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Книги 12601—12625 из 19355.
  • Agents of Treachery - Spy Stories
  • Penzler Otto
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • For the first time ever, legendary editor Otto Penzler has handpicked some of the most respected and bestselling thriller writers working today for a riveting collection of spy fiction. From first to last, this stellar collection signals mission accomplished.Including:* Lee Child with an incredible look at the formation of a special ops cell.* James Grady writing about an Arab undercover FBI agent with an active cell.* Joseph Finder riffing on a Boston architect who's convinced his Persian neighbors are up to no good.* John Lawton concocting a Len Deighton-esque story about British intelligence.* Stephen Hunter thrilling us with a tale about a WWII brigade.Full list of Contributors:James Grady, Charles McCarry, Lee Child, Joseph Finder, John Lawton, John Weisman, Stephen Hunter, Gayle Lynds, David Morrell, Andrew Klavan, Robert Wilson, Dan Fesperman, Stella Rimington, Olen Steinhauer

  • Aguas Turbulentas
  • Rankin Ian
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • La desaparici?n de una estudiante, Philippa Balfour ?ni?a rica rebelde, hija de un banquero bien acomodado e influyente? conduce a la polic?a a dos posibles pistas: la primera relacionada con la aparici?n de una mu?eca de madera en un min?sculo ata?d abandonado en un paraje rural, a poca distancia de la casa de los Balfour; la segunda, su participaci?n en un juego de rol a trav?s de Internet dirigido por un misterioso gur? cibern?tico. Dos posibles pistas que vinculan casos antiguos de asesinatos no resueltos con otros m?s recientes. La polic?a, de Lothian y Borders, se pone en marcha, mientras Rebus investiga los deslavazados antecedentes hist?ricos de cr?menes sin resolver y la agente Siobhan Clarke sigue la pista virtual del misterioso «Programador», cuyas enrevesadas claves acaban dirigiendo los pasos de la investigaci?n. Las vidas, virtuales y reales, dependen ahora de una fracci?n de segundo.

  • Aim And Fire
  • Ryder Cliff
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • ON ALERT.A nuclear bomb has gone missing. At the same time Room 59, a covert unit of the International Intelligence Agency created to fi ght terrorist cells, intercepts a communiqu? from U.S. Border Patrol agent Nathaniel Spencer. A known terrorist, thought to be dead, is back in business..AND UNDERCOVERTracy Wentworth is working for the Department of Homeland Security when she's contacted by Room 59 for an inside job. Aligned with Agent Spencer and backed up by Room 59's considerable resources, they are to assess and eliminate the threat, using any means necessary. But as they delve deeper into Mexico's criminal underworld, it soon becomes clear that someone is planning a massive attack against America.one that would render the entire nation completely defenseless!

  • Aire muerto
  • Banks Iain
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Ken McNutt es un locutor de radio londinense que se fragua enemistades por doquier, debido a la insaciable s?tira social y pol?tica que despliega a trav?s de las ondas. En una de las muchas fiestas de la alta sociedad a las que asiste conoce a Celia, una mujer misteriosa y atractiva que le relata, entre otras cosas, un accidente que la convirti? para siempre en dos personas distintas. Poco despu?s, se entera de que ella es una mujer casada con un mafioso, y a partir de ese momento su vida entera en una vor?gine de aventuras y peligros.

  • Akwarium
  • Suworow Wiktor
  • Жанр: Шпионский детектив
  • Ta ksi??ka jako pierwsza odkry?a sekrety najbardziej tajnego wywiadu na ?wiecie — G??wnego Zarz?du Wywiadowczego, czyli GRU. Prze?o?ona na 27 j?zyk?w, doczeka?a si? ju? ponad 70 wyda?. Antoni Krauze zrealizowa? na jej podstawie film kinowy i serial telewizyjny, w kt?rych g??wne role zagrali Jurij Smolskij i Janusz Gajos. Wiktor Suworow odtwarza swoje losy w bezwzgl?dnym, paranoicznym ?wiecie sowieckich s?u?b wywiadowczych. Jako wyr??niaj?cy si? dow?dca kompanii czo?g?w zosta? zwerbowany do wywiadu wojskowego przez podpu?kownika Krawcowa, zwi?zanego z wp?ywow? grup? nacisku ...

  • Al Capone Shines My Shoes
  • Choldenko Gennifer
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Moose and the cons are about to get a lot closer in this much-anticipated sequel.It's 1935. Moose Flanagan lives on Alcatraz with his family, the other families of the guards, and a few hundred no-name hit men, con men, mad dog murderers and a handful of bank robbers too. And one of those cons has just done him a big favor.You see, Moose has never met Al Capone, but a few weeks ago Moose wrote a letter to him asking him to use his influence to get his sister, Natalie, into a school she desperately needs in San Francisco. After Natalie got accepted, a note appeared in Moose's freshly laundered shirt that said: Done.As this book begins, Moose discovers a new note. This one says: Your turn. Is it really from Capone? What does it mean? Moose can't risk anything that might get his dad fired. But how can he ignore Al Capone?

  • Alabaster
  • Kiernan Caitlin
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A collection of storiesAn albino girl wanders the sun-scorched backroads of a south Georgia summer, following the bidding of an angel or perhaps only voices in her head, searching out and slaying ancient monsters who have hidden themselves away in the lonely places of the world. Caitl?n R. Kiernan first introduced Dancy in the pages of her award-winning second novel, Threshold (2001), then went on to write several more short stories and a novella about this unlikely heroine, each a piece of what has become an epic dark fantasy narrative. Alabaster finally collects all these tales into one volume, illustrated by Ted Naifeh (Gloomcookie, How Loathsome, Courtney Crumrin, Polly and the Pirates, etc.).

  • Alarm! -Das Weiberschiff
  • Konsalik Heinz
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Es brauchte nur einen Funken — und sie hatten die H?lle unter Wasser!Sie waren jetzt 93 Tage auf See, davon 81 Tage unter Wasser. Eingesperrt in dem Atom-U-Boot, einem gro?en, st?hlernen, graugestrichenen Sarg.81 Tage unter Wasser. Keine Sonne, keine frische Luft, kein Wind in den Haaren, kein blauer Himmel, keine W?rme auf der Haut, keine Weite — nur drangvolle Enge in der k?nstlich erleuchteten Welt, die aus G?ngen, Stahltreppen, Schatten, Kabelgewirr und Instrumenten zu bestehen schien.Und dann kamen die M?dchen an Bord…Konsalik hat einen Super-Thriller geschrieben. Er schildert ein Drama auf See, dessen Spannung sich von Seite zu Seite steigert. Ein an und f?r sich harmloses Ereignis weitet sich aus zu einer Bedrohung des Weltfriedens.

  • Aleja Samob?jc?w
  • Krajewski Marek
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Gda?sk, upalne dni czerwca 2006 roku. Spok?j panuj?cy w luksusowym domu seniora "Eden" zostaje zburzony na skutek wydarze? pe?nych grozy.W jednym z apartament?w znaleziono zw?oki pensjonariusza na w?zku inwalidzkim. Co dziwniejsze m??czyzna jest oskalpowany. R?wnocze?nie z "Edenu" znika inny pensjonariusz. Sprawa trafia na biurko nadkomisarza Jaros?awa Patera, hazardzisty i krzewiciela poprawno?ci j?zykowej. Dlaczego zw?oki starego m??czyzny zosta?y okaleczone? Dlaczego ABW niespodziewanie przejmuje ?ledztwo, odsuwaj?c od sprawy policjant?w? Co si? sta?o z zaginionym? Sytuacj? komplikuje wzajemna niech?? mi?dzy nadkomisarzem ...

  • Alex Cross’s Trial
  • Patterson James
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The year is 1906, and America is segregated. Hatred and discrimination plague the streets, the classroom, and the courts. But in Washington D.C., Ben Corbett, a smart and courageous lawyer, makes it his mission to confront injustice at every turn. He represents those who nobody else dares defend, merely because of the color of their skin. When President Roosevelt, under whom Ben served in the Spanish-American war, asks Ben to investigate rumors of the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan in his home town in Mississippi, he cannot refuse. The details of Ben's harrowing story-and his experiences with a ...

  • Alex Wales: Promise
  • Sfetsos Yolanda
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Things aren't always as they seem.After Alex Wales crash lands on a planet that doesn't even show up on her navigational map and her ship is damaged, all she wants to do is get help and leave the planet as soon as she can. She's got something to deliver and time is running out. Instead, she stumbles onto a very alluring man who takes her to his village-a seemingly utopian society led by a Priestess.Stuck on this planet with no way of getting off, Alex finds herself drawn to the alluring Damon. But when locals start turning up dead after being mauled and eaten by some sort of monster, she's thrust into the middle of the investigation.As the layers of the mystery slowly unravel, Alex and Damon find themselves facing their pasts, and the many lies woven around the planet of Eden.

  • Algo m?s que magia
  • Armstrong Kelley
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Brujas, hechiceros, vampiros… Descendientes de una antigua raza que lucha por su supervivencia en un mundo hostil.Cuando a Paige Winterbourne la obligan a renunciar a su cargo de L?der del Aquelarre Norteamericano de Brujas, lo ?nico que quiere hacer es alejarse del mundanal ruido durante una buena temporada y pensar en la posibilidad de formar un aquelarre alternativo con sus seguidoras. Pero, claro est?, el destino tiene otros planes para ella.Un psic?pata con poderes sobrehumanos e imparables deseos de venganza anda suelto. Al enterarse de que las v?ctimas del despiadado asesino son ...

  • Alguien te observa
  • Rose Karen
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Conocida como la Reina de Hielo en los juzgados de Chicago, la joven abogada Kristen Mayhew vive por y para su trabajo. Posee el ?ndice m?s alto de casos ganados en la fiscal?a. Es una mujer fuerte, una profesional, incorruptible, apreciada por su tenacidad y dedicaci?n. Pero ahora acaba de descubrir que tiene un peligroso admirador secreto.Lleva tiempo observ?ndote. Conoce todos sus movimientos, todos sus pensamientos. Le env?a cartas. Y ha empezado a asesinar, en su nombre, a los delincuentes y criminales que ella no logr? meter entre rejas.Abe Reagan ...

  • Alias The Saint
  • Charteris Leslie
  • Жанр: Крутой детектив
  • THE NATIONAL DEBTIn which the Saint disguises himself as a dusty professor in order to save a lovely damsel from the clutches of a sinister conspiracy.THE MAN WHO COULD NOT DIEIn which the Saint's well known sensitivity to the adventurous possibilities of any situation lead him to pursue the current fortunes of the extraordinary Miles Hallin, a seemingly unimpeachable man about whom it has been said that if Miles Hallin could have walked a tight rope he would have walked a tight rope stretched across the crater of Vesuvius as a kind of appetizer before breakfast.

  • Alibi In High Heels
  • Halliday Gemma
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Baguettes, bodies, and haute couture galore! Shoe designer turned amateur sleuth Maddie Springer is at it again-this time in fabulously fashionable Paris.When Europe's designer du jour, Jean Luc LeCroix, invites Maddie to show her creations at Paris Fashion Week, Maddie's sure she's died and gone to heaven. That is, until Jean Luc's top model is found dead on the runway, stabbed with a familiar stiletto heel. Sure someone is trying to frame her, Maddie enlists the help of her friends, including the sexy Detective Jack Ramirez, to uncover a daring jewel heist, a devious blackmailer, and even a few skeletons lurking in the closets of those closest to her.But as the evidence mounts, Maddie becomes the prime suspect and Ramirez is stuck between a badge and a cute blonde with a tendency for trouble. With her love life on the rocks and a murderer on the loose, if Maddie doesn't uncover the real killer soon, she might be saying her final adieu.