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Книги 19226—19250 из 19353.

  • Wicked Game
  • Jackson Lisa
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Twenty years ago, wild child Jessie Brentwood vanished from St. Elizabeth's high school. Most in Jessie's tight circle of friends believed she simply ran away. Few suspected that Jessie was hiding a shocking secret – one that brought her into the crosshairs of a vicious killer…Two decades pass before a body is unearthed on school grounds and Jessie's old friends reunite to talk. Most are sure that the body is Jessie's, that the mystery of what happened to her has finally been solved. But soon, Jessie's friends each begin to die in horrible, freak accidents that defy explanation…Becca ...

  • Wicked Prey
  • Sandford John
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Having spent the past two years in hiding following a daring and successful heist, a big -time robber is back in Minneapolis, having spotted the opportunity for an even greater steal. It's a couple of weeks before the big Republican party convention: thousands of people spending cash, which is flowing into a relatively inadequate Brinks warehouse, protected by only three or four armed guards. The robber's plan is to distract the cops by manipulating and alerting them to a possible assassination attempt. Lucas Davenport meanwhile has problems of his own, targeted by a psychopathic pimp, who blames Davenport for the fact he's in a wheelchair. Only it's not Davenport he's going after; it's his innocent daughter, Letty.

  • Wideo z Jezusem
  • Eschbach Andreas
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Na wykopaliskach archeologicznych w Izraelu w pochodz?cym sprzed dw?ch tysi?cy lat grobie znaleziono plastykowy woreczek, a w nim instrukcj? obs?ugi japo?skiej kamery wideo. Analiza metod? C14 potwierdzi?a, ?e wiek papieru broszurki rzeczywi?cie wynosi dwa tysi?ce lat. Jednak opisana w niej kamera ma pojawi? si? na rynku dopiero za trzy lata. Nasuwa si? wyja?nienie, ?e w niedalekiej przysz?o?ci — w ci?gu nast?pnych czterech lub sze?ciu lat — odkryty zostanie spos?b poruszania si? w czasie. Naukowcy stwierdz?, ?e mo?liwy jest ruch tylko w jednym kierunku, mianowicie w przesz?o??. Dlaczego cz?owiek, kt?rego szcz?tki znaleziono w grobie, nie zwa?aj?c na ryzyko wyruszy? w bezpowrotn? podr??? Przyczyna mog?a by? tylko jedna: pragn?? sfilmowa? Jezusa Chrystusa i owo nagranie, dobrze ukryte w bezpiecznym miejscu czeka teraz od tysi?cy lat, by w ko?cu zabrali je stamt?d jego wsp?lnicy.

  • Widma W Mie?cie Breslau
  • Krajewski Marek
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Wroc?aw, rok 1919. Na jednej z wysepek w rozlewiskach Odry dw?ch gimnazjalist?w dokonuje makabrycznego odkrycia. Przyby?y na miejsce asystent kryminalny Eberhard Mock odnajduje okrutnie okaleczone cia?a czterech m??czyzn, a przy nich adresowan? do siebie tajemnicz? notatk?. Ekscentryczny morderca wci?ga policj? w gr?, kt?rej stawk? jest ?ycie kolejnych ludzi. Policjanci pod??aj? jego tropem w podziemny ?wiat tajnych sekt okultystycznych i sutener?w oferuj?cych bogatym klientom zakazane rozrywki. Tymczasem nieust?pliwy, porywczy Mock, prze?ladowany przez senne koszmary, s?abo?? do alkoholu i pi?knych, rudow?osych kobiet, toczy rozpaczliw? walk? z ...

  • Wielki Z?y Wilk
  • Patterson James
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Wilk to przyw?dca rosyjskiej "czerwonej mafii", najgro?niejszej organizacji przest?pczej dzia?aj?cej w Ameryce – by?y agent KGB, bezlitosny zab?jca bez twarzy i imienia. W?asnor?cznie wykonuje ka?d? "mokr? robot?", nie boi si? ?adnego ryzyka. Nikt nie wie, kim jest, gdzie mieszka, jak si? nazywa. Tropi go Alex Cross, policjant z wydzia?y zab?jstw, odbywaj?cy sta? w FBI. Wyrwany ze szkolenia w Quantico, musi zaj?c si? spraw? tajemniczych zagini?? bia?ych kobiet, porywanych przez mafi? w charakterze "seksualnych niewolnic" na zam?wienie bogatych zbocze?c?w. Prze?om w strawie nast?puje, gdy odnajduje si? jedna z porwanych kobiet, a czternastoletnian hackerka w?amuje si? na doskonale zabezpieczon? stron? w internecie s?u??c? do sk?adania zam?wie? na "?ywy towar". Najwi?ksz? trudno?? sprawia Crossowi pojmanie samego Wilka – kolejne podejrzane osoby okazuj? si? tylko marionetkami…

  • Wife for Hire
  • Evanovich Janet
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • Hank Mallone knows he's in trouble when Maggie Toone agrees to pretend to be his wife in order to improve his rogue's reputation. Will his harebrained scheme to get a bank loan for his business backfire once Maggie arrives in his small Vermont town and lets the gossips take a look?Maggie never expected her employer to be drop-dead handsome, but she's too intrigued by his offer to say no… and too eager to escape a life that made her feel trapped. The deal is strictly business, both agree, until Hank turns out to be every fantasy she ever had.

  • Wife of the Gods
  • Quartey Kwei
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • For fans of Alexander McCall Smith, a debut mystery set in West Africa that introduces a marvelous detective and a culturally rich communityDetective Inspector Darko Dawson, a good family man and a remarkably intuitive sleuth, is sent to the village of Ketanu – the site of his mother's disappearance many years ago – to solve the murder of an accomplished young AIDS worker.While battling his own anger issues and concerns for his ailing son, Darko explores the motivations and secrets of the residents of Ketanu. It soon becomes clear that in addition to solving a recent murder, ...

  • Wild fire
  • Demille Nelson
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Welcome to the Custer Hill Club-a men's club set in a luxurious Adirondack hunting lodge whose members include some of America's most powerful business leaders, military men, and government officials. Ostensibly, the club is a place to relax with old friends. But one fall weekend, the club's executive board gathers to talk about the tragedy of 9/11-and finalize a retaliation plan, known only by its codename: Wildfire. That same weekend, a member of the Federal Anti-Terrorist Task Force is found dead. Soon it's up to Detective John Corey and his wife, FBI Agent Kate Mayfield to unravel a terrifying plot that starts with the Custer Hill Club and ends with American cities locked in the crosshairs of a nuclear device. Corey and Mayfield are the only ones who can stop the button from being pushed, and global chaos from being unleashed…

  • Wild Penance
  • Ault Sandi
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Bureau of Land Management agent Jamaica Wild has always been fascinated by Los Penitentes, a secret, ancient religious group that reenacts Jesus' crucifixion and practices excessive penance. And a recent, dramatic death she witnesses in the Gorge seems to be part of their rituals. But a haunted priest warns Jamaica not to investigate too closely.Too many strange things are happening to let this go. And when someone makes an attempt on her life, Jamaica sets out on a fact-finding mission that could send her over the edge.

  • Willing
  • Monroe Lucy
  • Жанр: Любовные детективы
  • Josie McCall has been raised to be a soldier, and she could be the best if she wanted it. Instead, she left her dad's mercenary school behind for a normal job in computers. But now that someone has torched the school and her dad is MIA from the hospital, Josie's going to use every bit of her merc training to find him and hunt down the culprits who took him. Josie knows a lot about explosives, hand to hand combat, and tracking. What she doesn't know about is sex. She has no idea what to do with the volcanic ...

  • Winkelz?ge
  • Francis Dick
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Dick Francis "Winkelz?ge"(dreizehn Kurzgeschichten), originaltitel "Field of 13".Kriminalgeschichten k?nnen sehr lehrreich sein. Man kann ihnen beispielsweise entnehmen, wie Wettkassen erfolgreich zu pl?ndern sind. Im Jahre 1997, 22 Jahre nachdem Dick Francis die Geschichte Bombenalarm in Kingdom Hill geschrieben hatte, legte tats?chlich ein Ganove die Rennbahn von Aintree mit Hilfe einer Bombendrohung lahm, um auf dieselbe Weise wie sein literarisches Vorbild Tricksy Wilcox zu Geld zu kommen. In der Einleitung zu den Geschichten r?t Dick Francis denn auch mehrfach:»Tun Sie’s nicht!«

  • Winter House
  • O’Connell Carol
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • When a known serial killer is found with shears sticking out of his chest and an ice pick in his hand, Kathy Mallory and her NYPD Special Crimes partner Detective Sgt. Riker are called in to investigate. One of the occupants of Winter House, the scene of the crime, is 70-year-old Nedda Winter, who immediately confesses to the killing, claiming; it was self-defence.Murder solved, case closed. It s even poetic justice.However Nedda Winter is in fact the most famous lost child in NYPD historv, missing for almost sixty years, thought to he kidnapped following the ...