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Книги 14626—14650 из 19355.
  • Glory in Death
  • Robb J.
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • 'a perfect balance of suspense, futuristic police procedural and steamy romance…truly fine entertainment…sure to leave you hungering for more…' Publisher's WeeklyGlory in Death by J D Robb (better known as the highly successful Nora Roberts) is the second in her series featuring feisty police lieutenant Eve Dallas. It's set some 50 years in the future with a gun ban and genetic screening for criminal behaviour in place, but there are still plenty of crimes to solve and perpetrators to catch. Eve's investigation concerns the murder of two beautiful and successful women. Why is the first ...

  • Gniazdo Szerszeni
  • Cornwell Patricia
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Wymagaj?ca i stanowcza Judy Hammer jest szefow? policji w Charlotte, rozwijaj?cym si? centrum bankowo-przemys?owym w Karolinie P??nocnej. Nie wszyscy akceptuj? fakt, ?e kobieta zajmuje stanowisko tradycyjnie przeznaczone dla m??czyzn. Burmistrz Search wola?by zamiast niej ugodowego funkcjonariusza, kt?rym ?atwiej by?oby manipulowa?. Judy musi si? zmaga? nie tylko z przest?pcami, lecz r?wnie? z uleg?ymi wobec lokalnych notabli w?adzami miasta, napastliw? pras? i nielojalnymi pracownikami. Pojawiaj? si? tak?e k?opoty rodzinne. Ale wszystkie problemy musz? odej?? na dalszy plan, gdy nieuchwytny psychopata, nazywany przez dziennikarzy "Czarn? Wdow?", zaczyna mordowa? przyje?d?aj?cych do miasta biznesmen?w.

  • Gnosis
  • Wallace Tom
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Gnosis: Greek word meaning knowledge. Murder, mystery and redemption are at the heart of “Gnosis.” Detective Jack Dantzler has no clue why he has been summoned to the prison to meet with the Reverend Eli Whitehouse, a man convicted of committing a double murder twenty-nine years ago. He is stunned when Eli claims to be innocent and wants Dantzler to prove it. But Eli only gives Dantzler a single clue-look at the obituaries in the local paper for a specific two-week period. Reluctantly, Dantzler agrees to look into the case. As he does, two more people are brutally murdered. ...

  • Godzina ?mierci
  • Coulter Catherine
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Kiedy ksi?dz Michael Joseph zostaje brutalnie zamordowany w swoim ko?ciele w San Fransico, jego brat bli?niak, agent FBI, Dane Carver postanawia odnale?? sprawc? tej potwornej zbrodni. Towarzyszy mu nieroz??czna para agent?w FBI, Savich i Sherlock. Jest te? ?wiadek zbrodni, bezdomna kobieta o nieustalonej to?samo?ci. Od momentu, w kt?rym „Nick” Jones zg?asza si? na policj?, Dane nieoczekiwanie staje si? jej ochroniarzem – ona mo?e by? nast?pna na li?cie zab?jcy. Tylko kt?rego zab?jcy Najwyra?niej „Nick” Jones ucieka przed w?asnym koszmarem. W szalonym po?cigu, kt?ry przenosi si? z ulic San Francisco do telewizyjnego studia w Los Angeles, gdzie powstaje nowy program, kt?ry okazuje si? mie? dziwny zwi?zek z morderstwami, Dane Carver, Savich i Sherlock ?cigaj? si? z czasem, by odnale?? szalonego zab?jc?.

  • Gold Coast
  • Demille Nelson
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • What happens to a priggish, WASPy, disillusioned Wall Street lawyer when a Mafia crime boss moves into the mansion next door in his posh Long Island neighborhood? He ends up representing the gangster on a murder rap and even perjures himself so the mafiosostet lc can be released on $5 million bail. That's the premise of DeMille's (The Charm School) bloated, unpersuasive thriller. Attorney John Sutter has problems that would daunt even Fitzgerald's Jay Gatsby. His marriage is crumbling, despite kinky sex games with his self-centered wife, Susan, who's the mistress of his underworld client Frank Bellarosa. The IRS is after Sutter, and his law firm wants to dump him. As a sardonic morality tale of one man's self-willed disintegration, the impact is flattened by its elitist narrator's patrician tones. A comic courtroom scene and some punches at the end, however, redeem the novel somewhat.

  • Goldfinger
  • Fleming Ian
  • Жанр: Шпионский детектив
  • Auric Goldfinger: okrutny, inteligentny, frustruj?co ostro?ny. Oszust w kana?cie i kr?tacz na du?? skal? w ?yciu codziennym. Takich ludzi James Bond nienawidzi najbardziej. Dobrze si? wi?c sk?ada, ?e to w?a?nie Bond otrzyma? zbadanie tego co Goldfinger, najbogatszy cz?owiek w kraju, zamierza zrobi? ze swoimi nieuczciwymi zyskami, oraz co ??czy go ze Smiersz – ultratajn? sowieck? organizacj? bezlito?nie likwiduj?cych obcych agent?w. 007 odkrywa, ?e Goldfinger ma niezwykle ambitne i gro?ne plany: w?r?d nich s? najwi?ksza kradzie? z?ota w historii oraz masowe morderstwo…

  • Golpe de efecto
  • Coben Harlan
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Valerie Simpson, joven estrella del tenis norteamericano, quiere a Myron Bolitar como su agente. Va a reaparecer y est? dispuesta a olvidar su pasado. Bolitar ya se ha hecho un nombre en el tenis profesional representando a Duane Richwood, futuro n?mero 1 del circuito masculino y que est? a punto de granar el USA Open. Pero alguien no est? dispuesto a ver resugir a Valerie Simpson. ?Por qu? matarla ahora, durante el USA Open? No hay m?s pistas que su ?ltima llamada telef?nica. A Duane Richwood. Bolitar desconoc?a que ambos fueran amigos y comenzar? a buscar ...

  • Golpe de Sangre
  • Paretsky Sara
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Victoria Warshawski debe averiguar qui?n es el padre de su amiga Caroline. Pero nadie quiere o?r hablar de ello y su investigaci?n choca con un extra?o miedo al pasado en una truculenta historia de crimen y seducci?n familiar.Golpe de sangre es una novela en la m?s pura tradici?n del g?nero polic?aco, pero tambi?n, como siempre en su autora, una profunda mirada sobre la corrupci?n, el esc?ndalo pol?tico y los dramas de familia.Victoria Warshawski, universitaria y radical, divorciada y treintea?era, hija de un polic?a de origen polaco y de una emigrante italiana que quiso ser cantante de ?pera, es ya uno de los personajes m?s fascinantes de la novela negra.

  • Gone
  • Kellerman Jonathan
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • No one conducts a more chilling, suspenseful, thoroughly engrossing tour through the winding corridors of criminal behavior and the secret chambers of psychopathology than Jonathan Kellerman, the bestselling “master of the psychological thriller” (People). Now the incomparable team of psychologist Alex Delaware and homicide cop Milo Sturgis embark on their most dangerous excursion yet, into the dark places where risk runs high and blood runs cold.It's a story tailor-made for the nightly news: Dylan Meserve and Michaela Brand, young lovers and fellow acting students, vanish on the way home from a rehearsal. Three days later, the two ...

  • Gone
  • Хайдер Мо
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • November in the West Country. Evening is closing in as murder detective Jack Caffery arrives to interview the victim of a car-jacking. He's dealt with routine car-thefts before, but this one is different. This car was taken by force. And on the back seat was a passenger. An eleven-year-old girl. Who is still missing. Before long the jacker starts to communicate with the police: 'It's started,' he tells them. 'And it ain't going to stop just sudden, is it?' And Caffery knows that he's going to do it again. Soon the jacker will choose another car with another child on the back seat. Caffery's a good and instinctive cop; the best in the business, some say. But this time he knows something's badly wrong. Because the jacker seems to be ahead of the police - every step of the way...

  • Gone for Good
  • Coben Harlan
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • On October 17, eleven years ago, Julie Miller was found brutally strangled in the basement of her house in the township of Livingston, New Jersey. On that day, Will's brother, Ken Klein, became the subject of an international manhunt accused of the crime. He has not been seen since. Will has tried to get on with his life in the intervening years. He has a beautiful new girlfriend, Sheila, and a job working with the homeless. But when his mother reveals, on her deathbed, that Ken is still alive, and shortly afterwards Sheila disappears, the cracks start to show in ...

  • Gone Til November
  • Stroby Wallace
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • It's late at night when Florida sheriff's deputy Sara Cross arrives at the scene of a roadside shooting along a deserted highway. Another deputy, Billy Flynn, her former partner, who also happens to be her former lover, has fatally shot a twenty-two-year-old man during what started out as a routine traffic stop, and she's the first to arrive on the scene. He claims that the man pulled a gun, and that when he didn't respond to Billy's commands to drop it, Billy shot him. Billy is clearly upset, shaken up; Sarah sees the gun in the dead man's hand ...

  • Gone Tomorrow
  • Child Lee
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • New York City. Two in the morning. A subway car heading uptown. Jack Reacher, plus five other passengers. Four are okay. The fifth isn’t.In the next few tense seconds Reacher will make a choice-and trigger an electrifying chain of events in this gritty, gripping masterwork of suspense by #1 New York Times bestseller Lee Child.Susan Mark was the fifth passenger. She had a lonely heart, an estranged son, and a big secret. Reacher, working with a woman cop and a host of shadowy feds, wants to know just how big a hole Susan Mark was ...

  • Good Graces
  • Kagen Lesley
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Lesley Kagen returns with the sequel to her national bestselling debut, Whistling in the Dark.Whistling in the Dark captivated readers with the story of ten-year-old Sally O'Malley and her sister, Troo, during Milwaukee's summer of 1959. The novel became a New York Times bestseller and was named a Midwest Honor Award winner.In Good Graces, it's one year later, and a heat wave has everyone in the close-knit Milwaukee neighborhood on edge. None more so than Sally O'Malley, who remains deeply traumatized by the sudden death of her daddy and her near escape from a murderer and ...

  • Good Morning, Killer
  • Smith April
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • This time Special Agent Grey is working on a kidnapping case — a fifteen-year-old named Juliana has been abducted in Santa Monica. Grey’s counterpart in the Santa Monica Police Department is Detective Andrew Berringer. They’ve worked together before — and they’ve been more than just working together ever since.It’s Ana’s job “to know the victim as if she were my own flesh and blood.” But when Juliana turns up — traumatized into a state of total and paralyzing terror — it becomes clear that Ana has gone too far: she is viewing her own life ...