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Книги 32976—33000 из 33968.

  • Schindlers Ark
  • Keneally Thomas
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • ( in USA) is a remarkable work of fiction based on the true story of German industrialist and war profiteer, Oskar Schindler, who, confronted with the horror of the extermination camps, gambled his life and fortune to rescue 1,300 Jews from the gas chambers. Working with the actual testimony of Schindler’s Jews, Thomas Keneally artfully depicts the courage and shrewdness of an unlikely savior, a man who is a flawed mixture of hedonism and decency and who, in the presence of unutterable evil, transcends the limits of his own humanity.From From

  • Schmetterling und Taucherglocke
  • Bauby Jean-Dominique
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Ein Gehirnschlag beendete Ende letzten Jahres das allt?gliche, das «normale» Leben des vierundvierzigj?hrigen Jean-Dominique Bauby, der bis dahin Chefredakteur der Zeitschrift «Elle» war und von da an nur noch vier Monate zu leben hatte. Bauby nutzte seine Zeit, um alles, was ihn bewegte, zu Papier zu bringen. Doch er selber sollte dazu gar nicht mehr in der Lage sein, war er doch vollst?ndig gel?hmt und dazu verdammt, nur noch mit dem linken Auge zu blinzeln.Mittels eines Spezialalphabets, das sich an der H?ufigkeit der Vokale und Konsonanten im Franz?sischen orientierte, diktierte er der Lektorin Claude Mendibil fortan alles, was ihn bewegte – mittels Lidschlag: Aus seiner abgeschirmten Taucherglocke heraus funkte bzw. blinzelte er auf diese Weise empfindsame letzte Nachrichten an eine Welt, die f?r ihn schon unerreichbar weit weg war.

  • Schwarzer Valentinstag
  • Bentele G?nther
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • Stuttgart im 14. Jahrhundert: Drei geheimnisvolle Zahlen ver?ndern Christophs Leben grundlegend. Wegen dieser Zahlen, die f?r eine explosive Formel stehen, wird sein Vater, ein reicher Gew?rzh?ndler, gefoltert und anschlie?end aus der Stadt verbannt. Als der Vater an den Folgen der Folter stirbt, macht sich Christoph auf die Suche nach seinen M?rdern. Der Bietigheimer Lehrer Bentele, der f?r seinen Jugendroman „Wolfsjahre“ mit dem Friedrich-Gerst?cker-Preis ausgezeichnet wurde, verkn?pft Motive aus dem Kriminalroman mit historisch ?berlieferten Fakten und schildert detailliert das Aufkommen der verheerendsten Seuche des Mittelalters, der Pest. Wieder einmal werden die Juden als vermeintliche Verursacher dieser Gei?el der Menschheit zur Verantwortung gezogen. Bentele beschreibt glaubw?rdig, wie Hass, Vorurteile und Verzweiflung zu einem bestialischen Pogrom f?hren; er bem?ht sich um eine objektive Analyse historischer Entwicklungen.

  • Sea of Poppies
  • Ghosh Amitav
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • At the heart of this vibrant saga is a vast ship, the Ibis. Its destiny is a tumultuous voyage across the Indian Ocean; its purpose, to fight China 's vicious nineteenth-century Opium Wars. As for the crew, they are a motley array of sailors and stowaways, coolies and convicts.In a time of colonial upheaval, fate has thrown together a diverse cast of Indians and Westerners, from a bankrupt raja to a widowed tribeswoman, from a mulatto American freedman to a freespirited French orphan. As their old family ties are washed away, they, like their historical counterparts, come ...

  • Secret Society
  • Miasha
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • It's 2001, and Celess and Tina are at the top of their game. With Celess's fine features and Tina's voluptuous body, they attract attention from men wherever they go. From New York to Philly to Delaware, they hit all the clubs and every big party with the baddest outfits. And they don't pay for a thing. Celess has no job and no need to worry about getting one, not with boyfriends like O, Tariq, and James lining up to buy her the latest designer clothes, the hottest jewelry, and the most expensive cars.But Tina's and Celess's fast, packed lives are about to catch up with them. The two share a devastating secret, and when it's revealed, Celess will need every ounce of her street smarts to survive. This book has a twist that will leave you shocked!

  • Secret Society Girl
  • Peterfreund Diana
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • In a fabulous blend of the bestselling traditions of and , takes us into the heart of the Ivy League's ultraexclusive secret societies when a young woman is invited to join as one of their first female members. Elite Eli University junior Amy Haskel never expected to be tapped into Rose & Grave, the country's most powerful - and notorious - secret society. She isn't rich, politically connected, or.well, male. So when Amy receives the distinctive black-lined invitation with the Rose & Grave seal, she's blown away. Could they really mean her? Whisked off into an initiation rite ...

  • Secrets of Eden
  • Bohjalian Chris
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • From the bestselling author of The Double Bind, Midwives, and Skeletons at the Feast comes a novel of shattered faith, intimate secrets, and the delicate nature of sacrifice."There," says Alice Hayward to Reverend Stephen Drew, just after her baptism, and just before going home to the husband who will kill her that evening and then shoot himself. Drew, tortured by the cryptic finality of that short utterance, feels his faith in God slipping away and is saved from despair only by a meeting with Heather Laurent, the author of wildly successful, inspirational books about… angels.Heather ...

  • Seeing
  • Saramago Jose
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • On election day in the capital, it is raining so hard that no one has bothered to come out to vote. The politicians are growing jittery. What's going on? Should they reschedule the elections for another day? Around three o'clock, the rain finally stops. Promptly at four, voters rush to the polling stations, as if they had been ordered to appear.But when the ballots are counted, more than 70 percent are blank. The citizens are rebellious. A state of emergency is declared. The president proposes that a wall be built around the city to contain the revolution. But ...

  • Selfs Punishment
  • Schlink Bernhard
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Sixty-eight years old; a smoker of Sweet Aftons, a dedicated drinker of Aviateur cocktails, and the owner of a charismatic cat named Turbo, Gerhard Self is an unconventional private detective. When Self is summoned by his long-time friend and rival Korten to investigate several incidents of computer-hacking at a chemicals company, he finds himself dealing with an unfamiliar kind of crime that throws up many challenges. But in his search for the hacker, Self stumbles upon something far more sinister. His investigation eventually unearths dark secrets that have been hidden for decades, and forces Self to confront his own demons.

  • Senno??
  • Kuczok Wojciech
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Senno??, nowa powie?? Wojciecha Kuczoka to ksi??ka filmowa. Jej pierwszym szkicem by? scenariusz pod tym samym tytu?em, napisany na zam?wienie re?yserki Magdaleny Piekorz. Adam jest m?odym lekarzem naznaczonym pi?tnem tradycyjnego, prowincjonalnego wychowania. Rodzice lokuj? w nim wszystkie ambicje, jednak on, skrywaj?cy sw?j homoseksualizm i dr?czony poczuciem winy, wie, ?e nigdy ich nie zadowoli. Robert to rozgoryczony autor jednej wybitnej ksi??ki. Pozostaj?c pod dozorem ?ony i jej koszmarnej rodziny, od lat nie napisa? ani s?owa. Jego pracownia coraz bardziej staje si? dla niego wi?zieniem. R??a by?...

  • Sentido y Sensibilidad
  • Austen Jane
  • Жанр: Классическая проза
  • Reglas y emociones. Deberes y devociones. Ubicada en la Inglaterra de principios del siglo XIX, Sentido y sensibilidad presenta las alegr?as y sinsabores de las hermanas Dashwood. Desamparadas tras la muerte de su padre y a merced de su medio hermano, Elinor y Marianne deber?n enfrentarse a los contrastes del amor y a las exigencias de la sociedad, siempre acompa?adas de su madre y su hermana menor. Est?n ya en edad casadera y sin embargo, ni su car?cter ni sus habilidades las ayudan a concretar una relaci?n. El tiempo sigue pasando y todo ...