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Книги 426—449 из 449.
  • Star Wars: Эпизод IV. Новая надежда
  • Лукас Джордж
  • Давным-давно в далекой Галактике... Это было время гражданской войны, космические корабли повстанцев, нанося удары со своей тайной базы, одержали первую победу над галактической Империей. Во время битвы агентам повстанцев удалось выкрасть секретные чертежи нового имперского оружия - Звезды Смерти, хорошо защищенной боевой космической станции, достаточно мощной, чтобы уничтожить целую планету. Преследуемая Империей принцесса Лейя на своем космическом корабле торопится домой, чтобы доставить повстанцам украденные чертежи, которые могут спасти жизни многим людям и помочь вернуть свободу Галактике…

  • Star Wars: Эпизод III: Месть ситхов
  • Рид Патриция
  • Прошло три года с начала войн клонов. Верховный канцлер Палпатин получает все больше полномочий, стремясь привести Республику к окончательной победе. Совет джедаев обеспокоен растущей властью канцлера и пытается найти таинственного темного лорда ситхов, контролирующего Сенат. А молодой рыцарь-джедай Энакин Скайуокер предвидит смерть своей жены Падме Амидалы и готов пойти на все, чтобы не потерять ее. Избранный, которому, согласно пророчеству, суждено восстановить равновесие Силы, все больше приближается к темной стороне...

  • Star Wars: Эпизод II. Атака клонов
  • Сальваторе Роберт
  • Со времен битвы на Набу, где армия гунганов противостояла бесчисленным дроидам Торговой Федерации, минуло десять лет. Несмотря на предвыборные посулы верховного канцлера Палпатина, на Республику обрушивается все больше бед. И самая главная - сепаратисты разрывают Галактику на части. Единственная сила, еще удерживающая Республику в единении и сохраняющая хотя бы видимость мира в Галактике, - Орден рыцарей-джедаев. Бывшей королеве, а ныне сенатору с планеты Набу Падме Амидале угрожает смертельная опасность от неизвестного врага. Совет Ордена приставляет ей личную охрану - бесстрашного и безрассудного Анакина Скайуокера... Охотник за головами Джанго Фетт и его сын Боба, Оби-Ван Кеноби и учитель Йода, молодой Оуэн Ларе и Шми Скайуокер в галактическом эпосе Звездных Войн!

  • Star Wars: Эпизод I. Призрачная угроза
  • Брукс Терри
  • В бесплодных пустынях и на полузаброшенных космодромах, в огромных океанических мегаполисах и в темных глубинах Вселенной разворачивается действие саги о добре и зле, о верности и предательстве, о могуществе магии и жажде власти. Наконец - то история, захватившая воображение миллионов людей, обращается к тому времени, которое проливает свет на ее истинные истоки, - к моменту рождения легенды звездных войн...

  • Star Wars: Эпизод V. Империя наносит ответный удар
  • Глут Дональд
  • Давным - давно в далекой Галактике... Альянс повстанцев пытается возродить свои военные базы после карательных походов Имперского флота под командованием Дарта Вейдера. В битве на ледяной планете Хот Люк Скайуокер снова сталкивается с Повелителем Тьмы. Юный пилот - командор вдруг оказывается под пристальным вниманием Темного императора. За Скайуокером начинается охота. После бегства с Хота Люк отправляется на планету Дагоба, где должен найти легендарного магистра Йоду... Дарт Вейдер по приказу императора ищет пилота Скайуокера, чтобы доставить его в имперскую резиденцию. Коррелианский контрабандист Хэн Соло спасает принцессу Лейю Орган во время битвы на Хоте и пытается доставить ее на уцелевшую базу Альянса. Но его преследует один излучших "охотников за головами" Боба Фетт, нанятый Дартом Вейдером, а по слухам еще и главой преступного синдиката Джаббой Хаттом. Прервавший свое уединение наставник джедаев Йода предпринимает попытки воссоздать в Галактике Светлый Орден... И многие - многие другие в пятом эпизоде Звездных Воин "Империя наносит ответный удар"!

  • Swordsmen of Gor
  • Norman John
  • Fresh from his exploits in the Steel Worlds, home of the Kurii, a savage alien race intent on conquering Gor, Tarl Cabot has been returned to an isolated beach, at coordinates apparently specified by the Priest-Kings, the masters of Gor and the enemy of the Kurii. His only companions are his beautiful new slave Cecily, and Ramar, a ferocious sleen bred in the Steel Worlds to hunt and kill. But why has he been returned to such a remote spot? Did the Priest-Kings wish their former agent to serve them once more? Did the Kurii intend to use Cabot to further their own ends? The truth, as Tarl will learn, is darker, and deeper, than either of these possibilities.In SWORDSMEN OF GOR, the latest book in John Norman’s best-selling Gorean saga, follow Tarl as he embarks on a new adventure with the Pani, a strange people with mysterious origins, and learn the dark, sinister truth behind his return to Gor, the Counter-Earth.

  • Tarnsman of Gor
  • Norman John
  • Tarl Cabot has always believed himself to be a citizen of Earth. He has no inkling that his destiny is far greater than the small planet he has inhabited for the first twenty — odd years of his life. One frosty winter night in the New England woods, he finds himself transported to the planet of Gor, also known as Counter-Earth, where everything is dramatically different from anything he has ever experienced. It emerges that Tarl is to be trained as a Tarnsman, one of the most honored positions in the rigid, caste-bound Gorean society. He is disciplined by the best teachers and warriors that Gor has to offer… but to what end? This is the first installment of John Norman's wildly popular and controversial Gor series, which has sold millions of copies.

  • The Captain
  • Norman John
  • This is the age of the Telnarians. Their vast, corrupt empire spans galaxies, ruling by terror, slavery, and the lash. But, their corruption and brutality could spell their downfall for, on a thousand worlds of swords and science, the savage souls of true men will not be forever chained. A heroic tide is rising-and one warrior is born to lead the barbarian horde. From the savage death pits of the Ortung Vandals, to the murderous intrigues of the imbecile Emperor's court, to the perfumed cages of the luscious willing slaves, the giant Otto is carving a legend across the stars. When this gladiator and chieftain of the Wolfung worlds seeks to form a frontier legion of space barbarians, the nobles dare not refuse him; they have only the courage to try to murder him. But can even an empire's might stop such a man?

  • The Chieftan
  • Norman John
  • This is the age of the Telnarians. Their vast, corrupt empire spans galaxies, ruling by terror, slavery, and the lash. But, their corruption and brutality could spell their downfall for, on a thousand worlds of swords and science, the savage souls of true men will not be forever chained. A heroic tide is rising-and one warrior is born to lead the barbarian horde. A peasant is sent to the arena, fodder for the carnage...but before the horrified gaze of noble ladies, the warrior named Dog slaughters headsmen, hunters, and beasts to win freedom as a full-fledged gladiator. Then, deep-space rebels attack an Empire ship where Dog performs combat killings for the amusement of the passengers-and the gladiator becomes a rebel. Now, a beautiful officer of the court finds her life depends on the mercy of Dog-the man she ordered put to death!

  • The Iron Dragons Daughter
  • Swanwick Michael
  • With these words, author Michael Swanwick ushers us into a remarkable realm of darkest fantasy, erotic dreams and industrial magicks—equaling the undiluted power and uniqueness of vision of his Nebula award-winning masterwork Jane is a human changeling child coming of age in a world of violence and monsters. An abused outcast, she toils unceasingly alongside trolls, dwarves, shifters and feys in the dank, stygian bowels of a steam dragon plant—helping to construct the massive, black iron flying machines the elvan rulers use for waging war. Young Jane's days are bleak and her future seems hopeless—...

  • The King
  • Norman John
  • This is the age of the Telnarians. Their vast, corrupt empire spans galaxies, ruling by terror, slavery, and the lash. But, their corruption and brutality could spell their downfall for, on a thousand worlds of swords and science, the savage souls of true men will not be forever chained. A heroic tide is rising-and one warrior is born to lead the barbarian horde. To recruit his legion of space barbarians, the giant gladiator Otto must win their fierce loyalty, world by world, in lethal combat against monsters, men, aliens, and the beautiful, murderous slaves-while Imperial conspirators plot Otto's assassination, and an evil warlord's brutal army prepares to unleash genocidal horror across the stars.

  • The Lord of the Rings 2 - The Two Towers
  • Tolkien J.
  • The second volume in J.R.R. Tolkien's epic adventure "The Lord of the Rings".Frodo and his Companions of the Ring have been beset by danger during their quest to prevent the Ruling Ring from falling into the hands of the Dark Lord by destroying it in the Cracks of Doom. They have lost the wizard, Gandalf, in a battle in the Mines of Moria. And Boromir, seduced by the power of the Ring, tried to seize it by force. While Frodo and Sam made their escape, the rest of the company was attacked by Orcs.Now they continue the journey alone down the great River Anduin - alone, that is, save for the mysterious creeping figure that follows wherever they go.

  • The Naked God - Faith
  • Hamilton Peter
  • Hell just went quantum . . . The Confederation is starting to collapse politically and economically, allowing the possessed to infiltrate more worlds. Quinn Dexter is loose on Earth, destroying the giant arcologies one at a time. As Louise Kavanagh tries to track him down, she manages to acquire some strange and powerful allies whose goal does not quite match her own. The campaign to liberate Mortonridge from the possessed degenerates into a horrendous land battle of the kind which hasn't been seen by humankind for six hundred years. Then some of the protagonists escape in a very unexpected direction . . . ...

  • The Silmarillon
  • Tolkien J.
  • "Majestic!...readers of THE HOBBIT and THE LORD OF THE RINGS...will find THE SILMARILLION a cosmology to call their own...medieval romances, fierce fairy tales and fiercer wars that ring with heraldic fury...it overwhelms the reader." TIME magazineThose interested in J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth should not be without this grand volume that tells the tragic tale of the struggle for control of the Silmarils, a struggle that would determine the history of the world long before the War of the Ring.

  • The Stars My Destination ( Tiger! Tiger! )
  • Бестер Альфред
  • The Stars My Destination (originally called Tiger! Tiger!, from William Blake's poem "The Tyger") is a science fiction novel by Alfred Bester, first published in Galaxy magazine as a 4-part serial, beginning in the October 1956 issue. The Stars My Destination is, in one sense, a science-fiction adaption of Alexandre Dumas' The Count of Monte Cristo. It is the study of a man completely lacking in imagination or ambition, Gulliver Foyle. Fate transforms "Gully" Foyle in an instant; shipwrecked in space, then abandoned by a passing luxury liner, Foyle becomes a monomaniacal and sophisticated monster bent upon revenge. Wearing many masks, learning many skills, this "worthless" man pursues his goals relentlessly; no price is too high to pay.

  • The Thin Executioner
  • Shan Darren
  • In a kingdom of merciless tyrants, Jebel Rum's family is honored as royalty because his father is the executioner. But Rashed Rum is near retirement. And when he goes, there will be a contest to determine his successor. It is a contest that thin, puny Jebel has no chance of winning.Humiliated and ashamed, Jebel sets out on a quest to the faraway home of a legendary fire god to beg for inhuman powers so that he can become the most lethal of men. He must take with him a slave, named Tel Hesani, to be sacrificed to ...