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Книги 16251—16275 из 19355.
  • Pagan Babies
  • Leonard Elmore
  • Жанр: Криминальный детектив
  • Nobody writes novels like Elmore Leonard, with his crackling dialogue, breathless pacing, and hilarious hard-luck, unfailingly human characters. In his sizzling new novel, the New York Times best selling author crosses continents to tell an adrenaline-charged story of crime and retribution-where double crosses become triple crosses, revenge is where you find it, and absolution is just around the corner.Father Terry Dunn hears a lot of strange confessions. After all, he's the only priest for miles in the lingering aftermath of the worst massacre Rwanda has ever seen. And Fr. Terry, who has forty- seven bodies in his ...

  • Pago Sangriento
  • George Elizabeth
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • En la gran mansi?n escocesa de Westerbrae, una compa??a teatral londinense se re?ne para la lectura de una controvertida nueva obra. Pero, al finalizar la velada, la bella dramaturga aparece brutalmente asesinada en su cama, y el inspector Thomas Lynley se ve inmediatamente enredado en un crimen cuyo origen est? en las complicadas obligaciones del amor y las consecuencias de la traici?n.Con la finalidad de alejar a la prensa el m?ximo tiempo posible, dada la notoriedad de los principales sospechosos, Lynley y la sargento Havers viajan hacia el aislado lugar. Entre sus ...

  • Painkiller
  • Staeger Will
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A TV and film executive, Staeger displays a real knack for creating cinematic scenes in his engaging first thriller. Cooper, a burnt-out former CIA operative living in a cheap bungalow on the British Virgin Island of Tortola, isn't too happy when "Cap'n Roy," the local police chief, dares to call him at 6 a.m. (Indeed, he gets out of bed and smashes the window in his front door with a baseball bat.) A badly burned, broken and tattooed male body has washed up on the beach, and Roy wants Cooper to dispose of it without disturbing the tourists. Given ...

  • Pami?tnik Pisany Mi?o?ci?
  • Patterson James
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Nie?atwo jest kobiecie spotka? idealnego m??czyzn?. Kate Wilkinson si? uda?o, ale c?? z tego skoro pewnego dnia ukochany Matt odchodzi bez wyja?nienia, zostawiaj?c jej tylko pami?tnik… Okazuje si?, ?e ten dziennik pisa?a m?oda matka, Suzanne Bedford, z my?l? o swoim male?kim synku. Kobieta we wzruszaj?cy spos?b opowiada o w?asnym ?yciu, o pocz?tkach znajomo?ci z ojcem dziecka i rado?ciach zwi?zanych z macierzy?stwem. Podczas czytania tych chwytaj?cych za serce wyzna? Katie nagle u?wiadamia sobie, ?e utracony przez ni? ukochany to m?? i ojciec z pami?tnika. Podczas dalszej lektury, przera?ona i pe?na nadziei, pr?buje zrozumie?, co w?a?ciwie zasz?o. Zastanawia si? r?wnie?, czy jej mi?o?? na szanse na przetrwanie…

  • Pandoras Closet
  • Greenberg Martin
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Nineteen original tales of the pandora legend-as no one has ever imagine it before.When Pandora's Box was opened, so the ancient tale goes, all the evils that would beset humanity were released into the world. When the box was all but empty, the only thing that remained was hope. Now some of fantasy's finest writers have taken on the task of opening Pandora's closet. It is naturally chock full of an assortment of items, including a ring that can bring its wearer infinite health, a special helmet found in the most unlikely of places, a mysterious box that holds a legendary piece of cloth, and a red hoodie that transforms a woman's world. These stories are of items claimed by people, but only at their own peril. After indulging in these stories, readers will certainly look at their own closets in a whole new light.

  • Pandoras Daughter
  • Johansen Iris
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The number-one blockbuster bestselling author delivers her most explosive and compelling novel yet, in which a woman must unlock the secrets of her own mind before she loses her life.She has a gift of unspeakable power…He must control her or destroy her…For as long as she can remember, successful young physician Megan Blair has tried to silence the voices in her head--voices that bring her to the edge of madness and terror. Megan possesses psychic powers that have been dormant for years, hidden deep in the past she's tried so desperately to forget. ...

  • Panic Attack
  • Жанр: Криминальный детектив
  • Dr. Adam Bloom has the perfect life. He's financially secure and lives in a luxurious house with his wife, Dana, and their twentytwo- year-old daughter, Marissa, a recent college graduate. Late one night, his daughter wakes him up and says, 'Somebody's downstairs.' Adam uses his gun to kill one of the unarmed intruders, but the other escapes. From that moment on, everyone's life in the Bloom household will never be the same. Adam doesn't feel safe, not with the other intruder out there somewhere, knowing where he lives. Dana suggests moving but Adam has lived in the ...

  • Papillon
  • Charriere Henry
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Andaba yo por los seis a?os cuando mi padre decidi? que pod?a prestarme sus libros sin temor a destrozos. Hasta ese momento, mi biblioteca b?sica se restring?a al TBO, Mortadelos variados, y cualquier libro de categor?a infantil-juvenil que me cayera como regalo en las fechas oportunas. Por desgracia (o quiz? ser?a m?s justo decir por suerte. S?lo quiz?), la econom?a familiar no estaba para seguir el ritmo de mis `pap?, que me he acabado el tebeo, c?mprame otro`. A grandes males, grandes remedios, y el viejo debi? de pensar ...

  • Para?so
  • Marklund Liza
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Un hurac?n barre el sur de Suecia sembrando el caos a su paso. Dos hombres yacen muertos en el puerto de Estocolmo, con sendos disparos a bocajarro en la cabeza. Una muchacha trata de salvar su vida. Encuentra refugio en Paradise, una fundaci?n dedicada a las personas cuyas vidas est?n en peligro.Annika Bengtzon, redactora de un peri?dico, est? tratando de reconstruir su vida tras la violenta muerte de su prometido. Cubrir la historia de Paradise es la oportunidad que necesita para volver a encaminar su vida personal y profesional. Pero, como est? a punto de descubrir, ni Paradise ni la muchacha, Aida, son lo que aparentan. La b?squeda de Annika de la verdad la obligar? a ella misma y a Aida a enfrentarse a sus turbulentos pasados, y al final Annika se ver? ante la decisi?n m?s dif?cil de su vida.

  • Paranoia
  • Finder Joseph
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Adam Cassidy is twenty-six and a low level employee at a high-tech corporation who hates his job. When he manipulates the system to do something nice for a friend, he finds himself charged with a crime. Corporate Security gives him a choice: prison-or become a spy in the headquarters of their chief competitor, Trion Systems. They train him and feed him inside information. Now at Trion, he's a star, skyrocketing to the top. He finds he has talents he never knew he possessed. He's rich, drives a Porsche, lives in a fabulous apartment, and works directly for the CEO. He's dating the girl of his dreams. His life is perfect. All he has to do to keep it that way is betray everyone he cares about and everything he believes in. But when he tries to break off from his controllers, he finds himself in way over his head, where nothing is what it seems and no one can really be trusted. And then the REAL nightmare begins…

  • Pariah
  • Fingerman Bob
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Starred Review. When a zombie pandemic sweeps the land, a group of survivors hide out in an Upper East Side apartment building. As food supplies dwindle tensions rise, and their only salvation appears in the form of Mona, a mysterious girl who repels the zombies. Though Mona brings food to the survivors and a new sense of possibility, they wonder why she's impervious to the zombie hordes and endeavor to discover her secret. But their decision to put it to the test could shatter the safe, careful world they've built for themselves. Fingerman's latest is a spectacular entre in ...

  • Partner In Crime
  • Jance J.
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A terrifying truth is buried at the juncture where lethal greed and unassailable power converge.The dead woman was an artist recently arrived from Washington State, cruelly cut down in the early stages of a promising career. Now all that remains of Rochelle Baxter lies on a cold slab in the Cochise County morgue, and Sheriff Joanna Brady knows that murder has once again infected her small desert community.But there is more to this homicide than initially meets the eye – and more to the victim, who died while supposedly under the conscientious protection of the government.

  • Pasado Perfecto
  • Padura Leonardo
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • El primer fin de semana de 1989 una insistente llamada de tel?fono arranca de su resaca al teniente Mario Conde, un polic?a esc?ptico y desenga?ado. El Viejo, su jefe en la Central, le llama para encargarle un misterioso y urgente caso: Rafael Mor?n, jefe de la Empresa de Importaciones y Exportaciones del Ministerio de Industrias, falta de su domicilio desde el d?a de A?o Nuevo. Quiere el azar que el desaparecido sea un ex compa?ero de estudios de Conde, un tipo que ya entonces, aun acatando las normas establecidas, se destacaba por su brillantez y autodisciplina. Por si fuera poco, este caso enfrenta al teniente con el recuerdo de su antiguo amor por la joven Tamara, ahora casada con Mor?n. «El Conde» ir? descubriendo ciertas sombras inquietantes en el aparente pasado perfecto sobre el que Rafael Mor?n ha ido labrando su brillante carrera de bur?crata.

  • Pasaje al para?so
  • Connelly Michael
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Al detective Harry Bosch, reci?n incorporado al Departamento de Homicidios de la polic?a de Los ?ngeles tras una baja voluntaria, Ie cae un trabajito rutinario. En el maletero de un Rolls-Royce se ha ? encontrado el cuerpo de Tony Aliso, productor de pel?culas porno, con dos tiros en la cabeza. Aunque todo apunta a un ajuste de cuentas entre mafiosos, la Divisi?n contra el Crimen Organizado (DCO) reacciona de forma extra?a ante el caso y deja abiertas las puertas para el perseverante Bosch. El estudio de la escena del crimen y el an?lisis forense despejan el camino en una investigaci?n m?s ardua de lo que parec?a.