Every parent’s nightmare becomes reality for Kara Marshall when her daughter, Lindsay, vanishes from her bedroom during the night. The police suspect that the girl is just another moody teenage runaway, angry over leaving behind her school and friends because her family is moving. But Lindsay’s recent eerie claim — that someone invaded her room when the house was opened to prospective buyers — drives Kara to fear the worst: a nameless, faceless stalker has walked the halls of her home in search of more than a place to live.Patrick Shields recognizes Kara’s pain — and carries ...
El hallazgo fortuito de una fosa com?n, a orillas de un lago en el norte de Maine, pone al descubierto un espeluznante asesinato en masa cometido hace m?s de treinta a?os. Todos los miembros de una comunidad religiosa, los Baptistas de Aroostook, desaparecieron sin dejar rastro en 1964, y, ahora que sus cad?veres han vuelto al presente como una muda acusaci?n, alguien parece muy interesado en que el misterio quede sin resolver. Pero el pasado regresa con inusitada brutalidad. La primera v?ctima es Grace Peltier, una estudiante que, al investigar sobre el fanatismo religioso en el estado de Maine, ha ahondado en la vida y el enigm?tico final de la comunidad de Aroostook. En apariencia, Grace se ha suicidado, pero hay indicios de asesinato m?s que suficientes para que la familia solicite la intervenci?n del detective Charlie Parker, «Bird», el protagonista de las anteriores entregas de John Connolly.
Sisters Mary and Pamela O’Shaughnessy first saw print (under their pseudonym Perri O’Shaughnessy) in the June 1995 EQMM, as the second-place winners in MWA’s 50th Anniversary Short Story Contest. They’d already sold a book by that time, and after 13 successful books in thirteen years, they decided to take a year off. Now they’re back, with Show No Fear (Pocket Books).
Hay muchas formas de morir, pero unas son m?s aterradoras que otras… Un paseo por el bosque se convierte en algo siniestro para el jefe de polic?a Jeffrey Tolliver y la forense Sara Linton, cuando topan con el cuerpo de una joven. Las evidencias iniciales sugieren que ha sido asustada literalmente hasta la muerte. Pero cuando Sara comienza a hacer la autopsia, algo todav?a m?s horripilante sale a la luz… Algo que incluso conmociona a Sara. La detective Lena Adams es llamada durante sus vacaciones para resolver el caso, y la pista pronto conduce al condado vecino, una comunidad aislada, y a un terrible secreto.Aunque la policia lo ignora, no es la primera vez que ocurre, y quiz? tampoco sea la ?ltima. Aquella desdichada joven, sepultada en vida no es s?lo la v?ctima de un crimen atroz. Para su asesino es fruto de cumplir con su obligaci?n. Abby Bennett merec?a terminar as?, y tambi?n las otras, perseguidas y condenadas a pagar el precio de sus actos.
Half-demon Hope Adams has inherited not only a gift for seeing the past but a hunger for chaos--along with a talent for finding it wherever she can. Naturally, when she's chosen by a very dangerous group for a very dangerous mission, she jumps at the chance. As it turns out, Hope is a little too good at this job, and she soon finds it necessary to unleash her most potent primal instincts--and open herself, mind and body, to everything she most fears…and desires.
British Fantasy Society (nominee)A hotel offers a taboo service for its troubled clients, a vampire library attacks its readers, and a young man discovers the cutlery of the Marquis de Sade. Incarceration, incantations, romance, revenge and the end of the world occur in this collection of gothic tales.
Amazon.com ReviewJack Reacher, the taciturn ex-MP whose adventures in Lee Child's six previous solidly plotted, expertly paced thrillers have won a devoted fan base, returns in this explosive tale of an undercover operation set up by the FBI to rescue an agent investigating Zachary Beck, a reclusive tycoon believed to be a kingpin in the drug trade. The novel begins with a bang as Reacher rescues Beck's son from a staged kidnapping in order to get close to his father-and trace the connection between Beck and Quinn, a former army intelligence officer who tried to sell ...
A?o 1944. Daniel, combatiente del frente oriental, muere asesinado en las trincheras de Leningrado. En un hospital de Viena, un soldado herido dice ser Daniel. Entre ?l y la enfermera Helena surge un romance.A?o 1999. El investigador Harry Hole dispara por accidente a un agente de los servicios secretos durante la visita a Noruega del presidente norteamericano Clinton. Harry Hole es trasladado a la polic?a de seguridad ciudadana, donde se le asigna la misi?n de comprobar la informaci?n sobre una red de tr?fico de armas relacionada con c?rculos de viejos y nuevos nazis.A?o 2000. Mientras la nieve se funde en las calles de Oslo, entra en escena un asesino con un objetivo muy especial.
Ex-astronaut Richard Baedecker sees everything he has ever done as merely preparation for something bigger and his quest for higher meaning leads him to a mysterious young woman who shows him the "places of power" in his own past.
Includes brand-new stories by: Diane Ayres, Cordelia Frances Biddle, Keith Gilman, Cary Holladay, Solomon Jones, Gerald Kolpan, Aimee LaBrie, Halimah Marcus, Carlin Romano, Asali Solomon, Laura Spagnoli, Duane Swierczynski, Dennis Tafoya, and Jim Zervanos.Carlin Romano, critic-at-large of the Chronicle of Higher Education and literary critic of The Philadelphia Inquirer for twenty-five years, teaches philosophy and media theory at the University of Pennsylvania. In 2006 he was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for Criticism, cited by the Pulitzer Board for "bringing new vitality to the classic essay across a formidable array of topics." He lives in University City, Philadelphia, in the only house on his block.
The Sommita lay spread-eagled on her back across a red counterpane. The bosom of her red biblical dress had been torn down to the waist and under her left breast, irrelevantly, unbelievably, the haft of a knife stuck out. The right arm, rigid as a branch, was raised in the fascist salute. She might have been posed for the jacket on an all-too-predictable shocker…