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Книги 33851—33875 из 33971.
  • W Kraju Rzeczy Ostatnich
  • Auster Paul
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Relacja Anny Blume z odrealnionego miasta-pa?stwa gdzie? z pocz?tk?w przysz?ego tysi?clecia wprowadza nas w koszmar fizycznego i duchowego upodlenia, beznadziejno?ci. "Luksusem" jest mo?liwo?? zaplanowania w?asnej ?mierci. Elektrowniami miasta s? krematoria zw?ok ludzi zmar?ych z g?odu i wycie?czenia; surowcem energetycznym tej skazanej na zag?ad? spo?eczno?ci s? tak?e ludzkie ekskrementy; zbieraj?cy je "fekali?ci" maj? status urz?dnik?w pa?stwowych. Annie udaje si? utrzyma? przy ?yciu i zachowa? godno?? dzi?ki wierze w warto?? i moc s?owa.

  • W po?piechu do raju
  • Ballard J.G.
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Dr Barbara Rafferty, brytyjska lekarka, zaanga?owa?a si? bez reszty w ochron? gin?cych albatros?w, wybijanych masowo podczas budowy baz wojskowych na Pacyfiku. Udaje si? jej zgromadzi? fundusze i ?mia?k?w, kt?rzy gotowi s? wyruszy? z ni? na ocean, aby odbi? z r?k Francuz?w wysepk?, na kt?rej wielkie ptaki zak?adaj? gniazda. Determinacja cz?onk?w wyprawy i poparcie opinii ?wiatowej sprawiaj?, ?e kolejny szturm na wysp? ko?czy si? sukcesem. Pojawia si? szansa na stworzenie ekologicznego raju w miejscu, kt?re mia?o sta? si? francuskim poligonem atomowym. Jednak w czasie budowy rezerwatu wolnego od eksperyment?w nuklearnych, turystyki i zanieczyszcze? ?rodowiska ekolodzy-zapale?cy u?wiadamiaj? sobie, ?e wydarzenia przybieraj? niespodziewany obr?t, a ich przyw?dca, dr Barbara, ma by? mo?e zupe?nie inne plany.

  • Waiting
  • Jin Ha
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • "Achingly beautiful…Ha Jin depicts the details of social etiquette, of food, of rural family relationships and the complex yet alarmingly primitive fabric of provincial life with that absorbed passion for minutiae characteristic of Dickens and Balzac." – Los Angeles Times Book Review"A vivid bit of storytelling, fluid and earthy…Reminiscent of Hemingway in its scope, simplicity and precise language… A graceful human allegory." – Chicago Sun-Times"A subtle beauty… A sad, poignantly funny tale." – The Boston Sunday Globe"Impeccably deadpan… Waiting turns, page by careful page, into a deliciously comic novel." – Time"Spare but compelling…...

  • Waiting for Columbus
  • Trofimuk Thomas
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • A man arrives at an insane asylum in contemporary Spain claiming to be the legendary navigator Christopher Columbus. Who he really is, and the events that led him to break with reality, lie at the center of this captivating, romantic, and stunningly written novel.Found in the treacherous Strait of Gibraltar, the mysterious man who calls himself Columbus appears to be just another delirious mental patient, until he begins to tell the 'true' story of how he famously obtained three ships from Spanish royalty.It's Nurse Consuela who listens to these fantastical tales of adventure and romance, ...

  • Waiting For The Barbarians
  • Coetzee J.
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • "[A] distinguished piece of fiction…[Its] power of historical immediacy gives the novel its thrust, its larger and, if you wish, 'universal' value." The New York Times"I have known few authors who can evoke such a wilderness in the heart of man. He is an artist of a weight and depth that put him beyond ordinary comparisons…Coetzee knows the elusive terror of Kafka." Bernard Levin, Sunday Times (London)"The novel moves between claustrophobic enclosures and arid, exquisitely rendered open spaces that reveal treacherous trap-doors…The book keeps us on edge, uneasy." Walter Clemons, Newsweek"...

  • Walking on Glass
  • Banks Iain
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Graham Park is in love. But Sara Ffitch is an enigma to him, a creature of almost perverse mystery. Steven Grout is paranoid - and with justice. He knows that They are out to get him. They are. Quiss, insecure in his fabulous if ramshackle castle, is forced to play interminable impossible games. The solution to the oldest of all paradoxical riddles will release him. But he must find an answer before he knows the question.Park, Grout, Quiss - no trio could be further apart. But their separate courses are set for collision..."A feast of horrors, variously spiced with incest, conspiracy, and cheerful descriptions of torture... fine writing" The Times"The author's powerful imagination is displayed again here every bit as vividly as in his debut" Financial Times"Establishes beyond doubt that lain Banks is a novelist of remarkable talents" Daily Telegraph

  • Wanting
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • Internationally acclaimed and profoundly moving, Richard Flanagan’s is a stunning tale of colonialism, ambition, and the lusts and longings that make us human. Now in paperback, it links two icons of Western civilization through a legendarily disastrous arctic exploration, and one of the most infamous episodes in human history: the colonization of Tasmania.In 1841, Sir John Franklin and his wife, Lady Jane, move to the remote penal colony of Van Diemen’s Land, now Tasmania. There Lady Jane falls in love with a lively aboriginal girl, Mathinna, whom she adopts and makes the subject of a grand ...

  • War Trash
  • Jin Ha
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • From Publishers WeeklyJin (Waiting; The Crazed; etc.) applies his steady gaze and stripped-bare storytelling to the violence and horrifying political uncertainty of the Korean War in this brave, complex and politically timely work, the story of a reluctant soldier trying to survive a POW camp and reunite with his family. Armed with reams of research, the National Book Award winner aims to give readers a tale that is as much historical record as examination of personal struggle. After his division is decimated by superior American forces, Chinese "volunteer" Yu Yuan, an English-speaking clerical officer with a largely ...

  • Weiser Dawidek
  • Huelle Pawe?
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Jego ksi??ki, a zw?aszcza debiutancka powie?? WEISER DAWIDEK, zosta?y przet?umaczone na wiele j?zyk?w. Akcja tej powie?ci, okre?lanej przez krytyk? jako "ksi??ka dziesi?ciolecia", "arcydzie?o", "zwyci?stwo literatury", rozgrywa si? w Gda?sku w roku 1957 i przynosi histori? tajemniczego znikni?cia ?ydowskiego trzynastoletniego ch?opca pod koniec niezapomnianych letnich wakacji oraz prowadzonego wiele lat potem prywatnego ?ledztwa w tej sprawie przez jednego z jego koleg?w, zarazem narratora opowie?ci – bowiem dziwne zdarzenia jakie w?wczas mia?y miejsce, napi?tnowa?y go na reszt? ?ycia. Dawidek, b?d?cy ...

  • Welcome to the NHK!
  • Takimoto Tatsuhiko
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • The novel that inspired the manga and anime!Twenty-two-year-old Satou, a college dropout and aficionado of anime porn, knows a little secret — or at least he thinks he does! Believe it or not, he has stumbled upon an incredible conspiracy created by the Japanese Broadcasting Company, N.H.K. But despite fighting the good fight, Satou has become an unemployed — a shut-in who has withdrawn from the world…One day, he meets Misaki, a mysterious young girl who invites him to join her special “project.” Slowly, Satou comes out of his reclusive shell, and his hilarious journey begins, filled with mistaken identity, Lolita complexes — and an ultimate quest to create the greatest game ever!

  • Welcome to Трансильвания
  • Юденич Марина
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Происходит невероятное. В начале третьего тысячелетия восстал ото сна и вернулся в мир вечный ужас и вечное проклятие таинственной Трансильвании — Дракула. И гибнет на развалинах древнего замка целая экспедиция, в крохотном карпатском городке находят обескровленный труп мальчика, в далекой Германии внезапно умирает потомок древнего рода Дракулэшти, в Москве обрывается жизнь молодого ученого, изучавшего редкие заболевания крови. Страшным, таинственным смертям, кажется, не будет конца.Многие готовы поверить в невозможное.Но не все.Лорд Джулиан, обаятельный авантюрист и баловень судьбы, вернувший однажды на атлантические просторы возрожденный «Титаник», волею случая оказывается в эпицентре событий.Ему на помощь приходят друзья.Раскрыть тайну Дракулы — ничего другого им просто не остается.

  • Wen die G?tter lieben
  • Waters Paul
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • Wir schreiben das Jahr 355 nach Christus. Das r?mische Reich hat l?ngst den H?hepunkt seiner Macht ?berschritten. In einer Welt ehrgeiziger Beamter und machthungriger Priester ist Drusus, der immer noch an die alten G?tter glaubt, in Ungnade gefallen. Gemeinsam mit seinem Freund Marcellus nimmt er den Kampf gegen den korrupten Staat auf. Ihr einziger Verb?ndeter ist der junge Julian - Philosoph, Statthalter in Germanien und Neffe des blutr?nstigen Kaisers Constantius. Mit einem Heer treuer Verb?ndeter plant er die Rebellion.Paul Waters ist in England geboren und riss mit siebzehn von zu ...

  • Wench
  • Perkins-Valdez Dolen
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • In her debut, Perkins-Valdez eloquently plunges into a dark period of American history, chronicling the lives of four slave women-Lizzie, Reenie, Sweet and Mawu-who are their masters' mistresses. The women meet when their owners vacation at the same summer resort in Ohio. There, they see free blacks for the first time and hear rumors of abolition, sparking their own desires to be free. For everyone but Lizzie, that is, who believes she is really in love with her master, and he with her. An extended flashback in the middle of the novel delves into Lizzie's life and vividly explores the complicated psychological dynamic between master and slave. Jumping back to the final summer in Ohio, the women all have a decision to make-will they run? Heart-wrenching, intriguing, original and suspenseful, this novel showcases Perkins-Valdez's ability to bring the unfortunate past to life.

  • Weronika postanawia umrze?
  • Coelho Paulo
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Weronika postanawia umrze?. Chc?c pope?ni? samob?jstwo za?ywa tabletki, jednak zostaje uratowana i rozpoczyna si? nowe ?ycie – nowe ?ycie Weroniki. Dowiaduje si? ona, ?e z powodu uszkodzenia serca pozosta? jej tylko tydzie? ?ycia. Podczas tego tygodnia Weronika, przebywaj?c w szpitalu psychiatrycznym Villete, uczy si? ?ycia lepiej, ni? w czasie minionych kilkudziesi?ciu lat. Odkrywa, ?e szale?stwo w ?yciu jest niezwykle potrzebne. Po raz pierwszy zaczyna dostrzega? i poznawa? sam? siebie…Ciekawe zako?czenie, kt?rego jednak nie zdradz? czytelnikom…Chwile, kt?re Weronika sp?dzi?a w szpitalu s? jakby drog?, kt?...

  • Wet Work
  • Buckley Christopher
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Thanks to Hollywood and writers like Christopher Buckley, America has given the world a brand-new literary form: the revenge comedy. In the movies, maverick cops roam the world, taking names, kicking butts, and making wisecracks. For all the gore, pictures like Die Hard are essentially Road Runner cartoons with superior special effects. Audiences do more chuckling than gasping. Now comes former George Bush speechwriter Christopher Buckley with a novelized version.Even though Wet Work isn't a movie yet, we're still talking extremely high concept: Lethal Weapon 2 meets The Emerald Forest, complete with nubile Amazonian love slaves flitting naked ...