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Книги 14651—14675 из 19355.

  • Good People
  • Sakey Marcus
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A family, and the security to enjoy it: that’s all Tom and Anna Reed ever wanted. But years of infertility treatments, including four failed attempts at in-vitro fertilization, have left them with neither. The emotional and financial costs are straining their marriage and endangering their dreams. So when their downstairs tenant – a recluse whose promptly delivered cashier’s checks were barely keeping them afloat – dies in his sleep, the $400,000 they find stashed in his kitchen seems like fate. More than fate: a chance for everything they’ve dreamed of for so long. A fairy-tale ending.But Tom and Anna soon realize that fairy tales never come cheap. Because their tenant wasn’t a hermit who squirreled away his pennies. He was a criminal who double-crossed some of the most dangerous men in Chicago. Men who won’t stop until they get revenge, no matter where they find it.

  • Goodnight, Irene
  • Burke Jan
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • From Publishers WeeklySet in the fictional Southern California town of Las Piernas, this generally exciting debut mystery-the first of a projected series-brims with brutality, but is slowed at times by home and hospital bedside scenes. Former reporter Irene Kelly, now working in public relations, is shocked when her friend O'Connor is killed by a bomb hidden in a package. The only clue Irene can unearth is O'Connor's obsession with a long-unsolved crime involving an unidentified female body discovered in Las Piernas years before. Rehired by the Las Piernas Express, Irene teams up with ex-lover and homicide cop ...

  • Grabeshauch
  • Harris Charlaine
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Die junge Harper Connelly hat eine besondere Gabe: Sie kann Tote finden und deren letzte Momente nacherleben. Doch diesmal wird sie nicht nur mit einem geheimnisvollen Todesfall konfrontiert, sondern auch mit ihrer eigenen Vergangenheit. W?hrend Harper in Texas auftragsgem?? dem Tod eines reichen Patriarchen nachsp?rt, erf?hrt ihr Manager und Lebensgef?hrte Tolliver, dass sein ehemals drogens?chtiger Vater (und Harpers Stiefvater) aus dem Gef?ngnis entlassen wurde. Tolliver und Harper wollen nichts mit ihm zu tun haben, k?nnen jedoch nicht verhindern, dass er sich wieder in ihr Leben dr?ngt. Nachdem Tolliver von einem ...

  • Grace Under Fire
  • Barton Beverly
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A brand-new book in the bestselling saga The ProtectorsSOME WOMEN WERE MADE FOR LOVE…SOME MEN FOR MURDER…Grace Beaumont had it all once: wealth, social prominence, a family. Until the accident that tore apart her life. An accident, she'd just discovered, that might not have been as random as it seemed. Now she was determined to uncover what had happened all those years ago. Then someone became determined to stop Grace – dead.Enter Jed Tyree, a hot-blooded bodyguard with a scar on his soul and a hunger to protect all he holds dear. And he holds Grace Beaumont's life very, very dear, though he can never tell her why. Never reveal his secret connection to her sorrowful past. Never surrender to the powerful emotion he feels every time he looks into her eyes… Or can he?

  • Granice Szale?stwa
  • Kava Alex
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • W grobowej ciszy opuszczonego kamienio?omu w Connecticut kto? ukrywa swoje brudne tajemnice, kt?re ods?aniaj? g??bi? ludzkiej deprawacji. Tajemnice, kt?re przypadkiem w ko?cu wychodz? na jaw. Agentka specjalna Maggie O`Dell w?a?nie mia?a rozpocz?? zas?u?one wakacje, kiedy dosta?a telefon od swojej przyjaci??ki, psycholog Gwen Patterson. Jedna z pacjentek pani doktor, niejaka Joan Begley, zagin??a podczas podr??y do Connecticut. Czy Maggie mog?aby wyja?ni?, co si? sta?o z Joan?Maggie pocz?tkowo lekcewa?y niepok?j przyjaci??ki. Kiedy jednak w kamienio?omie ...

  • Grave Goods aka Relics of the Dead
  • Franklin Ariana
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Starred Review. Set in 1176, Franklin's excellent third Mistress of the Art of Death novel (after The Serpent's Tale) finds Adelia Aguilar, a qualified doctor from the School of Medicine in Salerno, in the holy town of Glastonbury, where Henry II has sent her to inspect two sets of bones rumored to be those of Arthur and Guinevere. Henry is hoping that an unequivocally dead Arthur will discourage the rebellious Welsh. The bones have been uncovered by the few monks, under the saintly Abbot Sigward, who remain after a terrible and mysterious fire devastated the town and abbey. Adelia's party ...

  • Grave Mistake
  • Marsh Ngaio
  • Жанр: Классический детектив
  • A bit snobbish and a trifle high-strung, Sybil Foster prides herself on owning the finest estate in Upper Quintern and hiring the best gardener. In fact, she is rapturous over the new asparagus beds when a visit from her unwelcome stepson sends her scurrying to a chic spa for a rest cure, a liaison with the spa's director… and an apparent suicide. Her autopsy holds one surprise, a secret drawer a second. And Inspector Roderick Alleyn, C.I.D., digging about Upper Quintern, may unearth still a third… deeply buried motive for murder.

  • Grave Secret
  • Harris Charlaine
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • New in the series from New York Times bestselling author of the Sookie Stackhouse novels.Lightning-struck sleuth Harper Connelly and her stepbrother Tolliver take a break from looking for the dead to visit the two little girls they both think of as sisters. But, as always happens when they travel to Texas, memories of their horrible childhood resurface.To make matters worse, Tolliver learns from his older brother that their father is out of jail and trying to reestablish contact with other family members. Tolliver wants no part of the man- but he may not have a choice in the matter.Soon, family secrets ensnare them both, as Harper finally discovers what happened to her missing sister, Cameron, so many years before.And what she finds out will change her world forever.

  • Griffins Shadow
  • Moore Leslie
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Jelena Preseren has finally found love and happiness with her new husband Ashinji Sakehera and his family, but her peaceful life is about to be turned upside down. Far to the south, the Soldaran Empire prepares for war against the elves and in the icy north, the arcane power of the Nameless One continues to grow… Set against a backdrop of impending war, shocking betrayals, and uneasy alliances, Griffin's Shadow is a story of courage and enduring love in the face of adversity.

  • Grime and Punishment
  • Churchill Jill
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • Ramona wasn't much of a cleaning woman-some say she wouldn't know a dust bunny from a Doberman — but that's no reason to bump the old girl off, is it? Someone must think so: poor Ramona is found strangled to death with a vacuum chord. Jane Jeffry — mother of three, chairperson of more committees than you can shake a stick at, and part-time sleuth — sets out to find the killer and tie up the loose ends in this irresistible mystery. Grime and Punishment, winner of both Agatha and Macavity Awards for best first mystery book and nominated for an Anthony Award for the same honor, is the first in a series of seven books featuring Jane Jeffry.

  • Gris de campa?a
  • Kerr Philip
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Corre el a?o 1954 y las cosas no son sencillas para Bernie Gunther. El Gobierno cubano le ha obligado a espiar a Meyer Lansky, y cualquiera puede imaginarse que meter las narices en los asuntos de un conocido mafioso no puede ser bueno para la salud. As? que, harto de ese engorroso trabajo, Gunther consigue una embarcaci?n con el objetivo de huir a Florida. Sin embargo, la suerte no est? de su lado, ya que tras la fuga es arrestado y devuelto a Cuba, donde es encarcelado. En su estancia en prisi?n conoce a personajes curiosos, como Fidel Castro o Thibaud, un agente que ejerce de enlace entre la CIA y el servicio de inteligencia franc?s. Thibaud no es buena compa??a para Bernie y no tarda en demostrarlo al hacerle una propuesta que el detective no tiene m?s remedio que aceptar: debe volver a Alemania para alojarse en una prisi?n y hacer all? un trabajo sucio que puede acabar cost?ndole la vida.

  • Grita Para Mi
  • Rose Karen
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Daniel Vartarian es el agente del FBI asignado al caso del asesinato de una joven en la localidad de Dutton, pueblo donde Daniel naci?. El asesinato es exactamente igual a uno que ocurri? en el mismo lugar trece a?os atr?s. Al investigarlo, Daniel reconocer? a aquella adolescente del pasado… Ha visto su rostro en una de las fotos que pertenec?an al asesino en serie m?s cruel que haya conocido: su propio hermano Simon. As?, Daniel tendr? que enfrentarse a sus propios vecinos, a sus fantasmas familiares y a sus conflictos de adolescencia mientras investiga los viejos y nuevos cr?menes con la ayuda de Alexandra, la hermosa hermana gemela de una de las v?ctimas del asesino.

  • Gritos del alma
  • Darcy Emma
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • ?Qui?n era ella?La mujer destacaba entre la multitud, y Jim Neilson, sintiendo una gran atracci?n sexual, se acerc? a ella.?Qui?n era ?l??Quedaban huellas del joven Jaime, su compa?ero de juegos en el valle, del ni?o que hab?a conocido tan bien y amado tanto?Si ella pudiera llegar hasta el ni?o vulnerable que exist?a en el interior del hombre, ?ser?a posible que reapareciera el Jaime que recordaba? ?O todo lo que cab?a esperar era una sola noche en los brazos de Jim? Tal vez de esa manera podr?a olvidar a Jaime de una vez para siempre…

  • Grobowiec
  • Mosse Kate
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Najnowsza powie?? autorki bestsellerowego "Labiryntu" to przykuwaj?cy uwag? thriller o zem?cie i obsesji, rozgrywaj?cy si? w barwnej scenerii po?udnia Francji.Pa?dziernik 1891 roku. L?onie Vernier i jej brat Anatole opuszczaj? ciasne i t?oczne ulice Pary?a i wyje?d?aj? na po?udnie, do tajemniczej wiejskiej rezydencji La Domaine de la Cade niedaleko Carcassonne. Tam, w prastarym lesie dziewczyna trafia na zrujnowany grobowiec, kt?ry kryje w sobie tajemnic? pope?nionego przed ponad stu laty morderstwa. L?onie zanurza si? w krainie zjaw i widm, w kt?rej ?yciem i ?mierci? rz?...