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Книги 47026—47050 из 51942.

  • Memorie di domani
  • Wilson Robert
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Per cercare una via di scampo a un tragico passato, Raymond Keller acconsente a diventare un Occhio, ovvero un volontario che accetta di farsi impiantare nel cervello un perfetto impianto di registrazione. In tal caso non potr? pi? guardare dove vorr?, ma solo dove ? necessario per vedere, registrare, documentare. E cos? dimentica il proprio passato, il presente, il futuro. Finch? incontra Teresa, la meravigliosa ragazza che ? anche una splendida artista. Una donna preda delle violente allucinazioni indotte dai gioielli sognanti seminati in epoche remote da una razza di extraterrestri, e che hanno propriet? ancora non completamente esplorate dalla razza umana. Occorre qualcuno che abbia rinunciato a s? per poter penetrare un segreto tra i meglio custoditi dell’universo.

  • Memory and Dream
  • De Lint Charles
  • Жанр: Ужасы
  • A masterwork by one of fantasy’s most gifted storytellers: a magnificent tale of love, courage, and the power of imagination to transform our lives.This is the novel Charles de Lint’s many devoted readers have been waiting for, the compelling odyssey of a young woman whose visionary art frees ancient spirits into the modern world.Isabelle Copley’s visionary art frees ancient spirits. As the young student of the cruel, brilliant artist Vincent Rushkin, she discovered she could paint images so vividly real they brought her wildest fantasies to life. But when the ...

  • Menschen f?r den Mars
  • Силверберг Роберт
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Menschen werden vor dem Ende unseres Jahrhunderts auf dem Mars landen, oder ich m??te mich sehr irren. Sie werden entdecken, da? dieser Planet sie nicht gerade mit angenehmen Lebensbedingungen empf?ngt. Die Luft ist d?nn, das Wetter ist kalt, und man wird kein Wasser finden. Aber die Menschen werden versuchen, dort Fu? zu fassen, wie sie es in den gefrorenen W?sten der Antarktis und den schaurigen Ein?den der Sahara taten. Wie aber werden sie den Mars kolonisieren? Indem sie sich Unterk?nfte bauen, die ihnen das Leben unter gewohnten Verh?ltnissen erm?glichen? Oder indem sie versuchen werden, die menschliche Struktur so zu ver?ndern, da? sie sich den Gegebenheiten des Mars anpa?t…?

  • Mercy Burns
  • Arthur Keri
  • Жанр: Любовная фантастика
  • Mercy Reynolds is a reporter in the San Francisco Bay area, but she's also more — and less — than human. Half woman, half air dragon, she's a 'draman' — unable to shift shape but still able to unleash fiery energy. Now something will put her powers to the test.Mercy's friend Rainey has enlisted her help to solve her sister's murder. Then a horrible accident claims Rainey's life, leaving Mercy only five days to find the killer: If Mercy fails, according to dragon law, Rainey's soul will be doomed to roam the earth for eternity. But how can Mercy help when she herself is a target? With nowhere else to turn, she must join forces with a sexy stranger — the mysterious man they call 'Muerte,' or death itself, who's as irresistible as he is treacherous. But can even Death keep Mercy alive for long enough to find her answers?

  • Merkury
  • Бова Бен
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Kosmiczna winda wywo??ca na orbit? towary i ludzi to projekt in?ynieryjny istniej?cy od XX wieku, teraz wreszcie staje si? rzeczywisto?ci?. Dla in?yniera Bracknella jest ona dzie?em ?ycia, ale dla wielkich korporacji, kt?re na tanim transporcie na orbit? strac? maj?tki, oraz dla Nowej Moralno?ci, dla kt?rej budowa wie?y w niebo jest obraz? Boga, stanowi? cier? w boku. Zostaje zawi?zany spisek i wie?a runie w d??, grzebi?c w globalnej katastrofie miliony ludzi. Winnym zostanie uznany Bracknell, kar? jest wygnanie Ziemi. In?ynier traci dorobek ca?ego ?ycia, ale przypadkiem dowiaduje si? o sabota?u i spisku i od tej pory ca?e swoje ?ycie podporz?dkowuje jednemu — zem?cie na osobach winnych zniszczenia wie?y i jego osobistej tragedii.

  • Mesto s hvezde
  • Clarke Arthur
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Diaspar je posledn?m domovem lidstva ji? po n?kolik miliard let, pot? co se cel? Zem? prom?nila v pou??. Lid? zapom?naj? a z d?vn?ch dramatick?ch ud?lost? se st?vaj? m?ty. Pouze jedin? z nesmrteln?ch, Alvin, zoufale tou?? dov?d?t se, co le?? za hranicemi bezpe?n? chr?n?n?ho m?sta. Kdysi se stalo n?co, co nejenom zni?ilo zv?davost ?lov?ka, ale tak? jej vyhnalo z hv?zd, aby se choulil v posledn?m mal?m uzav?en?m m?st?. Alvin se s neutuchaj?c?m ?sil?m krok po kroku prokous?v? tajemstv?mi a zasut?mi v?domostmi aby odhalil osud lidstva i cel? galaxie skryt? pod n?nosem strachu a l?i. Snad jeho odhalen? umo?n? lidstvu oprostit se od nadvl?dy pam??ov?ch bank a obnovit ve m?st? cyklus ?ivota a smrti umo??uj?c? lidstvu jeho rozvoj.

  • Metallic Love
  • Lee Tanith
  • Жанр: Любовная фантастика
  • In her now-classic tale , award-winning author Tanith Lee told the spellbinding story of Jane and her forbidden love for a robot named Silver. In this stunning follow-up, the legend of their tragic romance lives on. But nothing is as it was—or as it seems….As an orphan growing up in the slums, Loren read her clandestine copy of Jane’s Story over and over, relishing every word. But Loren is no Jane. Savvy and street-smart, Loren could never be stirred by a man of metal, her passion never ignited by an almost-human—even one designed for pleasure.