A day like any other for security chief Tracy Waterhouse, until she makes a purchase she hadn't bargained for. One moment of madness is all it takes for Tracy 's humdrum world to be turned upside down, the tedium of everyday life replaced by fear and danger at every turn.Witnesses to Tracy 's Faustian exchange in the Merrion Centre in Leeds are Tilly, an elderly actress teetering on the brink of her own disaster, and Jackson Brodie, who has returned to his home county in search of someone else's roots. All three characters learn that the past is never history and that no good deed goes unpunished.Kate Atkinson dovetails and counterpoints her plots with Dickensian brilliance in a tale peopled with unlikely heroes and villains. Started Early, Took My Dog is freighted with wit, wisdom and a fierce moral intelligence. It confirms Kate Atkinson’s position as one of the great writers of our time.
Pharmaceutical researcher Dr. Marina Singh sets off into the Amazon jungle to find the remains and effects of a colleague who recently died under somewhat mysterious circumstances. But first she must locate Dr. Anneck Swenson, a renowned gynecologist who has spent years looking at the reproductive habits of a local tribe where women can conceive well into their middle ages and beyond. Eccentric and notoriously tough, Swenson is paid to find the key to this longstanding childbearing ability by the same company for which Dr. Singh works. Yet that isn’t their only connection: both have an overlapping professional ...
Tytu? powie?ci (oczywi?cie uk?on w stron? niezr?wnanej Jane Austen) sugeruje dwie bohaterki, i tak jest rzeczywi?cie: s? dwie, maj? dosy? r??ne charaktery i r??ne prowadz? ?ycie jedna jest kustoszk? w muzeum, druga luksusow? narzeczon? biznesmena. Ten, niestety, okazuje si? gangsterem, w dodatku pechowym: idzie siedzie?, a narzeczona zostaje na lodzie. Wraz z przyjaci??k? i przyjaci??mi przyjaci??ki rozpoczyna wi?c nowe ?ycie daleko od rodzinnego miasta, w podupadaj?cym o?rodku je?dzieckim, kt?ry zamierzaj? przekszta?ci? w kwitn?ce gospodarstwo agroturystyczne. ?adne z nich nie ma co prawda ...
Andrzej Zbych to pseudonim autorskiego duetu, kt?ry przeszed? do historii, tworz?c „Stawk? wi?ksz? ni? ?ycie”.O bohaterskich przygodach wojennych oficera polskiego wywiadu, dzia?aj?cego pod kryptonimem J-23. Przystojny Polak, w twarzowym mundurze oficera Abwehry, wygrywa II wojn? ?wiatow?! Wykrada najg??bsze tajemnice Rzeszy, ujawnia plany najwa?niejszych operacji wroga, kpi z wysi?k?w niemieckiego kontrwywiadu, o?miesza starania gestapo. W trudnej, niebezpiecznej s?u?bie pos?uguje si? przebieg?o?ci?, wdzi?kiem wobec dam, czujny okiem, mocnymi pi??ciami i ci?tym s?owem. Wkr?tce awansuje do stopnia kapitana, a nawet odznaczony zostaje niemieckim ?elaznym Krzy?em.
Andrzej Zbych to pseudonim autorskiego duetu, kt?ry przeszed? do historii, tworz?c „Stawk? wi?ksz? ni? ?ycie”.O bohaterskich przygodach wojennych oficera polskiego wywiadu, dzia?aj?cego pod kryptonimem J-23. Przystojny Polak, w twarzowym mundurze oficera Abwehry, wygrywa II wojn? ?wiatow?! Wykrada najg??bsze tajemnice Rzeszy, ujawnia plany najwa?niejszych operacji wroga, kpi z wysi?k?w niemieckiego kontrwywiadu, o?miesza starania gestapo. W trudnej, niebezpiecznej s?u?bie pos?uguje si? przebieg?o?ci?, wdzi?kiem wobec dam, czujny okiem, mocnymi pi??ciami i ci?tym s?owem. Wkr?tce awansuje do stopnia kapitana, a nawet odznaczony zostaje niemieckim ?elaznym Krzy?em.
A driving force behind the social revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, Hoffman inspired a generation to challenge the status quo. Meant as a practical guide for the aspiring hippie, captures Hoffman’s puckish tone and became a cult classic with over 200,000 copies sold. Outrageously illustrated by R. Crumb, it nevertheless conveys a serious message to all would-be revolutionaries: You don’t have to take it anymore. “All Power to the Imagination was his credo. Abbie was the best.”— Studs Terkel
The Carter House girls are divided when two of them go after the same guy. Rhiannon and Taylor are at serious odds, and before it’s over several girls get hurt.
Off the coast of Maine, Ruth Thomas is born into a feud fought for generations by two groups of local lobstermen over fishing rights for the waters that lie between their respective islands. At eighteen, she has returned from boarding school – smart as a whip, feisty, and irredeemably unromantic – determined to throw over her education and join the 'stern men' working the lobster boats. Gilbert utterly captures the American spirit through an unforgettable heroine who is destined for greatness – and love – despite herself.
Ekaterina Sedia resides in the Pinelands of New Jersey. Her new novel, The Secret History of Moscow, was published by Prime Books in November 2007. Her next one, The Alchemy of Stone, will be published in June 2008. Her short stories have sold to Analog, Baen's Universe, Fantasy Magazine, and Dark Wisdom, as well as the Japanese Dreams (Prime Books) and Magic in the Mirrorstone (Mirrorstone Books) anthologies. Visit her at www.ekaterinasedia.com.
In this newest installment of the Battlefields & Blessings series, is a 365 day collection of inspiring stories of courage perseverance and faith based on first-hand accounts of more than seventy individuals who have served in the war. Through multiple, never-before-told stories, readers will uncover the personal challenges of the battlefield. In you will discover the experiences and perspectives of deployed soldiers, chaplains, military wives and parents, organizers of humanitarian efforts, and veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.It has won the prestigious 2010 Gold Medal Award from the MWSA (Military’s Writers Society of America) and the 2010 Silver Medal Award ...
Безумная атмосфера рок-движения середины 70-х насквозь пронизывает этот роман. Даже его название («Stories We Could Tell») в точности повторяет название хита Тома Петти, звезды рок-музыки того времени. Истории, которые рассказывает нам автор, продолжаются всего один день, 16 августа 1977 года. Но для трех героев романа, работающих в музыкальном журнале, это не просто день. В этот день умер Элвис Пресли, король рок-н-ролла. Для одних это означает конец эпохи, лозунгом которой было знаменитое «Секс, наркотики, рок-н-ролл». Для других это всего лишь этап быстротечной и изменчивой жизни, один из многих…
From Paulette Jiles, the acclaimed New York Times bestselling author of Enemy Women, comes a poignant and unforgettable story of hardship, sacrifice, and strength in a tragic time-and of a desperate dream born of an undying faith in the arrival of a better day.Oil is king of East Texas during the darkest years of the Great Depression. The Stoddard girls-responsible Mayme, whip-smart tomboy Jeanine, and bookish Bea-know no life but an itinerant one, trailing their father from town to town as he searches for work on the pipelines and derricks; that is, when he's not spending his ...
Strafbataillon 999 – das ist eine jener Straf- und Bew?hrungseinheiten, die der Landser schlicht und treffend "Himmelfahrtskommandos" nannte. Deutsche Soldaten, die sich gr??tenteils nur geringf?giger Vergehen schuldig gemacht hatten, wurden darin zusammengefa?t und h?rtestem Drill unterworfen. Die M?nner kamen in den vordersten Linien zum Einsatz – ?berall da, wo es am gef?hrlichsten war, wo der Dreck am tiefsten und das Blut so wertlos war wie das Sp?lwasser der Feldk?che. Kein Wunder, da? von Tausenden nur eine Handvoll ?berlebte.
"Full of wonderful moments…Palahniuk's voice is so distinctive and intimate-he writes as though he is recounting a great story to a close friend." — Los Angeles Times"Step into Palahniuk's dark worldview and watch for what crawls out. These stories are true to him and no one else." — The Oregonian“One of the oddest and most oddly compelling collections to come along for some time.” —The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel“In Chuck Palahniuk’s world, the ride is fast, often disturbing, and there is never any holding back.” —The New Orleans Times-Picayune“Eccentric, idiosyncratic, and often ...
The 11 fantasies in this first collection from rising star Link are so quirky and exuberantly imagined that one is easily distracted from their surprisingly serious underpinnings of private pain and emotional estrangement. In "Water Off a Black Dog's Back," a na‹ve young man who has never known personal loss finds that the only way he can curry favor with his lover's physically afflicted family is to suffer a bizarre amputation. The protagonist in "Travels with the Snow Queen" reconsiders her fairy-tale romance when she deconstructs the clich‚s of traditional fairy tales and realizes that their heroines inevitably ...
Grand prix du roman de l'Acad?mie fran?aiseAm?lie, une jeune femme belge, vient de terminer ses ?tudes universitaires. Sa connaissance parfaite du japonais, langue qu'elle ma?trise pour y avoir v?cu dans son enfance, lui permet de d?crocher un contrat d'un an dans une prestigieuse entreprise de l'empire du soleil levant, la compagnie Yumimoto. Am?lie esp?re r?ussir dans ce pays qui la fascine tant. Fascin?e par la hi?rarchie d'entreprise japonaise, pr?cise et m?thodique, la jeune femme l'est d'autant plus par sa sup?rieure directe, l'intrigante et ...
Akcja powie?ci "Stworzenie ?wiata" toczy si? na prze?omie VI i V w.p.n.e. Narratorem i bohaterem jest Cyrus Spitama, wnuk Zoroastra, p??-Grek po matce, wychowany na dworze perskim za panowania Dariusza, przyjaciel jego nast?pcy, Kserksesa. Jako pose? perski podr??owa? po Indiach i Kr?lestwie ?rodka, Chinach, pod koniec ?ycia wys?any zosta? przez kolejnego w?adc?, Artakserksesa, do Aten, gdzie podyktowa? m?odemu krewnemu, Demokrytowi, dzieje swojego ?ycia. Z relacji tej poznamy intrygi i knowania haremowe w Suzie, walki kr?l?w w Indiach, wojny o hegemoni? w Chinach, poznamy te? Zoroastra, ...
Mit seinem eigenen Boot, der Snark, kreuzte Jack London zwei Jahre lang in der S?dsee. Die Erfahrungen dieser Zeit liegen den vierzehn Erz?hlungen dieses Bandes zugrunde, in denen das Leben der Insulaner, ihre Freiheitsliebe und die Brutalit?t beschrieben werden, mit der die Wei?en in die naivgrausame Welt der Eingeborenen einbrachen. Die kreisen um den nackten Existenzkampf der wei?en Abenteurer und um den Widerstand, den ihnen die Insulaner -vorwiegend Kannibalen und Kopfj?ger -entgegenbringen. Zauberglauben undKannibalismus werden mit Sklavenhandel und Hochmut der Wei?en konfrontiert. Auf beiden Seiten wird mit erbarmungsloser H?rte ...
Андрей Филатов работает копирайтером в столичном рекламном агентстве и хорошо знаком с кухней рекламного бизнеса изнутри. Впрочем, книга его не об этом. Вернее, не совсем об этом. Герой романа – пиар-директор и автор рейтинговой программы одной московской FM-станции – обижен плутоватым начальником по кличке Фернандель и «кидает» станцию на довольно крупные деньги. Его, конечно, пытаются найти и наказать подключают «пацанов», но в последний момент герою удается улизнуть на Остров свободы – Кубу. И вот тут начинается совершенно необычайная история, потому что на Кубе необычайно все.