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Книги 47776—47800 из 51942.

  • Peeps
  • Westerfeld Scott
  • Жанр: Ужасы
  • One year ago, Cal Thompson was a college freshman more interested in meeting girls and partying in New York City than in attending his biology classes. Now, after a fateful encounter with a mysterious woman named Morgan, biology has become, literally, Cal's life.Cal was infected by a parasite that has a truly horrifying effect on its host. Cal himself is a carrier, unchanged by the parasite, but he's infected the girlfriends he's had since Morgan-and all have turned into the ravening ghouls Cal calls peeps. The rest of us know them as vampires. And it's Cal's job to hunt them down before they can create even more of their kind…Bursting with the sharp intelligence and sly humor that are fast becoming his trademark, Scott Westerfeld's new novel is an utterly original take on an archetype of horror.

  • Pegasus
  • McKinley Robin
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Because of a thousand-year-old alliance between humans and pegasi, Princess Sylviianel is ceremonially bound to Ebon, her own pegasus, on her twelfth birthday. The two species coexist peacefully, despite the language barriers separating them. Humans and pegasi both rely on specially trained Speaker magicians as the only means of real communication.But it's different for Sylvi and Ebon. They can understand each other. They quickly grow close — so close that their bond becomes a threat to the status quo — and possibly to the future safety of their two nations. bestselling author Robin McKinley weaves an unforgettable tale of unbreakable friendship, mythical creatures and courtly drama destined to become a classic.

  • Pensad en Flebas
  • Banks Iain
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • La guerra se recrudece a lo largo de la galaxia. Las lunas, los planetas y las mismas estrellas se enfrentaron a una destrucci?n a sangre fr?a, brutal y, lo que es peor, aleatoria. Los Iridanos luchan por su fe; la Cultura, por su derecho moral a existir. No hay lugar para la rendici?n. En medio del conflicto c?smico, en las profundidades de un Planeta de los Muertos, yace una Mente fugitiva. Los rumores dicen que Horza el Cambiante, y su horda de mercenarios impredecibles, humanos y m?quinas, se embarcaron en su propia cruzada por encontrarla… solo para hallar su propia destrucci?n.

  • Penumbra
  • Brown Eric
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • When a young tug pilot’s career is ruined by a collision in Earth orbit he has no choice but to accept a commission to fly an eccentric ship builder to planet far from the trade routes. When they discover alien ruins on the planet and the hulk of a missing generation ship they are thrown into the center of a conspiracy that reaches back centuries. Meanwhile on earth a young Indian police officer is trying to track down a serial killer little suspecting that the killer is linked to what is happening on a planet light years away and that her own past holds the key to everything that is happening. Eric Brown has written a novel that brings together an extraordinary imagination, rare sensitivity to character and a love of Eastern philosophy. This is a key addition to the career of one of the UK’s favorite SF writers.

  • Perdido Street Station
  • Mieville China
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Amazon.com ReviewWhen Mae West said, "Too much of a good thing can be wonderful," she could have been talking about China Mi?ville's Perdido Street Station. The novel's publication met with a burst of extravagant praise from Big Name Authors and was almost instantly a multiaward finalist. You expect hyperbole in blurbs; and sometimes unworthy books win awards, so nominations don't necessarily mean much. But Perdido Street Station deserves the acclaim. It's ambitious and brilliant and-rarity of rarities-sui generis. Its clearest influences are Mervyn Peake's Gormenghast trilogy and M. John Harrison's Viriconium books, but it isn't ...

  • Peregrin?rile lui Tuf
  • Martin George
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Haviland Tuf un negutator interstelar cinstit, dar de mica anvergura. El gaseste, din intamplare, o nava de germinare, veche de secole si lunga de cateva mile, care apartinuse Corpului Pamantean al Inginerilor Ecologici, o organizatie candva foarte puternica. Pe nava — folosita initial ca arma ucigatoare — sunt pastrate secretele unei stiinte uitate intre timp, iar instalatiile sale functioneaza suficient de bine pentru a crea, modifica genetic sau clona orice planta sau animal dintr-un fond de miliarde de specii, unele binefacatoare, altele distructive.Execentricul, dar moralul Tuf se transforma in inginer ecologic si foloseste comorile navei sale pentru a rezolva problemele ce chinuie coloniile omenesti indepartate — de la foamete la serpi de mare…

  • Perfekcyjna niedoskona?o??
  • Dukaj Jacek
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Pierwsza cz??? trylogii science-fiction, czyli teoria rozwoju wszelkich mo?liwych cywilizacji we wszelkich mo?liwych wszech?wiatach w nowej powie?ci Jacka Dukaja.Adam Zamoyski, tajemniczy zmartwychwstaniec, znajduje si? w centrum rozgrywki mi?dzy cywilizacjami, lud?mi, nielud?mi i istotami postludzkimi. Bohater stanowi klucz do zwyci?stwa w owej ewolucji. Czy sam zdo?a przeby? ?cie?k? od Homo sapiens, przez formy czystej informacji i przez wszech?wiaty coraz dziwniejszych fizyk – do Doskona?o?ci?„Jacek Dukaj jak demiurg powo?uje ?wiaty do istnienia, nadaj?c im przy tym cywilizacyjn? pe?ni?. Wymy?la wszystko: edukacj?, ...

  • Periplo nocturno
  • Shaw Bob
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Pose?a uno de los secretos m?s importantes el universo, y por ello sus ojos fueron cegados y fue reclu?do en una de las prisiones m?s seguras de Emm Luther. Pero Sam Tallon ten?a una misi?n que cumplir. Y asi ide? uno de los m?s audaces y peligrosos planes de fuga. Mediante un dispositivo que le permit?a ver a trav?s de ojos ajenos: los de un perro, un p?jaro, una rata… incluso los ojos de sus propios perseguidores, Sam Tall inici? el m?s terrible y angustioso periplo nocturno en pos de su objetivo…

  • Permanence
  • Schroeder Karl
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Young Rue Cassels of the Cycler Compact- a civilisation based around remote brown dwarf stars — is running for her life from her bullying brother, Jentry. Fleeing in a single person spacecraft, she spots a distant, approaching object, and stakes a legal claim to it. It is not the valuable comet she has hoped for, but something even more wonderful, a billion year-old alien starship. Permanence is the story of Rue's quest to visit and claim this ship and its treasures, set against a backdrop of interstellar intrigue and warring empires.

  • Personal Demons
  • Kane Stacia
  • Жанр: Городское фэнтези
  • Megan promises listeners to her new radio call-in show that she'll "slay their personal demons," and they believe her. So do the personal demons… although she doesn't know it, Megan is the only human without a demon on her shoulder! Megan and her allies — a demon lover who both protects and seduces her with devilish intensity, a witch with poor social skills, and three cockney guard demons — have to deal not only with the personal demons, but a soul-sucker, ghosts of Megan's past, and a reporter who threatens to destroy Megan's career!

  • PETAURA med?bas
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • PETAURA med?basSta?islavs LemsIZDEVNIEC?BA «ZIN?TNE» R?G? 1966P?rbaud?jums………………………………………….. 11Nosac?tais reflekss………………………………………… 60Patru?a …………………………………………………….. 16G«Albatross»………………………………………………… 202Terminuss…………………………………………………. 225A(Po?u) OXOTA HA CЭTABPA No po?u valodas tulkojusi IR?NA JUH?EVI?A Izdots saska?? ar Latvijas PSR Zin?t?u akad?mijas Redakciju un Izdevumu padomes 1966. g. 16. J?nija l?mumu 7—3—4RAKSTNIEKS, ZIN?TNIEKS, FILOZOFSNeliela auguma cilv?ks vasar?g? krekl? ar va??ju apkakli st?v pie gr?matplaukta. Aiz liel?m brill?m gai?? plastmasas ietvar? ...