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Фантастика - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 47601—47625 из 51942.

  • Operacja Wieczno??
  • Petecki Bohdan
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Po 3 latach z ksi??yca Europa wraca na Ziemi? kosmonauta Dan. Prowadzi? tam pomiary pantomat?w – urz?dze? scalaj?cych wiedz? o ludzkiej cywilizacji. Rzucony zostaje w ?wiat, w kt?rym wa?niejsze od podr?zy mi?dzygwiezdnych staj? si? eksperymenty z genami oraz z nie?miertelno?ci?, czyli tzw. aktualizacj? zapisu ?wiadomo?ci. Jego brak zgody na „operacj? wieczno??” stanowi meritum historii, w kt?rej prawo do decydowania o w?asnym losie jest, wed?ug bohatera, tyle? warto?ci? nadrz?dn?, co jednak gin?c? w op?tanym przez ch?? istnienia wiecznego ?wiecie

  • Opowie?ci z Ziemiomorza
  • Ле Гуин Урсула
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Ziemiomorze — ?wiat wysp, magii, smok?w i czarnoksi??nik?w. Tu w?a?nie rozgrywa si? akcja s?ynnego cyklu fantasy Ursuli K. Le Guin. Autorka po latach powraca do stworzonego przez siebie ?wiata i postaci w opowiadaniach tworz?cych tom "Opowie?ci z Ziemiomorza". Pi?? epizod?w z bogatych dziej?w Archipelagu ods?ania kolejne tajemnice magicznego ?wiata. Jakie by?y pocz?tki szko?y czarnoksi??nik?w na Roke? Co si? sta?o z Mistrzem Przywo?a?, Thorionem, gdy powr?ci? z krainy umar?ych? Jakie jeszcze przygody prze?y? Arcymag Ged? O tym wszystkim opowiadaj? kolejne historie z tego tomu.

  • Options
  • Sheckley Robert
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • is a 1975 absurdist science fiction novel by Robert Sheckley.The story is ostensibly about a marooned space traveller's attempt to get a spare part for his starship, the . He has a robotic guard, programmed to guard him against all planetary dangers. But soon he discovers that the robot has not been programmed for the planet where they are, with comic results. However, the narrative later descends into a mass of diversions, non-sequiturs and meditations on the nature of authorship. Eventually the diversions take over the book to the extent that the author openly introduces an increasingly bizarre succession of deus ex machina in an attempt to get the novel back on track, but eventually admits defeat.

  • Or Else My Lady Keeps the Key
  • Baker Kage
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • His name is John James—at least, that’s the name he gives to anyone asking. He’s a former pirate just back in Port Royal from the sack of Panama, and he has every intention of settling down and leading a respectable life. First, though, he must honor a promise and deliver a letter to the mistress of one of his dead comrades.But the lady is much more than she seems, and the letter turns out to contain detailed instructions for recovering a hidden fortune. It’s one thing to know where treasure may be found; finding it, and keeping it, is quite another. On his quest for a prince’s ransom John is joined by two unlikely allies: a black freedman named Sejanus Walker and a humble clerk named Winthrop Tudeley. Pirate attacks, hurricanes, shipwrecks, sharks, unearthly visitations and double-crosses follow. Especially double-crosses…

  • Ora?ul damnat
  • Struga?ki Arkadi
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Alaturi de Isaac Asimov sau Stanislaw Lem, Arkadi si Boris Strugatki fac parte dintre prozatorii care au asigurat genului science fiction un loc legitim in cadrul literaturii de cea mai buna calitate. prezinta o lume sfasiata intre supunere si evaziune, proiectata pe fundalul unei utopii sustinute de sensurile unei misterioase parabole, cu tot decorul pe care il presupune Orasul ca spatiu inchis al controlului totalitar. Un dictator descins din imaginarul negru al nebuniei puterii manevreaza cu cinism o suita de destine prin care se recompune o umanitate strivita sub stigmatul unei culpabilitati intretinute metodic.