METEORA MED?BAS ?ils Verns Jules Verne LA CHASSE AN METI ORE Paris, Librairie Hachette, 1923Julcs Verne LES CINQ CENTS MILLIONS DE LA BEGUM Paris, Librairie Hachette, 1917No fran?u valodas tulkojusi M. Silmale P?cv?rda autors J. Brandiss M?kslinieks N. SeminihinsIzdots saska?a ar Latvijas PSR Zin?t?u akad?mijas Redakciju un izdevumu padomes l?mumuTulkojums latvie?u valod?, 70304-068 47mnnnnnn p?cv?rds Izdevniec?ba«Zin?tne», 19
The year is 2033. The world has been reduced to rubble. Humanity is nearly extinct. The half-destroyed cities have become uninhabitable through radiation. Beyond their boundaries, they say, lie endless burned-out deserts and the remains of splintered forests. Survivors still remember the past greatness of humankind. But the last remains of civilisation have already become a distant memory, the stuff of myth and legend. More than 20 years have passed since the last plane took off from the earth. Rusted railways lead into emptiness. The ether is void and the airwaves echo to a soulless howling where previously the frequencies were ...
Bracia Jordi i Antonio wraz ze swym dalekim kuzynem Mortenem oraz przyjaci??kami, Unni i Vesl?, usi?uj? rozwi?za? zagadk? kl?twy. Kto? jednak nastaje na ich ?ycie, ataki si? powtarzaj?. W?r?d cz?onk?w grupy budzi si? mi?o??, lecz straszne przekle?stwo sprawia, ?e m?odzi nie mog? my?le? o w?asnym szcz??ciu…
O mi?o?ci, zdradzie i nienawi?ci. Fascynuj?ca opowie?? o potomkach Tangela Z?ego, kt?ry zawar? pakt z Diab?em. Zdoby?a serca czytelnik?w na ca?ym ?wiecie.Saga Simon nale?a?a do wybranych w rodzinie Ludzi Lodu. Kiedy otrzyma?a wiadomo??, ?e krewni w Norwegii potrzebuj? jej pomocy, niezw?ocznie wyruszy?a w pe?na trud?w i niezwyk?ych przyg?d podr??. Los chcia?, ?e za wsp??towarzyszy mia?a dw?ch fascynuj?cych m?odych m??czyzn. Jeden z nich od pierwszego wejrzenia zap?on?? gwa?town? nami?tno?ci? do pi?knej Sagi i by?o raczej w?tpliwe, czy drugi jest wystarczaj?co silny by zapobiec katastrofie…
Nareszcie Czytelnicy doczekali si? kolejnego dzie?a spod pi?ra r?wnie ?wietnego, co niecz?sto pisz?cego autora. Jedno spojrzenie na Miasta pod Ska?? wyja?nia, dlaczego trzeba by?o czeka? kilka dobrych lat: tomiszcze to prawdziwa ceg?a, liczy sobie niemal?e 800 stron, a przecie? Marek Huberath nie ?yje samym pisaniem, ma jeszcze prac?, ?ycie prywatne.Temu, kto zna ju? tego pisarza z jego wcze?niejszych dokona?, nie trzeba ?adnych zach?t ani reklam, poniewa? poziom wyznaczony przez dotychczasowe opowiadania i powie?ci Huberatha jest naprawd? wysoki. Jego styl jest niepowtarzalny, a przekazywane tre?ci co ...
China Mi?ville stworzy? sw? najdoskonalsz? dot?d powie?? — egzystencjalny thriller rozgrywaj?cy si? w mie?cie najniezwyklejszym ze wszystkich, realnych czy wyimaginowanych…Gdy w ponurym, chyl?cym si? ku upadkowi mie?cie Bes?el po?o?onym gdzie? na skraju Europy znaleziono cia?o zamordowanej kobiety, wydawa?o si?, ?e inspektora Tyadora Borl? z Brygady Najpowa?niejszych Zbrodni czeka kolejna rutynowa sprawa. W miar? post?p?w ?ledztwa Borl? odkrywa jednak dowody wskazuj?ce na spiski znacznie dziwniejsze i gro?niejsze ni? wszystko, co m?g?by sobie wyobrazi?. Wkr?tce inspektorowi i bliskim mu ludziom zaczyna grozi? niebezpieczeostwo. Borl? musi przekroczy? granic? niepodobn? do ?adnej innej i wyruszy? do jedynego miasta na Ziemi, kt?re jest r?wnie dziwne jak to, w kt?rym mieszka…Powie?? nagrodzona „Arthur C. Clarke Award 2010” oraz „Hugo Award 2010”.
Trwa Wielki Eksperyment. ?aden z mieszka?c?w Miasta nie wie, jaki jest jego cel. Uczestnikami s? zwerbowani przez tajemniczych Nauczycieli ludzie r??nych narodowo?ci, wyzna? i przekona?. Zagubieni, poddawani niezrozumia?ym pr?bom i sprawdzianom musz? podporz?dkowa? si? niejasnym prawom rz?dz?cym zaskakuj?co zmiennym ?wiatem.
W zimny styczniowy dzie? roku 1937 do portu Halden przybi? statek z Rotterdamu. Na l?d zszed? pasa?er na gap?, a za nim krok w krok pod??a?a ?mier?. W?r?d os?b, kt?rych ?ycie zawis?o na w?osku, znalaz?a si? nieszcz??liwa Vinnie Dahlen. Policjant Rikard Brink otrzyma? zadanie powstrzymania zagra?aj?cej ca?emu miastu katastrofy, ale by tego dokona?, musia? najpierw zdoby? zaufanie przera?onej Vinnie…
Trzeci tom trylogii hai?skiej, kt?rego akcja rozgrywa si? jednak ca?e stulecia po wypadkach opisanych w „?wiecie Rocannona” i „Planecie wygnania”.Obejmuj?ca niegdy? tysi?ce planet Liga Wszystkich ?wiat?w rozpad?a si?, a zamieszka?a przez nieliczne ludzkie plemiona Ziemia prze?ywa nawr?t barbarzy?stwa. S? tacy, kt?rzy wini? za to przyby?ych z kosmosu obcych przybysz?w, chocia? owi Shinga nie pos?uguj? si? przemoc?, a fizycznie niczym nie r??ni? si? od ludzi. Znaleziony przez le?nych osadnik?w Falk, cz?owiek z wytart? pami?ci?, wyrusza do miast Es Toch, by pozna? swoj? przesz?o?? i swe przeznaczenie. Jednak w Mie?cie Z?udze? staje wobec nowych zagadek. Kim w istocie jest on sam: Ziemianinem czy przybyszem z odleg?ego ?wiata? I kim s? ci, kt?rzy mieni? si? dobroczy?cami ludzi i spadkobiercami ich wspania?ej cywilizacji? Od odpowiedzi na te pytania mo?e zale?e? los ca?ej ludzko?ci…
Vampire hunter extraordinaire Anita Blake arrives in Philadelphia to raise a witness from the dead so that his testimony can be taken with the help of Micah, the king of the wereleopards, but she is more fearful of spending time alone with Micah, her former lover, than dealing with a zombie.
Claire Danvers's college town may be run by vampires but a truce between the living and the dead made things relatively safe. For a while. Now people are turning up dead, a psycho is stalking her, and an ancient bloodsucker has proposed private mentoring. To what end, Claire will find out. And it's giving night school a whole new meaning.
Entered by a thousand unsuspected gateways—built by a race lost in the clouds of time—the planet its dwellers called the Well World turned beings of every kind into something else. There spacefarer Nathan Brazil found himself companioned by a batman, an amorous female centaur and a mermaid—all once as human as he.Yet Nathan Brazil’s metamorphosis was more terrifying than any of those… and his memory was coming back, bringing with it the secret of the Well World.For at the heart of the bizarre planet lay the goal of every being that had ever lived—and Nathan Brazil and his comrades were… lucky?… enough to find it!
Bane the Bastard is the illegitimate son of the Rigante king who men called Demonblade. Born of treachery, Bane grew up an outcast in his own land, feared by his fellow highlanders, and denied by the father whose unmistakable mark he bore-the eyes of Connavar, one tawny brown, the other emerald greenHounded from the country of his birth, Bane found acceptance across the seas-only to have it stripped away in an instant by a cruel and deadly swordsman. Now fighting as a gladiator in the blood-soaked arenas of the Empire, Bane lives for one thing: revenge. And he pursues his goal with the same single-minded determination that won his father a crown.But more is at stake than a young warrior's quest for vengeance. The armies of the Stone are preparing to march on the lands of the Rigante. The fate of human and Seidh alike will be decided by the clash of swords-and by the bonds of twisted love and bitterness between a father and a son…
Now you see him, now you don't! Law-enforcement officials think they've see everything until they bump into Elmo Wimpler, the inventor of a substance that can make anything invisible. Wimpler's found his niche in life by dropping out of sight - literally - and killing with a device that crushes skulls. His victims are multiplying, there are no clues in sight, and authorities are groping in the dark. Under suspicion themselves, Remo and Chiun set out to play blindman's buff with the killer no one can see, but they, too, draw a blank. As they stalk their quarry sight unseen, the assassin's ultimate target materializes a deposed Middle Eastern sovereign with a $25 million price tag on his head. The United States has granted him asylum, and it's up to Remo and Chiun to bring the curtain down on Wimpler's operation before he sends the monarch to Kingdom Come . . .
Handsome and sensual, surrounded by an aura of danger, mystery, and the forbidden, a lover steps from the shadows. But is he mortal? Or is he an ancient god, a sorcerer, or a mythical beast who can possess a woman's heart—and her very soul?
Cara Maloan doesn’t look like a monster. In fact, the gorgeous blond nightclub singer possesses heavenly attributes that make Atlanta detective Todd Brooks sure there’s a higher power somewhere. But a twisted killer is leaving a trail of bodies in seedy hotel rooms across town. The male victims show no wounds–it’s as if the life was simply drained from them. And right now, mysterious Cara is Todd’s only suspect.Cara knows it’s foolish to be so drawn to a man who thinks she’s a murderer. She also knows Detective Brooks would ...
The sudden, tragic death of her husband leaves Caroline Evans alone in New York City to raise her children with little money and even less hope. When she meets and marries handsome, successful Anthony Fleming, the charismatic man of her dreams, she believes her life is destined for happiness. She and her children move into her new husband’s spacious apartment in the legendary Rockwell on Central Park West. Despite her son’s instinctive misgivings about the building and its residents, Caroline dismisses the odd behavior of her neighbors as pleasant eccentricities. But after her daughter begins to experience horrifying nightmares and a startling secret emerges, Caroline realizes that the magnificence of her new home masks a secret of unimaginable horror…
Dorina Basarab is a dhampir — half-human, half-vampire. Unlike most dhampirs, though, Dory has managed to maintain her sanity. Now Dory's vampire father has come to her for help — again. Her Uncle Dracula (yes, Dracula), cruelest among vampires, has escaped his prison. And her father wants Dory to work with gorgeous master vampire Louis-Cesare to put him back there.Although Dory prefers to work alone, Dracula is the only thing that truly scares her — and when she has to face him, she'll take all the help she can get.