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Книги 32901—32925 из 33971.
  • Requiem
  • Itani Frances
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • “Remarkable … delicately probes the complex adjustments we make to live with our sorrows…. [A] perfectly modulated novel.”—An extraordinary researcher and scholar of detail, Frances Itani—author of the best-selling novel —excels at weaving breathtaking fiction from true-life events. In her new novel, she traces the lives, loves, and secrets in one Japanese-Canadian family during and after their internment in the 1940s.In 1942, in retaliation for the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Canadian government removed Bin Okuma’s family from their home on British Columbia’s west coast and forced them into internment camps. They ...

  • Requiem For A Lost Empire
  • Makine Andrei
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • In Makine's fifth novel, the memories of an unnamed narrator weave through the 20th century as he recalls episodes in the life of his family-experiences that include those of a battlefield doctor in Afghanistan who was also a KGB agent, a Russian villager who defied the Soviet regime, and a man who swears to avenge the death of his beloved.This luminous, beautifully crafted new novel by much-praised Russian ‚migr‚ author Makine (Dreams of My Russian Summers, etc.) takes as its subject three generations of a Russian family, caught in the violent political struggles of the 20th century. ...

  • Requiem pour lEst
  • Makine Andrei
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Je me savais a present incapable de dire la verite de notre temps. Je n'etais ni un temoin objectif, ni un historien, ni surtout un sage moraliste. Je pouvais tout simplement reprendre ce recit interrompu alors par la nuit, par les routes qui nous attendaient, par les nouvelles guerres.» Un medecin militaire, engage par les services de renseignements sovietiques, retrace l'hallucinant destin de son grand-pere Nikolai et de son pere Pavel, les oppressions des annees 20, les purges, les violences nazies et la Seconde Guerre mondiale… Un chant pour les morts d'hier et aujourd'hui, une tragedie jalonnee de crimes, de ...

  • Resp?ndeme
  • Tamaro Susanna
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • La nueva novela de Susanna Tamaro es un tr?ptico narrativo en torno a la presencia dominante del mal en la sociedad de hoy. Traducida por Justo Navarro, Resp?ndeme recoge tres historias absolutamente contempor?neas marcadas por la violencia, la crueldad y el desamparo. Una violencia cotidiana que se manifiesta en la propia familia y se oculta tras una falsa imagen de respetabilidad. Sus personajes muestran una desesperaci?n extrema, pero tambi?n, y siempre desde el filo, un extraordinario sentido del compromiso inherente al hecho de estar vivos. Rosa, una adolescente hu?rfana de una prostituta, evoca ...

  • Responso
  • Saer Juan
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • En algo m?s de seis horas, desde la salida de la casa de Concepci?n cuando empezaba a anochecer hasta el alba del d?a siguiente, Barrios sentir? que el pasado, aunque reciente, es irrevocable. ?C?mo hab?an sucedido las cosas? y, m?s a?n, ?por qu? hab?an sucedido? El progresivo deterioro del sujeto, el autoritarismo del que es v?ctima y el peso de la conciencia van delineando a un personaje atravesado por una profunda precariedad: la existencia misma. Todos los n?cleos de la escritura de Juan Jos? Saer se anticiparon en esta ...

  • Restless
  • Boyd William
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • What happens to your life when everything you though you knew about your mother turns out to be an elaborate lie? During the long hot summer of 1976, Ruth Gilmartin discovers that her very English mother Sally is really Eva Delectorskaya, a Russian ?migr? and one-time spy.In 1939 Eva is a beautiful 28-year-old living in Paris. As war breaks out, she is recruited for the British Secret Service by Lucas Romer, a mysterious, patrician Englishman. Under his tutelage she learns to become the perfect spy, to mask her emotions and trust no one. Even those she loves most....

  • Restoration
  • Tremain Rose
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • Robert Merivel, who has studied to be a physician, is appointed, ironically, to be veterinarian for the spaniels of King Charles II, who has recently been restored to the throne following the death of Oliver Cromwell. Merivel enjoys the gaiety and frivolity of court life, and, a bit of a fool, he entertains the king. The king's decision to placate one of his lovers by marrying off his favorite mistress to Robert Merivel, spells the beginning of the end for Merivel's tenuous fortunes. Warned not to fall in love with his wife, Celia Clemence, since the king intends to ...

  • Ri?a de Gatos. Madrid 1936
  • Mendoza Eduardo
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Premio Planeta 2010Esta novela obtuvo el Premio Planeta 2010, concedido por el siguiente jurado: Alberto Blecua, ?ngeles Caso, Juan Eslava Gal?n, Pere Gimferrer, Carmen Posadas, Carlos Pujol y Rosa Reg?s.Un ingl?s llamado Anthony Whitelands llega a bordo de un tren al Madrid convulso de la primavera de 1936. Deber? autenticar un cuadro desconocido, perteneciente a un amigo de Jos? Antonio Primo de Rivera, cuyo valor econ?mico puede resultar determinante para favorecer un cambio pol?tico crucial en la Historia de Espa?a. Turbulentos amores con mujeres de distintas clases sociales distraen al cr?tico ...

  • Right to Life
  • Ketcham Jack
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Unlike Jack Ketchum's earlier novel, LADIES NIGHT, his newest one, RIGHT TO LIFE, definitely has the shoe on the other foot as a pregnant woman becomes the victim of a deranged married couple that kidnap her right off the street and hold her captive for several months while she's forced to endure their bizarre SM games. The 139-page novella starts off with Sara Foster on her way to an abortion clinic to do away with the unwanted child that she's now carrying. Before Sara can even enter the clinic, she's grabbed and sedated by Stephen and Katherine Teach-a couple ...

  • Rites of Spring (Break)
  • Peterfreund Diana
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • From 'witty and endearing' to 'impossible to put down,' the critics have given elite marks to Diana Peterfreund's Secret Society Girl and Under the Rose. Now, in a wildly captivating new novel, Amy 'Bugaboo' Haskel and her fellow Rose & Grave knights are trading cold, gray, hyperintellectual New Haven for an annual rite of spring (well, early March) in Florida.For Amy, a week of R&R on her secret society's private island should be all fun in the sun - and an escape from an on-campus feud with a rival society that's turned disturbingly personal. But along ...

  • Romans na recept?
  • Szwaja Monika
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • G??wna bohaterka, Eulalia, jest reporterk? telewizyjn?, kocha g?ry i robienie film?w o nich. Ma prac?, dom, samoch?d, dwoje dzieci, nawet przyjaci??. W?a?ciwie to Eulalia ma wszystko poza sta?ym m??czyzn?. A ?e mimo wyra?nego post?pu w umniejszaniu m??czyzny dzisiejsza kobieta wyzwolona nie zawsze radzi sobie bez onego i czasem nawet brakuje jej przyjemno?ci z nim zwi?zanych, pani reporter zaczyna bystrzej spogl?da? na otaczaj?cych j? pan?w. Okazuje si?, ?e nie jest z nimi tak ?le… ten i ?w mo?e by si? nawet do czego? nadawa?.