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Книги 14551—14575 из 19355.

  • Frozen Tracks
  • Edwardson ?ke
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • From the land of the midnight sun, a compelling and dark thriller by a master of crime fictionThe autumn gloom comes quickly on the Swedish city of Gothenburg, and for Detective Inspector Erik Winter the days seem even shorter, the nights bleaker, when he is faced with two seemingly unrelated sets of perplexing crimes. The investigation of a series of assaults and a string of child abductions take Winter to "the flats," the barren prairies of rural Sweden whose wastelands conceal crimes as sinister as the land itself. Winter must deduce the labyrinthine connections between the cases before it is too late and his own family comes into danger. Stylish, haunting, and psychologically astute, Frozen Tracks features characters who would be at home in any American procedural, but with a sensibility that is distinctly European. Frozen Tracks will appeal to fans of Henning Mankell and George Pelecanos, and to anyone who relishes superbly crafted crime novels.

  • Fruta Prohibida
  • Spindler Erica
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • La historia de tres generaciones de mujeres, sus complejas vidas, sus misterios, sus pecados, y al hombre que lo sabe todo sobre ellas y puede desvelar los m?s ocultos secretos.Lily Pierron es una legendaria madame que sabe que en la c?lida Nueva Orleans se puede cometer cualquier pecado a cambio de un alto precio. Para ella, el precio es su hija Hope.Hope Pierron St. Germaine es la elegante y piadosa mujer de una acaudalado hotelero y la dedicada madre de Glory durante el d?a, pero por la noche sucumbe a las pasiones carnales que amenazan con destruirla.Glory St. Germaine ignora los vergonzosos secretos de su familia, pero sufre las consecuencias de una oscuridad cuya existencia desconoce. Obstinada y atolondrada, Glory encuentra el amor prohibido en el hombre que lo sabe todo sobre las Pierron.

  • Fuckin Lie Down Already
  • Piccirilli Tom
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Clay was an honest New York City cop driven to bring down the mob and make his city a little safer, even when it seemed like nothing he did made any difference. He always played by the rules until a two-bit junkie hit man destroyed his family and left him for dead. But Clay won’t let himself lie down until he gets one last thing: revenge.Praise for Fuckin’ Lie Down AlreadyJack Ketchum, author of RED and THE LOST: “This is a small masterpiece. It’s said that the devil’s in the details and ...

  • Fuego
  • Paretsky Sara
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Victoria Warshawski es una investigadora privada que procede de los barrios del sur de Chicago, donde la inmigraci?n, las drogas, los embarazos adolescentes y el absentismo escolar son una constante. Aquejada de c?ncer, la entrenadora de baloncesto del instituto donde ella estudi? le pide que asuma el control del equipo femenino, y Warshawski no puede negarse.El equipo est? compuesto por adolescentes de minor?as raciales, algunas de ellas con hijos, y todas procedentes de familias humildes. La mayor?a de los padres de las chicas trabaja en By-Smart, una cadena de hipermercados que explota y discrimina a sus empleados.

  • Fuego Ardiente
  • Feehan Christine
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Conner Vega, f?sica y emocionalmente marcado por su pasado, ha vuelto al paisaje exuberante y ex?tico de la selva de Panam?; su lugar de nacimiento, y esperanzadoramente un lugar en el que escapar de la culpa que lo consume. Libre para vagar por fin, el leopardo en ?l anhela tomar el control, pero sabiendo lo peligroso que esto ser?a, Conner debe resistir.Sin embargo, hay cuestiones m?s serias que tratar. Conner ha sido tra?do de regreso para un prop?sito espec?fico: ayudar a salvar a su pueblo del mal que amenaza la existencia de este, y para vengar el brutal asesinato de su madre. Y esta vez piensa encargarse del asunto.

  • Fuego ruzado
  • Miyabi Miyuki
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • La joven y bonita Junko Aoki naci? con el don de la piroquinesis: la capacidad de provocar incendios por medio de la mente. Junko aprendi? a controlar su poder y a utilizarlo para ajustar cuentas con los criminales a los que la justicia no pudo meter entre rejas.Un fortuito encuentro la llevar? a buscar a una joven secuestrada por una banda de depravados. El macabro rastro de cad?veres que Junko deja tras de s?, atrae la atenci?n de dos grupos muy diferentes: una sociedad secreta conocida como los Guardianes y la Brigada de Investigaci?n ...

  • Fuego Salvaje
  • Feehan Christine
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Nacido en un mundo de monstruos retorcidos, Jake Bannaconni se ha formado y moldeado en la fr?a venganza. Afilado en los fuegos del infierno, ?l controla su mundo y las reglas con una mano de hierro. Tiene todo y cualquier cosa que el dinero puede comprar. Es despiadado, sin compasi?n y se considera un hombre al que dejar solo. Su legado oculto, el ser un cambiaformas, le hace doblemente peligroso en el mundo corporativo.Emma Reynolds es una mujer que sabe c?mo amar y amar bien. Cu?ndo sus dos mundos chocan, los planes de Jake para una completa absorci?n pueden venirse abajo.

  • Fuera de un evidente destino
  • Faletti Giorgio
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Cuando el mestizo Jim Mackenzie regresa a su pueblo natal, en Arizona, para asistir al funeral de su abuelo, jefe de los indios Navajos, todos sus recuerdos de infancia se ven sacudidos por una escalofriante realidad: una oleada de atroces asesinatos rituales asola la comunidad. Su llegada parece haber despertado misterios hasta el momento ocultos en la sombra; misterios relacionados con la tierra, las ra?ces y la tradici?n cham?nica que Mackencie tiene que desvelar si quiere poner fin a la mort?fera cadena.

  • Fuerza Maligna
  • Francis Dick
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • No en todos los deportes o competencias h?picas se puede permanecer m?s all? del tiempo natural de actividad. Cada uno exige cierto l?mite. Uno de esos oficios es ser jinete de caballos entrenados para carrera de obst?culos y, para Freddy Croft, con haber pasado los treinta a?os result? suficiente.Encara entonces el negocio de transporte de caballos con cierta fortuna, hasta que un d?a, dentro de su cami?n, encuentra un cad?ver.No toda esa complicaci?n termina todav?a cuando, de pronto, asesinan a uno de sus empleados y, el ex jockey, ya no tuvo ninguna duda de que alguien lo quer?a perjudicar.Inicia una investigaci?n por su cuenta, creyendo que podr? llegar hasta las puertas mismas del extra?o complot.

  • Fugitive
  • Margolin Phillip
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Amanda Jaffe, the heroine of Wild Justice and Proof Positive, is back – in this tale of international intrigue and murder that leads her deep into the past… and into the crosshairs of a killer.Charlie Marsh, a petty crook and con man, becomes a national hero when he rescues the warden of a state penitentiary during a prison riot, but it doesn't take long before Charlie is wanted in connection with the death of a United States congressman. Now, after living twelve years in the African nation of Batanga, at the mercy of power-mad dictator Jean-Claude Baptiste, Charlie ...

  • Full Blast
  • Evanovich Janet
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • Dear reader:Get ready to have the hottest time of your life with the sizzling duo of newspaper editor Jamie Swift and mysterious millionaire Max Holt. My good friend Charlotte Hughes and I set out to create a whole new world, separate from my Stephanie Plum novels, yet inhabited by the same kind of zany, hilarious, and totally unique characters that we love.There's never a dull moment for the residents of Beaumont, South Carolina. Lately, a heat wave's spiked the mercury- and everyone's sex drive! These days, when Jamie runs into Max, it's all she can ...

  • Full Bloom
  • Evanovich Janet
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • Dear reader:The temperature's on "sizzle" again in Beaumont, South Carolina, where peach trees are in season and ripe for the picking. So is its newest entrepreneur, Annie Fortenberry, who has inherited her grandmother's B&B (and its eccentric handyman Erdle Thorney). According to a local psychic she also inherited a spirit from its glory days as a brothel- not the kind of publicity the Peach Tree Bed & Breakfast needs if it's hosting millionaire Max Holt's upcoming wedding! If rumors of a naughty, prank-playing ghost aren't stressful enough, a mysterious man has arrived with an eye on Annie ...

  • Full House
  • Evanovich Janet
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • Dear reader:I've been hearing from many of you that you'd like to see more books that entertain the way my Stephanie Plum novels do. So my good friend, Charlotte Hughes, and I teamed up to bring you a brand-new series of books. These new books are not set in the world of Plum, but they are written in the Plum tradition with fast-paced action, dysfunctional loveable characters, steamy sex, suspense and lots of laughs.The series is kicked off by Full House, a slightly off-center love story about a devious man, an uncooperative woman, and a ...

  • Full MoonCity
  • Schweitzer Darrell
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • An anthology of storiesMove over, vampires. Make room for the hottest creatures in fantasy: werewolves. Most people think werewolves are creatures of ancient legend, associated with prowling darkened forests and terrifying peasants in medieval cottages. But what about today's werewolf in modern society? Has twenty-first century life changed the rules and lifestyles of the contemporary lycanthrope? Are wolf packs communicating online via social networks? Could the person who at first glance looks like an average commuter (on the early train, to avoid the rising of the full moon) be one of them? Have werewolves infiltrated every level of government? Full Moon City answers these questions, and many more. Featuring contributions from bestselling fantasy luminaries, this collection of spellbinding stories puts the fun back into dark fiction.

  • Full Scoop
  • Evanovich Janet
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • Dear reader:Mercury's in retrograde, and folks in Beaumont, South Carolina, are dealing with gossip, scandal, misunderstandings, and more secrets than ever. Local pediatrician Maggie Davenport has even bigger worries. Her wild-girl past has caught up with her in the form of her ex-boyfriend, a jailbird who just flew the coop — and is bent on tracking down Maggie and her daughter. Fortunately, FBI agent Zack Madden is on hand for protection. Unfortunately his presence is turning up the heat on an attraction Maggie simply has no time for… or does she? But Maggie and Zack aren't the only ...

  • Full Speed
  • Evanovich Janet
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • Dear reader:Welcome to the world of Jamie Swift and Max Holt! My good friend Charlotte and I have teamed up to create a series of books featuring these two characters, and they taken on a life of their own! These books are not set in the same world as my Stephanie plum novels, but what they have in common are lovable, dysfunctional characters, villains you love to hate, and a cross-eyed way of looking at life.Jamie and Max have intense chemistry- even though they drive each other crazy. Max thinks Jamie is a magnet for ...

  • Full Tilt
  • Evanovich Janet
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • Dear reader:With Full House, my good friend Charlotte Hughes and I teamed up to create an exciting new series. Now we bring you the second book, Full Tilt, which is filled with even more fast-paced action, crazy characters, steamy sex, suspense and nonstop hilarity. While these books are not set in the world of my Stephanie Plum novels, we're convinced they will bring you all the fun, the wisecracks, and the adventure that we love.Jamie Swift has one priority in quiet Beaumont, South Carolina: running the local newspaper. Romance runs second. But with the arrival ...