is the final novel in Nobel Prize-winner Naguib Mahfouz’s magnificent Cairo Trilogy, an epic family saga of colonial Egypt that is considered his masterwork.The novels of the Cairo Trilogy trace three generations of the family of tyrannical patriarch al-Sayyid Ahmad Abd al-Jawad, who rules his household with a strict hand while living a secret life of self-indulgence. brings Mahfouz’s vivid tapestry of an evolving Egypt to a dramatic climax as the aging patriarch sees one grandson become a Communist, one a Muslim fundamentalist, and one the lover of a powerful politician. Filled with compelling drama, earthy humor, and remarkable insight, Mahfouz’s Cairo Trilogy is the achievement of a master storyteller.
I’m not crazy. I don’t see what the big deal is about what happened. But apparently someone does think it’s a big deal because here I am. I bet it was my mother. She always overreacts.Fifteen-year-old Jeff wakes up on New Year’s Day to find himself in the hospital. Make that the psychiatric ward. With the nutjobs. Clearly, this is all a huge mistake. Forget about the bandages on his wrists and the notes on his chart. Forget about his problems with his best friend, Allie, and her boyfriend, Burke. Jeff’s perfectly fine, perfectly normal, not like the other kids in the hospital with him. Now they’ve got problems. But a funny thing happens as his forty-five-day sentence drags on—the crazies start to seem less crazy.Compelling, witty, and refreshingly real, is a darkly humorous novel from award-winning author Michael Thomas Ford that examines that fuzzy line between "normal" and the rest of us.
– WINNER OF FRANCE'S PRIX RENAUDOT -"A book of exceptional literary quality… it has the kind of intimacy found in the diary of Anne Frank."-The Times Literary Supplement"Heroic… a novel about a nightmare in which the author is entirely embedded."-ANITA BROOKNER, The Spectator"An exceptionally forceful and frank testimony… a real find. A masterpiece."-L'Express"Remarkable as the story of the publication of Suite Fran?aise is, it will finally be of anecdotal interest compared with the importance of the book. Here is the work of a fine novelist at the top of her form, writing about the fate of her adopted country with a pitiless clarity."-Evening Standard
El descubrimiento de un manuscrito perdido de Ir?ne N?mirovsky caus? una aut?ntica conmoci?n en el mundo editorial franc?s y europeo.Novela excepcional escrita en condiciones excepcionales, Suite francesa retrata con maestr?a una ?poca fundamental de la Europa del siglo XX. En oto?o de 2004 le fue concedido el premio Renaudot, otorgado por primera vez a un autor fallecido. Imbuida de un claro componente autobiogr?fico, Suite francesa se inicia en Par?s los d?as previos a la invasi?n alemana, en un clima de incertidumbre e incredulidad. Enseguida, tras las primeras ...
follows the hopes and fears of a cast of unforgettable characters brought together by the mysterious Miles Heller during the dark months of the 2008 economic collapse. An enigmatic young man employed as a trash-out worker in southern Florida obsessively photographing thousands of abandoned objects left behind by the evicted families. A group of young people in a squat in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. A Hospital for Broken Things, which specializes in repairing the artifacts of a vanished world. William Wyler's 1946 classic . A celebrated actress preparing to return to Broadway.An independent publisher desperately trying to save his business and his marriage.These are just some of the elements Auster magically weaves together in this immensely moving novel about contemporary America and its ghosts. is a surprising departure that confirms Paul Auster as one of our greatest living writers.
Super-Cannes – a Sunday Times bestseller in hardback – was the winner of the 2001 Commonwealth Writers Prize for the Eurasian region.'Sublime: an elegant, elaborate trap of a novel, which reads as a companion piece to Cocaine Nights but takes ideas from that novel and runs further. The first essential novel of the 21st century.'– Nicholas Royle, Independent'Possibly his greatest book. Super-Cannes is both a novel of ideas and a compelling thriller that will keep you turning the pages to the shocking denouement. Only Ballard could have produced it.'– Simon Hinde, Sunday Express...
The author of two critically acclaimed novels, The Russian Debutante's Handbook and Absurdistan, Gary Shteyngart has risen to the top of the fiction world. Now, in his hilarious and heartfelt new novel, he envisions a deliciously dark tale of America's dysfunctional coming years – and the timeless and tender feelings that just might bring us back from the brink.In a very near future – oh, let's say next Tuesday – a functionally illiterate America is about to collapse. But don't that tell that to poor Lenny Abramov, the thirty-nine-year-old son of an angry Russian immigrant janitor, proud author of what ...
Свое “совсем уж неизвестно что” написал по молодости лет Альдо Нове (р. в 1967). Нове – одна из самых заметных фигур в стане “юных людоедов”, новейшего течения гипернатурализма в итальянской литературе на рубеже веков...Сборник дебютных и теперь уже культовых страшилок А. Нове “Вубинда” (1996) во втором издании разросся до размеров обескураживающей энциклопедии современной жизни, девизом которой могло бы быть “ни дня без конца света”...“Супервубинда”
In bestselling author Christopher Buckley's hilarious novel, the President of the United States, ticked off at the Senate for rejecting his nominees, decides to get even by nominating America 's most popular TV judge to the Supreme Court.President Donald Vanderdamp is having a hell of a time getting his nominees onto the Supreme Court. After one nominee is rejected for insufficiently appreciating To Kill a Mockingbird, the president chooses someone so beloved by voters that the Senate won't have the nerve to reject her-Judge Pepper Cartwright, star of the nation's most popular reality show. Will Pepper, a ...
From preface: In naming this second part of The Forsyte Chronicles "A Modern Comedy" the word Comedy is stretched, perhaps as far as the word Saga was stretched to cover the first part. And yet, what but a comedic view can be taken, what but comedic significance gleaned, of so restive a period as that in which we have lived since the war? An Age which knows not what it wants, yet is intensely preoccupied with getting it, must evoke a smile, if rather a sad one.
This short story was tremendously interesting with such strong and mind gripping words that totally and utterly ensnared and encaptured from beginning to end.
This is the only short story wrote by Jin Yong. Because of its short length, you can't really see Jin Yong's full talent at story-telling. However, this translation can give you some idea of what a martial arts story is like. My clumsy translation can't really do the original justice, but I hope I have stirred your interest enough that you will go out there and find out more about Chinese culture, history and legend. The process of finding out will not be easy, but I assure you, what you will find will never be dull.
Nasz ?wiat jest zagadk?. Przedmioty, miejsca, z kt?rymi si? stykamy, mog? znaczy? wi?cej, ni? mo?na by si? spodziewa?. Olga Tokarczuk w trzech mistrzowsko skonstruowanych opowiadaniach podpatruje nas od strony najmniej oczywistej.
Siedzia?em, patrzy?em na czerwonego mercedesa i duma?em o Cindy. I ?wierzbi?o mnie, ?eby wzi?? si? do dzia?ania. Pomy?la?em, ?e mo?e warto zakra?? si? do domu. Mo?e zdo?am pods?ucha?, jak Cindy rozmawia przez telefon? Mo?e wpadn? na jaki? trop? Pewnie, ?e by?o to niebezpieczne. Sam ?rodek dnia. A ja uwielbiam ryzyko. Sprawia, ?e uszy mi dzwoni?, a zwieracz w ty?ku mocniej si? ?ciska. ?yje si? raz, no nie? Chyba ?e jest si? ?azarzem. Biedny skurwiel, musia? zdycha? 2 razy. Ale ja jestem Nick Belane. Po jednej kolejce zsiadam z karuzeli. ?wiat nale?y do odwa?nych.
«sВОбоДА» — попытка символического осмысления жизни поколения «последних из могикан» Советского Союза. Искрометный взгляд на российскую жизнь из глубины ее часового механизма или, если использовать язык символов этого текста, — общественно-политической канализации…«Момент обретения рая всегда (как выключатель, одновременно одну лампочку включающий, а другую — выключающий) совпадает с моментом начала изгнания из рая…» — размышляет герой книги «sВОбоДА» Вергильев. Эта формула действует одинаково для кого угодно: от дворника до президента, даже если они об этом забывают. А потому роман Козлова сверхактуален для современной России.
Автор ничего не придумал. Он просто собрал истории сотен офисных служащих и набрался смелости сплести их в один сюжет. Когда-то все персонажи романа были успешными вице-президентами, промоутерами, креативными директорами и копирайторами. Но в один миг их мир сгорел дотла только потому, что все они желали большего, чем должны были иметь. Многие из них наложили на себя руки, кто-то сошел с ума, кто-то еще долго будет считаться пропавшим без вести, кто-то умер от спиртного, опустившись на самое дно московских трущоб.Но о них автор думает также мало, как и атеист об адовых мучениях и райских наслаждениях. Да и судьба самой книги его мало волнует. Как ни крути, у истины нет шанса стать бестселлером.