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Книги 16201—16225 из 19353.

  • Operaci?n Rompehielos
  • Gardner John
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • James Bond, como sucediera antes con Sherlock Holmes, se ha convertido en un mito del siglo veinte. Cuando en la d?cada de los ochenta John Gardner resucit? -con la debida autorizaci?n legal-, el personaje de James Bond, dotado para la ocasi?n de una sensibilidad in?dita hacia la salud p?blica y la ecolog?a, am?n de un coche nuevo y de un gesto de comprensi?n hacia el feminismo, su libro License Renewed pas? a ocupar directamente el n?mero uno entre los t?tulos m?s vendidos a uno y otro lado del ...

  • Operation Napoleon
  • Indri?ason Arnaldur
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • It's 1945: a German bomber flies over Iceland in a blizzard; the crew have lost their way and eventually crash on the Vatnajokull glacier, the largest in Europe. Puzzlingly, there are both German and American officers on board. One of the senior German officers claims that their best chance of survival is to try to walk to the nearest farm and sets off, a briefcase handcuffed to his wrist. He soon disappears into the white vastness. 1999, mid-winter, and the US Army is secretively trying to remove an aeroplane from the Vatnajokull glacier. By coincidence two young Icelanders become involved – but will pay with their lives. Before they are captured, one of the two contacts his sister, Kristin, who will not rest until she discovers the truth of her brother's fate. Her pursuit puts her in great danger, leading her, finally, to a remote island off Argentina in search of the key to the riddle about Operation Napoleon.

  • Orange is the New Black
  • Kerman Piper
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • When federal agents knocked on her door with an indictment in hand, Piper Kerman barely resembled the reckless young woman she was shortly after graduating Smith College. Happily ensconced in a New York City apartment, with a promising career and an attentive boyfriend, Piper was forced to reckon with the consequences of her very brief, very careless dalliance in the world of drug trafficking.Following a plea deal for her 10-year-old crime, Piper spent a year in the infamous women’s correctional facility in Danbury, Connecticut, which she found to be no “Club Fed.” In Orange is the ...

  • Orchid Blues
  • Woods Stuart
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Chief of Police Holly Barker-the heroine introduced in the New York Times bestselling Orchid Beach-returns with her trusty Doberman, Daisy, to track an unusual band of thieves in this second thriller in Stuart Woods's newest and most captivating series."Holly Barker-tough and tight-lipped-is fun to watch as she maneuvers among city politicians and wary colleagues, one of whom may be a murderer." (Entertainment Weekly review of Orchid Beach)Holly is on her way to be married to Jackson Oxenhandler, her steady beau, when her wedding day is shattered by a serious crime that takes place very close ...

  • Ordinary Heroes
  • Turow Scott
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Stewart Dubinsky knew his father had served in World War II. And he'd been told how David Dubin (as his father had Americanized the name that Stewart later reclaimed) had rescued Stewart's mother from the horror of the Balingen concentration camp. But when he discovers, after his father's death, a packet of wartime letters to a former fianc?e, and learns of his father's court-martial and imprisonment, he is plunged into the mystery of his family's secret history and driven to uncover the truth about this enigmatic, distant man who'd always refused to talk about his war.As ...

  • Ostatni Deszcz
  • Jerry Ahern,
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Ludzko?? d??y do czwartej wojny ?wiatowej. Z?o panoszy si? ju? na ca?ym ?wiecie, a s?owo „mi?o??” zosta?o wymazane z ludzkiego umys?u i j?zyka. Nad mocarstwami zawis? miecz Damoklesa: w tej wojnie nie b?dzie pokonanych i zwyci?zc?w…Sowieci wynale?li now?, cudown? bro?, kt?ra ma przynie?? im wieczne zwyci?stwo. Lecz po stronie demokracji i wolno?ci stoi sprawdzony, niezniszczalny ?rodek obrony. Jego kryptonim brzmi: John Thomas Rourke…

  • Ostatni Szczeg??
  • Coben Harlan
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Odpoczywaj?cy na Karaibach Myron Bolitar musi pilnie wraca? do Nowego Jorku – jego wsp?lniczka Esperanza Diaz zosta?a aresztowana pod zarzutem zab?jstwa znanego bejsbolisty Clu Haida, jego pierwszego klienta. Co gorsza, nie chce sk?ada? wyja?nie?, milczy jak zakl?ta. Myron nie wierzy w win? przyjaci??ki, pomimo i? wskazuj? na ni? liczne poszlaki – krew oraz bro? znalezione w biurze i samochodzie, awantura z Clu kr?tko przed jego ?mierci?. Czy ?miertelny wypadek, jaki Clu spowodowa? przed dwunastoma laty, ma zwi?zek z zab?jstwem? Dlaczego kto? celowo wp?dza? go w depresj?, fa?szuj?c wyniki kontroli antydopingowej? Co ma z tym wszystkim wsp?lnego Esperanza?

  • Ostrze Darwina
  • Simmons Dan
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Jak wszystko, co napisa? Simmons, tak i Ostrze Darwina jest powie?ci? ponadgatunkow?, tym razem mamy do czynienia ze skrzy?owaniem thrillera, powie?ci detektywistycznej, prawniczej i krymina?u. Bohater, Darwin "Dar" Minor, jest by?ym oficerem ?ledczy NTSB (Narodowej Rady Bezpiecze?stwa Transportu) i doktorem fizyki, a obecnie pracuje w prywatnej kalifornijskiej firmie jako specjalista od rekonstrukcji wypadk?w.Pewnego dnia cudem unika ?mierci, gdy strzelaj? do niego m??czy?ni z podrasowanego mercedesa. ?ledztwo w tej sprawie prowadzi prokurator Sydney Olson oraz sam Dar, kt?ry dobiera sobie wsp??pracownik?w z Departamentu Policji San Diego, ...

  • Out Of The Deep I Cry
  • Spencer-Fleming Julia
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • On April 1, 1930, Jonathan Ketchem's wife Jane walked from her house to the police department to ask for help in finding her husband. The men, worn out from a night of chasing bootleggers, did what they could. But no one ever saw Jonathan Ketchem again…Now decades later, someone else is missing in Miller's Kill, NY. This time it's the physician of the clinic that bears the Ketchem name. Suspicion falls on a volatile single mother with a grudge against the doctor, but Reverend Clare Fergusson isn't convinced. As Clare and Russ investigate, they discover that the doctor's disappearance is linked to a bloody trail going all the way back to the hardscrabble Prohibition era. As they draw ever closer to the truth, their attraction for each other grows increasingly more difficult to resist. And their search threatens to uncover secrets that snake from one generation to the next-and to someone who's ready to kill.

  • Out of the Shadows
  • Хупер Кей
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A picture-perfect Tennessee town has just become a monster's hunting ground. Two bodies are found tortured to death. A third person goes missing. What little evidence is left behind defies all explanation. Is the terror just beginning? Or have the good citizens of Gladstone harbored a dark secret for a long time? Sheriff Miranda Knight is determined to make her small town safe once more. And she does what she swore she would never do: involve FBI profiler Noah Bishop. He's the one man who knows about her unique abilities, and that knowledge almost destroyed her and her sister years ago. Now, as Bishop arrives with his team of agents, Miranda must learn to trust him and use her abilities once more. For they're about to go on the hunt for a killer whose madness has no bounds, a killer who knows exactly how to destroy Miranda: by preying on her sister.

  • Out of Time
  • Ryder Cliff
  • Жанр: Шпионский детектив
  • One last missionWhen crisis looms and politics and red tape conspire against effective measures, the International Intelligence Agency plays its hidden hand. Now the spymasters of Room 59—dedicated, dangerous and willing to push the limit—get the green light to eradicate the threat.One last chanceRoom 59 agent Alex Tempest has a secret: a degenerative illness that may end his career as a field operative. But first he accepts one final mission. And…it's personal. A research facility in China has built the ultimate biological weapon. Alex's job: infi ltrate and destroy. His wife works at the biotech company's stateside lab, and Alex fears danger is poised to hit home. But when Alex is captured, his personal and professional worlds collide in a last, desperate gamble to stop ruthless masterminds from unleashing virulent, unstoppable death.