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Книги 12626—12650 из 19355.

  • All Mortal Flesh
  • Spencer-Fleming Julia
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • One horrible murder. Two people destined for love or tragedy. Emotions explode in the novel Julia Spencer-Fleming's readers have been clamoring for.Police Chief Russ Van Alstyne's first encounter with Clare Fergusson was in the hospital emergency room on a freezing December night. A newborn infant had been abandoned on the town's Episcopal church steps. If Russ had known that the church had a new priest, he certainly would never have guessed that it would be a woman. Not a woman like Clare. That night in the hospital was the beginning of an attraction so fierce, so forbidden, ...

  • All the Tea in China
  • Orcutt Jane
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The good young Englishwoman knows that her destiny depends upon a good marriage match. But Isabella Goodrich is not your typical good young Englishwoman. After an encounter with those less fortunate than she, witty and fun-loving Isabella makes a shocking decision. Against everyone's advice and wishes, she is going to become a missionary in the Far East. Fighting against cultural expectations, common sense, and a mentor who is not as he seems, Isabella leaves her predictable Oxford life behind and sets sail to a new world fraught with danger. Can she trust the mysterious missionary Phineas Snowe? Or will her adventure end before it even begins? This first novel in the Rollicking Regency series will delight readers who like high adventure, twisting plots, and a fun bit of romance.

  • All Through The Night
  • Clark Mary
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A classic Christmas tale from the bestselling Queen of Suspense At the heart of the novel are two of Mary Higgins Clark's most loved characters: Alvirah, the lottery winner turned amateur sleuth, and her husband, Willy, who are caught up in a Christmas mystery that calls on all of their skills and experience. Willy has been looking forward to playing Santa at the after-school centre recently set up to care for the children of working parents on New York's Upper West Side, and Alvirah has been busy with rehearsals for the Christmas pageant. But suddenly a shadow falls upon ...

  • Almost blue
  • Лукарелли Карло
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Карло Лукарелли в сегодняшней Италии – автор триллеров номер один!Блестящий стилист, ученик знаменитого Алессандро Баррико, Лукарелли возвел расследование кровавых преступлений в область искусства и, как Акунин в России, сделал для итальянцев чтение детективов модным занятием.Среди множества бестселлеров Лукарелли особой популярностью пользуются романы о полицейском инспекторе Грации Негро – красивой и отважной женщине, которая расследует ужасающие своей жестокостью преступления серийных убийц-маньяков.Как героиня Джоди Фостер из бессмертного «Молчания ягнят», она вступает в яростный интеллектуальный поединок с преступником. Ежечасно рискуя жизнью, балансируя на грани дозволенного, Грация Негро дразнит убийцу и выманивает его на свет, как хищного зверя. Провокационно-двусмысленные отношения между ними создают напряжение такого накала, что финала-взрыва ждешь, как глотка долгожданного воздуха…Предупреждаем: Карло Лукарелли – мастер совершенно неожиданного финала!

  • Alone
  • Gardner Lisa
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • NYPD sharp-shooter Bobby is called to a domestic incident. It's an address the police have visited before – a volatile husband and wife who routinely battle out their marriage. But this time it's different. Through his sights from the building opposite, Bobby can see the husband pointing a gun at his wife and child. As the husband moves to shoot his wife, Bobby gets a clear shot and shoots the man in the head. The wife, shaking and terrified, turns to face Bobby through the shattered window and mouths the words 'thank you'. Then all hell breaks loose. The man ...

  • Alta tensi?n
  • Coben Harlan
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Myron Bolitar siempre ha so?ado con la voluptuosa mujer fatal que acaba de entrar en su despacho para pedirle ayuda. Tiene unas curvas de locura, pero est? embarazada de ocho meses, y eso pone fin a todas las posibles fantas?as de Bolitar. La antigua estrella del tenis Suzze T y su marido, Lex, una estrella del rock, son clientes, y a lo largo de los a?os Myron ha negociado multitud de contratos para la preciosa pareja. Pero ahora Lex ha desaparecido y la muy embarazada Suzze llora, convencida de que los rumores colgados en la red poniendo en duda la paternidad del beb? hayan alejado al hombre que ella jura es el padre de su hijo.“Harlan Coben es el maestro moderno del “ag?rrate y no te menees” desde la primera p?gina, para dejarte completamente noqueado en la ?ltima.” Dan Brown

  • Altar Of Eden
  • Rollins James
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Following the fall of Baghdad, two Iraqi boys stumble upon armed men looting the city zoo. The floodgates have been opened for the smuggling of hundreds of exotic birds, mammals, and reptiles to Western nations, but this crime hides a deeper secret. Amid a hail of bullets, a concealed underground weapons lab is ransacked – and something even more horrific is set free.Seven years later, Louisiana state veterinarian Lorna Polk stumbles upon a fishing trawler shipwrecked on a barrier island. The crew is missing or dead, but the boat holds a frightening cargo: a caged group of exotic ...

  • Always
  • Johansen Iris
  • Жанр: Любовные детективы
  • #1 New York Times bestselling author Iris Johansen provides her trademark blend of seductive romance and pulse-pounding suspense in this classic tale of a woman who unexpectedly finds herself living – and loving – on the edge of danger.Lisa Landon makes her living with her voice – a voice fueled by a heartbreak she vows never to experience again. But despite her renown, Lisa's real ambition is to escape the memories that follow her from one sold-out engagement to the next. Perhaps that's what brings her to the exotic desert nation of Sedikhan and the nightclub where she meets Clancy Donahue.

  • Amanda ? Morta Nel Parco
  • O’Connell Carol
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Il cadavere di una donna dalle mani spappolate viene ritrovato al Central Park di Manhattan. In assenza di impronte e di documenti il detective Palanski identifica la vittima in base al nome sull'etichetta della giacca: ? Cathy Mallory, geniale e irriducibile cane sciolto della sezione Crimini Speciali della Polizia di New York, recentemente sospesa dal servizio per motivi disciplinari. Quando il notiziario di mezzogiorno la informa della propria morte, Mallory si getta nelle indagini con foga. E scopre che la vittima ? in realt? Amanda Bosh, venticinquenne da tempo coinvolta nella relazione con un facoltoso uomo sposato. Per stanare l'assassino Mallory ? pronta a tutto, persino a trasformarsi in un vera e propria esca umana.

  • Amazon Slaughter
  • Stivers Dick
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • Wei Ho was death incarnate. He could slake his thirst for blood whenever and wherever he wanted. He had chosen the hunters of his private army very carefully — they were some of the most vicious hoodlums in the world.Now he had his own plutonium factory. And it was protected by a web of organized intrigue. Only one squad could take out Wei Ho and prevent global tragedy: Mack Bolan s Able Team!To neutralize Ho s goulish scheme, Lyons, Schwarz, and Blancanales probed to the core of the maniac s domain in South America — but all they found there were blameless native slaves. Would there be a massacre of innocents before the despots could be delivered to hell?