Dawno, dawno temu z powierzchni ziemi znikn?li czarodzieje, pozostawiaj?c po sobie wiedz?, ukryt? w zagadkach. Morgon, ksi??? prostych kmieci z wyspy Hed, okaza? si? mistrzem w ich rozwi?zywaniu, kiedy to, rzucaj?c na szal? w?asne ?ycie, wyzwa? na pojedynek Pevena, zmar?ego lorda Aum, i wygra? od niego koron?. Ale oto przeciwko Morgonowi sprzysi?g?y si? staro?ytne si?y z?a. Zmiennokszta?tni zaj?li miejsce przyjaci?? i nikomu ju? nie mo?na by?o ufa?. Tak wi?c Morgon ucieka z wrogich mu kr?lestw i wyrusza w drog? do tajemniczej G?ry Erlenstar, w kt?rej rz?dy sprawuje Najwy?szy. Podczas wyprawy towarzyszy mu Deth — Harfista Najwy?szego. Przed nimi mro??ce krew w ?y?ach przygody i osobliwe spotkania. Nie odst?puje ich te? najwi?ksza z nierozwi?zanych zagadek — zagadka znamienia w postaci trzech gwiazdek na czole Morgona, w kt?rych, jak wszystko wskazuje, zapisane jest jego przeznaczenie.
Simboli?ni dodaci koji se koriste radi pro?irivanja svih vidova ljudske li?nosti su naravno brojni. Odje?a sa?injava najva?niju vrst tih simbola i ponekad je zabavno promatrati, neprimjetno po mogu?nosti, odjevne predmete nasumce sakupljene grupe ljudi.Zamislite da je svaki od tih predmeta izabran s primjernom brigom i isklju?ivom ?eljom da izazove neki to?no odre?en efekt.Usprkos simboli?noj snazi odje?e, mu?karce i ?ene se u principu ocjenjuje prema okolnostima koje je mnogo te?e kontrolirati: dr?anju, naglasku, boji glasa, obliku i boji njihova tijela, i ?...
V rom?nu jsou d?je od n?s vzd?leny p?ed?lem stalet?. Nikoli v?ak nazp?t — ale kup?edu, do obdob? nazvan?ho ?rou Velik?ho Okruhu. To se ji? spojily obydlen? planety na?? Galaxie, ?lov?k se vypravil ke vzd?len?m hv?zd?m. Nov? a rozumn? je uspo??d?na spole?nost, lidsk? z?jmy i osudy se z?sadn? zm?nily. P?itom v?ak Jefremovi nejde o to, aby l??il p?ludn? a r??ov? utopie. D?v? se do budoucnosti jako v?dec i um?lec z?rove? a obez?etn? posuzuje, zda to, co p??e je re?ln? ?i nikoli. Mohutn?, udivuj?c? je jeho vynal?zavost i d?slednost, s n?? se sna?? vytvo?it nikoli jen d?l??, ale ?plnou p?edstavu soustroj? budouc?ho ??du.
"'Stephen Fry is one of the great originals… This autobiography of his first twenty years is a pleasure to read, mixing outrageous acts with sensible opinions in bewildering confusion… That so much outward charm, self-awareness and intellect should exist alongside behaviour that threatened to ruin the lives of innocent victims, noble parents and Fry himself, gives the book a tragic grandeur and lifts it to classic status.' Financial Times; 'A remarkable, perhaps even unique, exercise in autobiography… that aroma of authenticity that is the point of all great autobiographies; of which this, I rather think, is one' Evening Standard; 'He writes superbly about his family, about his homosexuality, about the agonies of childhood… some of his bursts of simile take the breath away… his most satisfying and appealing book so far' Observer"
Zap! You're dead!The Mafia had entered the computer age with a vengeance. The game they were playing went way beyond Pac-Man. They didn't make images vanish from a screen - they made human beings vanish from the earth. With the world's biggest computer company in their pocket, they had the world in their power - and only Remo and Chiun had a swiftly disappearing chance of pulling the plug on this megabyte menace and debugging its satanic system before it programmed the Destroyer himself for destruction...
The future is a grim place in which the declining human population wanders, drugged and lulled by electronic bliss. It’s a world without art, reading and children, a world where people would rather burn themselves alive than endure. Even Spofforth, the most perfect machine ever created, cannot bear it and seeks only that which he cannot have—to cease to be. But there is hope for the future in the passion and joy that a man and woman discover in love and in books, hope even for Spofforth. A haunting novel, reverberating with anguish but also celebrating love ...
“I need you to help me rescue your father_”With those words, Molly Fyde—and the rest of the known universe—will never be the same. What began as a simple task to retrieve her father’s spaceship, has turned into more than Molly bargained for. Setting off to reconnect with her past, she is about to meet it in a way she never expected:Head-on.Her father is alive. Her mother’s memories are trapped inside the very ship which bears her name. On the run from her own Navy, Molly and her crew are now tasked with the impossible: Rescue her parents. Save the galaxy. End a war.But before they can attempt such heroics, Molly must first save a friend. One of her crew members is in trouble, their life hanging by a thread. And the only race of people Molly can turn to just happens to be the very aliens she’s been raised to fear, trained to meet in battle. Drenard. Homeworld of humanity’s sworn enemy. And the next stop for the starship .
Molly Moon is back! Not only can she hypnotize anyone who crosses her path, travel through time and read minds, now she has a new power: morphing! From human to animal and back again, Molly must find her way back to her own body—and save the world while she’s at it—before it’s too late. In this fifth book in the wildly popular Molly Moon series, Molly is braver than ever before. Fans of Molly will once again be mesmerized by her wit, charm and grand adventures. It’s no wonder that Publishers Weekly asks, “Can there ever be too many Molly Moons?”
«Mon Agent» Андрея М. Мелехова — третий роман об Аналитике.Как и предыдущие книги серии — «Malaria» и «Analyste» — «Mon Agent» представляет из себя необычную комбинацию приключенческого романа и мистического триллера. Он предлагает читателю не только получить удовольствие от весьма неожиданных поворотов нескольких сюжетных линий, но и задуматься над широким кругом философских, религиозных и мировоззренческих проблем, волнующих современного человека.Действие романа происходит в Лондоне и Москве, в Раю и в Преисподней. Его персонажами являются террористы и агенты спецслужб, герои Библии и герои тайных операций, великие пророки прошлого и политики настоящего, ангелы Божьи и слуги Сатаны, люди и говорящие животные. В произведении нашлось место большой любви и большой ненависти, острой политической сатире и тонкому юмору. Как и все книги Мелехова, «Mon Agent» написан для тех, кто способен подвергнуть сомнению догмы, стереотипы и предубеждения, кто может рассмеяться, говоря даже о весьма серьёзных вещах.
A smoldering debut novel exploring the passion, hunger, and danger that can break loose in the moonlight. From the time she was a child, Mona Lisa knew she was different—but she never knew how different until a man of otherworldly beauty appeared during her night shift in the ER. Gryphon is hurting and hunted and he attracts her as no man ever has before. He is a Mon?re, one of the children of the moon—and what's more, so is she. Long exiled from the moon, the men of the Mon?re serve—and mate with—imperious Queens who can channel the rays of their far-off homeland. Gryphon believes that Mona Lisa is a Queen—perhaps the first of Mixed Blood ever known. But her introduction to the nighttime court of the Mon?re, simmering with intrigue, casual lust, and calculated cruelty, is far from smooth.
Mona Lisa has finally accepted what she really is — a Mixed-Blood of the Mon?re, the children of the moon. Stronger, faster, and more beautiful than any human, they are the origins of Earth's darkest legends — and Mona Lisa is their newest Queen.Accompanied by her loyal cadre of warriors and kin, Mona Lisa is entering her territory of Louisiana for the first time. She slowly learns the erotic and savage customs of the Mon?re elite — though some of her new subjects are uneasy at being ruled by a half-human. Her reign is threatened by enemies old and new, and she is ensnared in the thrall of dark forces she cannot deny. In a hidden world of animal passions and unrelenting lust, Mona Lisa soon grasps the tremendous power she must command if she is to hold her realm together — and if she is ever to come into her own.
Dante, the warrior son of a healer, was cursed by the high priestess to endure a never-ending cycle of life and death, born and reborn into an ever-diminishing bloodline. Someone shares one of his past lives. Her name was Mona Lyria. Back then, on the moon in another world, she was his victim. Today, she is Mona Lisa, and this time, she is his savior. Dante's wish is to die by her hands to end his cursed existence, but she feels fate has given them both a second chance. For even stronger than her craving for blood is her craving for what every Mon?re female desires, and needs…to bear life. Now she has found her mate — but with this blessing could come a new curse under the shadow of a new moon.
On the vernal equinox, Mona Lisa is taken against her will to NetherHell, the cursed realm of the damned. In this place, she will be torn from both within and without by desire, love, and ecstasy. And when her first love crosses the boundaries of the world to rescue her, she must choose her own destiny — before others choose it for her.
The national bestselling author returns with a new passionate, erotically charged paranormal novel. Roberto, a jaguar-shifter of mixed Mon?re heritage, arrives in Cozumel to kill a rival. But he finds a more valuable prize in Mona Lisa, a Mon?re who's lost her memory and can be manipulated into believing anything—no matter how dark or dangerous.
Une nouvelle macroforme est apparue dans le Conurb : . Un gigantesque empilement de biopuces capables de reconstituer tous les savoirs, toutes les donn?es de l’univers. Un fantastique instrument de pouvoir !Tous les pirates de cyberspace sont ? sa recherche. Mais qui le d?tient r?ellement ? Bobby, un g?nie du logiciel ? Dame 3Jane, l’h?riti?re clon?e de l’empire Tessier-Ashpool ? Ou Angie, vedette de cin?ma, fille du savant Mitchell, le c?l?bre cr?ateur des biopuces ?L’enjeu est de taille ! Ils l’ignorent encore mais celui qui, au risque de sa vie, saura se rendre ma?tre de l’aleph poss?dera les cl?s d’un monde nouveau, un monde au-del? de l’humanit?…
Powie?? Mona Liza Turbo jest przez krytyk? uwa?ana za jedn? z najlepszych ksi??ek autora Neuromancera. Wejd?my w niezwyk?y ?wiat Gibsona — liryczny i zmechanizowany, erotyczny i brutalny, pos?pny i podniecaj?cy — gdzie wielonarodowe korporacje i stechnicyzowani przest?pcy walcz? o w?adz?, przenosz?c si? w generowane komputerowo universum zwane cyberprzestrzeni?. W tym ?wiecie pojawia si? Mona, dziewczyna o m?tnej przesz?o?ci i niepewnej przysz?o?ci. ?ycie prowadzi j? po kursie kolizyjnym ze ?wiatowej s?awy gwiazd? Sense/Netu, Angie Mitchell. Angie od dzieci?stwa potrafi?a w??czy? si? do cyberprzestrzeni, ...
Anno 2381: nell’esistenza umana l’utopia ? diventata realt?. Guerre, fame, contrasti sociali, criminalit? e controllo delle nascite sono ormai un semplice ricordo del passato. L’esistenza si svolge tranquilla e ordinata all’interno di giganteschi grattacieli alti centinaia di piani. In una specie di ciclo chiuso, gli esseri umani nascono, studiano, lavorano, mettono al mondo figli, muoiono, senza mai uscirne. I figli sono considerati la massima benedizione di dio e il solo pensiero di porre un limite al loro numero ? un’eresia. La libert? sessuale ? totale: agli uomini — e alle donne — ? permesso cambiare letto ogni notte e giacere con ...