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Книги 12551—12575 из 19355.
  • Absent Friends
  • Rozan S
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The secrets of a group of childhood friends unravel in this haunting thriller by Edgar Award winner S. J. Rozan. Set in New York in the unforgettable aftermath of September 11, Absent Friends brilliantly captures a time and place unlike any other, as it winds through the wounded streets of New York and Staten Island…and into a maze of old crimes, damaged lives, and heartbreaking revelations. The result is not only an electrifying mystery and a riveting piece of storytelling but an elegiac novel that powerfully explores a world changed forever on a clear September morning.In a novel that will catch you off guard at every turn, and one that is guaranteed to become a classic, S. J. Rozan masterfully ratchets up the tension one revelation at a time as she dares you to ponder the bonds of friendship, the meaning of truth, and the stuff of heroism.

  • Absoluci?n Por Asesinato
  • Tremayne Peter
  • Жанр: Исторический детектив
  • Durante el s?nodo de Whitby, en el a?o 664 d.C, la Iglesia romana y la Iglesia celta se encuentran m?s enfrentadas que nunca. De hecho, estamos ante lo que puede llegar a ser una guerra de religiones en la Europa de las edades oscuras.En ese ambiente, entre sacerdotes, doctores y reyes, empiezan a aparecer cad?veres brutalmente asesinados.Entre sospechas y recelos, se encomienda la investigaci?n a una monja de obediencia celta especialista en derecho, sor Fidelma, pero se le asigna como colaborador a un saj?n perteneciente a la Iglesia romana, Eadulf, de quien se desconocen las intenciones. Mientras, a las puertas de la abad?a la peste hace estragos y se prepara una conspiraci?n contra el rey de Northumbria.

  • Absolute Risk
  • Gore Steven
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Days after failing to arrive for a secret meeting with the Federal Reserve chairman, FBI agent Michael Hennessy’s body is found at the base of a cliff. But was it suicide or murder? A call from the chairman sends Gage hunting for the truth.As a desperately ill U.S. president prepares to hand over power to his vice president—a man in the thrall of religious extremists—Gage follows a trail of deceit and terror to a conspiracy that threatens to plummet the world into chaos. But for Gage, there is even more at stake. His wife is trapped between an uprising in Central China and the ruthless Chinese government. And unless Gage exposes the greatest treachery of our age before the clock counts down, Faith will die….Array

  • Acceso no autorizado
  • Gopegui Bel?n
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Una historia de ins?lita confianza entre desconocidos que pone al descubierto la soledad y la violencia del poder en todas sus formas.`No hay fortaleza inexpugnable ni prisi?n que no contenga un defecto.`(Mercedes Soriano, Historia de no, Alfaguara, 1989).As? piensa el hacker que se infiltra en un ordenador ajeno con la intenci?n construir una relaci?n que salve a un amigo de las redes oscuras del tr?fico de informaci?n confidencial.`No hay fortaleza inexpugnable ni prisi?n que no contenga un defecto.`As? piensa la vicepresidenta del gobierno, que ...

  • Acheron
  • Kenyon Sherrilyn
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The most anticipated story in the blockbuster Dark-Hunter series. The never-before-revealed story of the Dark-Hunter leader, Acheron. He was made human in order to escape death, but in death he was reborn a god…Eleven thousand years ago a god was born. Cursed into the body of a human, Acheron spent a lifetime of shame. However, his human death unleashed an unspeakable horror that almost destroyed the earth. Then, brought back against his will, Acheron became the sole defender of mankind.Only it was never that simple. For centuries, he has fought for our survival and hidden ...

  • Acid Rock
  • Murphy Warren
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • The stage is set for murder, mayhem and deafening music. But the music isn't loud enough to drown out the shots aimed at the gorgeous redhead on stage. Not that anybody is paying much attention, not in the screaming chaos of the world's biggest rock festival ever. The girl likes to be near singers, the freakier and more spaced-out the better. Some of them get too close and wind up permanently spaced out. Why? Someone wants to kill the beautiful girl with the long auburn hair. She is under contract for one million dollars. A big bounty is on her beautiful head. She has to be killed, and quick. But Remo and Chiun have other ideas. Their assignment from CURE says protect her at any costs - and that means someone is going to have to pay a very high price.

  • Act of Treason
  • Flynn Vince
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • CIA operative Mitch Rapp follows a trail of contract killers leading directly to the heart of our nation's capital in New York Times bestselling author Vince Flynn's eighth explosive thriller.It's a gorgeous autumn day in Georgetown. The Democratic candidates for president and vice president of the United States are dutifully glad-handing voters and the media outside a grand estate where a national security conference has just been held, bringing together the world's greatest minds to discuss the issues that are threatening the country. It's American politicking at its best. That's when all hell breaks loose.When ...

  • Acts of Mercy
  • Stewart Mariah
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Former FBI agent Sam Delvecchio brings the keen skills of a profiler to his new position as a Mercy Street Foundation operative-and not a moment too soon. His first assignment, the cold-case murder of a local soup kitchen volunteer, has all the telltale signs of a serial killer's work. That grim suspicion is confirmed when FBI agent Fiona Summers shares the details of two other killings with eerie similarities to Sam's case: The bodies in all three cases have been carefully posed. And when a fourth victim is discovered, the two investigators realize they're pursuing the same twisted quarry.

  • Adam And Eve And Pinch Me
  • Rendell Ruth
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • This latest gem from the British master concerns the wreckage wrought on a variety of Londoners by a womanizing con man who speaks in rhymes. Here, as in A Sight for Sore Eyes (1999), Rendell’s genius is to create characters so vivid they live beyond the frame of the novel. She pushes the ordinary to the point of the bizarre while remaining consistently believable. Araminta “Minty” Knox, the fragile center of the plot, is a 30-something woman, alone and obsessed with hygiene, who works in a dry-cleaning shop. All the world is a petri dish for Minty, who sees ...