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Книги 15451—15475 из 19352.

  • Les hommes qui naimaient pas les femmes
  • Larsson Stieg
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Ancien r?dacteur de , revue d'investigations sociales et ?conomiques, Mikael Blomkvist est contact? par un gros industriel pour relancer une enqu?te abandonn?e depuis quarante ans. Dans le huis clos d'une ?le, la petite ni?ce de Henrik Vanger a disparu, probablement assassin?e, et quelqu'un se fait un malin plaisir de le lui rappeler ? chacun de ses anniversaires.Second? par Lisbeth Salander, jeune femme rebelle et perturb?e, plac?e sous contr?le social mais fouineuse hors pair, Mikael Blomkvist, cass? par un proc?s en diffamation qu'il vient de perdre, se plonge sans espoir dans ...

  • Les larmes de Machiavel
  • Cardetti Rapha?l
  • Жанр: Исторический детектив
  • En ce d?but d'ann?e 1498, les brumes hivernales p?sent sur le d?me de la cath?drale Santa Maria del Flore, plongeant Florence dans l'humidit? glaciale. Mais pour l'heure les habitants ont d'autres pr?occupations: depuis la chute des M?dicis, la vindicte populaire gronde, aviv?e par les sermons du moine Savonarole. La d?couverte de cadavres atrocement mutil?s ?chauffe davantage les esprits. T?moin d'un des meurtres, Niccolo Machiavel, jeune secr?taire de chancellerie, met ? profit sa connaissance des rouages politiques pour mener son enqu?te et se trouve plong? au c?ur du plus grand scandale de l'?poque.

  • Les pr?dictions de Nostrab?rus
  • Dard Frederic
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • Tu sais qu'il se passe des dr?les de choses en Su?de ?Viens-y avec moi, tu verras !Tu verras ce que t'as encore jamais vu.Tu verras : des merderies mod?les, des partouzes g?antes, des mariages d'hommes, que sais-je ?…Tu crois que c'est ? cause du froid que les frangines de l?-bas ont le r?chaud incandescent, toi ?Et ce serait les brunes nordiques qui refileraient ? B?ru ce don de double vue ?Je le savais d?j? voyeur, le Gros.Pas mal voyou, aussi, dans son genre.Mais voyant, alors ?a, je te jure !Viens te rendre compte comme les petites Su?doises s'enflamment facilement.Suffit de savoir les frotter !Viens, je te dis !

  • Les rivi?res pourpres
  • Grange Jean-Christophe
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Un cadavre, horriblement mutil?, suspendu entre ciel et terre dans les montagnes de la r?gion grenobloise. Une tombe, celle d'un petit gar?on, myst?rieusement « visit?e » pendant la nuit, cependant que les dossiers le concernant disparaissaient de son ?cole. Deux ?nigmes, que vont s'attacher ? r?soudre deux flics hors normes : Pierre Ni?mans, policier g?nial, dont les m?thodes peu orthodoxes ont compromis la carri?re. Et Karim Abdouf, l'ancien d?linquant devenu flic, dont la couleur de peau et les dreadlocks suscitent plut?t la d?fiance dans le trou de province o? on l'a nomm?... Les deux affaires vont se rejoindre, et les deux hommes se reconna?tre. Ensemble, ils vont remonter vers le terrifiant secret des rivi?res pourpres. Un secret qui ne nous sera livr? qu'aux derni?res pages de ce thriller exceptionnel, d? ? l'auteur du Vol des cigognes et r?cemment port? ? l'?cran par Mathieu Kassovitz.

  • Les souris ont la peau tendre
  • Dard Frederic
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • Un patron de bistrot portant, dans son arri?re-salle, une ?p?e ? la taille, surtout au XX?me si?cle, c'est assez extraordinaire. Mais franchement o? ?a se corse (chef-lieu Bastia — histoire de fomenter une petite guerre civile), o? ?a se corse, disais-je, c'est quand l'?p?e n'est pas ? la taille du type, mais ? travers la taille…Je tiens aussi ? vous pr?ciser que cette d?couverte n'est pas faite pour me r?jouir, vu que l'?pingl? ?tait mon seul contact dans ce foutu bled… Pour lui, le contact a ?t? plut?t rude, et pour moi, il risque de l'?tre aussi, je le crains, car j'entends d?j? mugir, au loin, une sir?ne de police…

  • Let It Bleed
  • Rankin Ian
  • Жанр: Полицейский детектив
  • Detective Inspector John Rebus and Frank Lauderdale start the book with a car chase across Edinburgh, culminating with the two youths they are chasing throwing themselves off the Forth Road Bridge and in Rebus being injured in a car crash. Rebus' upset over this allows Rankin to show the character in a new light, revealing his isolation and potentially suicidal despair.After the unconnected suicide of a terminally ill con, Rebus pursues an investigation that implicates respected people at the highest levels of government, and due to the politically sensitive nature of what he is doing, faces losing his job, or worse. He is supported by his daughter Sammy, allowing their distant relationship to be built upon.The title refers to the Rolling Stones album .

  • Let Me Call You Sweetheart
  • Clark Mary
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • From Publishers WeeklyThe latest from the Clark suspense factory has a spunky New Jersey prosecutor, Kerry McGrath, as its heroine in danger. Kerry has taken an interest in a 10-year-old murder case, in which Skip Reardon had been found guilty of slaying his beautiful wife, Suzanne, and has since been pleading his innocence from his jail cell. When Kerry's small daughter, Robin, goes to a New York plastic surgeon after a car crash, it is apparent that Dr. Smith, who was Suzanne's father, is weird. He seems to be fashioning the faces of young women to resemble ...

  • Let the Devil Sleep
  • Verdon John
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • In this latest novel from bestselling author John Verdon, ingenious puzzle solver Dave Gurney puts under the magnifying glass a notorious serial murder – one whose motives have been enshrined as law-enforcement dogma – and discovers that everyone has it wrong.The most decorated homicide detective in NYPD history, Dave Gurney is still trying to adjust to his life of quasi-retirement in upstate New York when a young woman who is producing a documentary on a notorious murder spree seeks his counsel. Soon after, Gurney begins feeling threatened: a razor-sharp hunting arrow lands in his yard, and he narrowly escapes ...

  • Let The Right One In aka Let Me In
  • Lindqvist John
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Oskar and Eli. In very different ways, they were both victims. Which is why, against the odds, they became friends. And how they came to depend on one another, for life itself. Oskar is a 12 year old boy living with his mother on a dreary housing estate at the city's edge. He dreams about his absentee father, gets bullied at school, and wets himself when he's frightened. Eli is the young girl who moves in next door. She doesn't go to school and never leaves the flat by day. She is a 200 year old vampire, forever frozen in childhood, and condemned to live on a diet of fresh blood. John Ajvide Lindqvist's novel, a huge bestseller in his native Sweden, is a unique and brilliant fusion of social novel and vampire legend; and a deeply moving fable about rejection, friendship and loyalty.

  • Lethal
  • Brown Sandra
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • When her four year old daughter informs her a sick man is in their yard, Honor Gillette rushes out to help him. But that "sick" man turns out to be Lee Coburn, the man accused of murdering seven people the night before. Dangerous, desperate, and armed, he promises Honor that she and her daughter won't be hurt as long as she does everything he asks. She has no choice but to accept him at his word.But Honor soon discovers that even those close to her can't be trusted. Coburn claims that her beloved late husband possessed something extremely valuable that places Honor and her daughter in grave danger. Coburn is there to retrieve it – at any cost. From FBI offices in Washington, D.C., to a rundown shrimp boat in coastal Louisiana, Coburn and Honor run for their lives from the very people sworn to protect them, and unravel a web of corruption and depravity that threatens not only them, but the fabric of our society

  • Lethal Exposure
  • Андерсон Кевин
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Anderson and Beason are both physicists, which gives their latest plenty of scientific authenticity. So if you know the difference between Feynman diagrams and scattering matrices and don't mind two-dimensional characters, this should be your superconducting cup of tea. Nobel-nominated physicist Georg Dumenco is blasted with radiation while working on a project at Fermilab?the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Illinois. What appears to be an accident is, of course, not and Dumenco's beautiful, tempestuous doctor, Trish LeCroix, recruits her former lover, Craig Kreident, crack FBI agent and Scientific American subscriber?and protagonist of Virtual Destruction and Fallout?to investigate before Dumenco succumbs. Intrigues from India, radiation sickness, a few gunshots, and a love triangle point up the importance difference between nuanced complexity and confusing complications.

  • Lethal Legacy
  • Fairstein Linda
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • When Assistant District Attorney Alex Cooper is summoned to Tina Barr's apartment on Manhattan 's Upper East Side, she finds a neighbor convinced that the young woman was assaulted. But the terrified victim, a conservator of rare books and maps, refuses to cooperate with investigators. Then another woman is found murdered in that same apartment with an extremely valuable book, believed to have been stolen.Alex discovers that the apartment belongs to a member of the wealthy Hunt family, longtime benefactors of the New York Public Library. As Alex, Mike, and Mercer meet each member of the eccentric ...