Milton's Lucifer, Axel Vander, the dizzyingly unreliable narrator of John Banville's masterful new novel, is very old, recently widowed, and the bearer of a fearsome reputation as a literary dandy and bully. A product of the Old World, he is also an escapee from its conflagrations, with the wounds to prove it. And everything about him is a lie.Now those lies have been unraveled by a mysterious young woman whom Vander calls "Miss Nemesis." They are to meet in Turin, a city best known for its ...

  • Si c?tait ? refaire
  • Levy Marc
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Andrew Stilman, grand reporter au New York Times, vient de se marier.Le 9 juillet 2012 au matin, il court le long de l’Hudson River quand il est soudainement agress?. Une douleur fulgurante lui transperce le dos, il s’effondre dans une mare de sang.Andrew reprend connaissance le 9 mai 2012... Deux mois plus t?t, deux mois avant son mariage.? compter de cette minute, il a soixante jours pour d?couvrir son assassin, soixante jours pour d?jouer le destin.De New York ? Buenos Aires, il est pr?cipit? dans un engrenage vertigineux. Une course contre la montre, entre suspense et passion, jusqu’au d?nouement... ? couper le souffle.

  • Si cest un homme
  • Леви Примо
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • "On est volontiers persuad? d'avoir lu beaucoup de choses ? propos de l'holocauste, on est convaincu d'en savoir au moins autant. Et, convenons-en avec une sinc?rit? ?gale au sentiment de la honte, quelquefois, devant l'accumulation, on a envie de crier gr?ce. C'est que l'on n'a pas encore entendu Levi analyser la nature complexe de l'?tat du malheur. Peu l'ont prouv? aussi bien que Levi, qui a l'air de nous retenir par les basques au bord du mena?ant oubli : si la litt?rature n'est pas ?crite pour rappeler les morts aux vivants, elle n'est que futilit?." Angelo Rinaldi." 'Si c'est un homme', occupe une place centrale dans la litt?rature de t?moignage sur l'extermination des Juifs d'Europe et l'univers concentrationnaire."J.-B. Marongiu – "Lib?ration"