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Книги 33076—33100 из 33971.

  • Soul Mountain (chinese)
  • Xingjian Gao
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • "Soul Mountain is one of those singular literary creations that seem impossible to compare with anything but themselves… In the writing of Gao Xingjian literature is born anew from the struggle of the individual to survive the history of the masses."– from the citation of the Nobel Prize committee of the Swedish AcademyWhen this year's Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded to Chinese expatriate novelist and playwright Gao Xingjian, few in the English-speaking West were familiar with his work. Gao's masterpiece, SOUL MOUNTAIN (PerfectBound, an e-book from HarperCollins; February 20, 2001; $19.95), is a dazzling kaleidoscope of fiction, philosophy, ...

  • Sourland
  • Oates Joyce
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Oates's latest collection explores certain favorite Oatesian themes, primary among them violence, loss, and privilege. Three of the stories feature white, upper-class, educated widows whose sheltered married lives have left them unprepared for life alone. In «Pumpkin-Head» and «Sourland», the widows-Hadley in the first story, Sophie in the second-encounter a class of Oatesian male: predatory, needy lurkers just out of prosperity's reach. In the first story, our lurker is Anton Kruppe, a Central European immigrant and vague acquaintance of Hadley whose frustrations boil over in a disastrous way. In the second story, Sophie is contacted by Jeremiah, an old ...

  • Sous Le Soleil De Satan
  • Bernanos Georges
  • Жанр: Классическая проза
  • Ce roman composite alterne r?cit biographique, lettres, digressions philosophiques et narration proprement dite, en un prologue et deux parties.Prologue. Germaine Malorthy, Mouchette, a seize ans. Elle r?v?le ? ses parents qu'elle est enceinte. Son p?re va demander r?paration au marquis de Cadignan, hobereau local, qu'il soup?onne d'avoir s?duit sa fille. Mais il n'en obtient rien et retourne sa col?re contre Mouchette. Celle-ci s'enfuit, va trouver Cadignan et se heurte aussi ? son incompr?hension. D?sesp?r?e, elle le tue…Premi?re partie. Au cours de la nuit de ...

  • Spisek przeciwko Ameryce
  • Roth Philip
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Philip Roth od lat diagnozuje Ameryk?, wykazuj?c krucho?? jej rzekomo fundamentalnej tolerancyjno?ci i demokracji. W swojej wielkiej ameryka?skiej trylogii – „Ameryka?ska sielanka”, „Po?lubi?am komunist?”, „Ludzka skaza” – odmalowuje wielokulturowego molocha spo?ecznego, podatnego na autodestruktywne fobie i mody ideologiczne: lewacki anarchizm, prawicowy despotyzm, rasizm.„Spisek przeciwko Ameryce” wpisuje si? w?a?nie w ten najlepszy nurt pisarstwa wielokrotnego kandydata do literackiego Nobla, godnego nast?pcy wielkich mistrz?w prozy zza oceanu. W tej powie?ci Roth poddaje Ameryk? eksperymentowi historii alternatywnej: co by by?o gdyby w roku 1940, u szczytu szalej?cej za Altantykiem ...

  • Spook Country
  • Gibson William
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Now that the present has caught up with William Gibson's vision of the future, which made him the most influential science fiction writer of the past quarter century, he has started writing about a time-our time-in which everyday life feels like science fiction. With his previous novel, , the challenge of writing about the present-day world drove him to create perhaps his best novel yet, and in he remains at the top of his game. It's a stripped-down thriller that reads like the best DeLillo (or the best Gibson), with the lives of a half-dozen evocative characters connected by a tightly converging plot and by the general senses of unease and wonder in our networked, post-9/11 time.

  • Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk
  • Sedaris David
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • A collection of storiesFeaturing David Sedaris's unique blend of hilarity and heart, this new collection of keen-eyed animal-themed tales is an utter delight. Though the characters may not be human, the situations in these stories bear an uncanny resemblance to the insanity of everyday life.In "The Toad, the Turtle, and the Duck," three strangers commiserate about animal bureaucracy while waiting in a complaint line. In "Hello Kitty," a cynical feline struggles to sit through his prison-mandated AA meetings. In "The Squirrel and the Chipmunk," a pair of star-crossed lovers is separated by prejudiced family members.

  • St?sts par ?stu cilv?ku
  • Po?evojs Boriss
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • St?sta pamatos — patiess notikums par Padomju Savien?bas Varo?a lidot?j? izn?cin?t?ja A. Maresjeva varon?bu (st?st? Meresjevs).Autors vienk?r?iem v?rdiem st?sta par padomju lidot?ja gribassp?ku un varon?bu. ?is lidot?js pazaud? kar? k?jas, bet nezaud? tic?bu sav?m sp?jam darboties avi?cij?. Vina m?lest?ba uz dzimteni un uz savu kara profesiju pal?dz vi?am p?rvar?t fizisko tr?kumu. Ar prot?z?m k?ju viet?, pilns tic?bas saviem sp?kiem, p?c neatlaid?gas tren??an?s, vi?? turpin?ja str?d?t k? lidot?js iz?nicin?t?js un ieg?st Padomju Savien?bas varo?a nosaukumu.Soci?listiskos apst?k?os temats par fizisku tr?kumu p?rv?r?as st?st? par padomju cilv?ka mor?lo sp?ku un skaistumu, par vi?a neatlaid?g?s koncentr?t?s gribas uzvaru. St?sta varonis m?ca p?rvar?t katru ???rsli, kas gad?s ce?? uz m?r?a sasnieg?anu.Tas, ka st?sta pamat? ir patiess notikums, padara to divtik interesantu.

  • Stalingrad, станция метро
  • Платова Виктория
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • …Вот зеркало. Оно терпеть тебя не может, потому и говорит: уходи, лучше тебе на меня не смотреть. Вот люди. Они терпеть тебя не могут, потому и говорят: уходи, лучше тебе не портить пейзаж. Вот человек. Он знать тебя не знает, потому и не говорит с тобой. А если бы знал, то поступил бы так же, как зеркало. Как люди, в чьих пейзажах тебе не место.Но есть другие зеркала. И другие люди. И другой человек. Они непременно увидели бы главное в тебе. И это главное прекрасно. Это главное — редкий дар. Осталось лишь найти их, и это совсем не так сложно, как кажется на первый взгляд…