Luce would die for Daniel.And she has. Over and over again. Throughout time, Luce and Daniel have found each other, only to be painfully torn apart: Luce dead, Daniel left broken and alone. But perhaps it doesn't need to be that way. . . .Luce is certain that something — or someone — in a past life can help her in her present one. So she begins the most important journey of this lifetime . . . going back eternities to witness firsthand her romances with Daniel . . . and finally unlock the key to making their love last.Cam and the legions of angels and Outcasts are desperate to catch Luce, but none are as frantic as Daniel. He chases Luce through their shared pasts, terrified of what might happen if she rewrites history.Because their romance for the ages could go up in flames . . . forever.Sweeping across centuries, PASSION is the third novel in the unforgettably epic FALLEN series.
FORBIDDEN TEMPTATIONSSerena Kelley is an archaeologist and treasure hunter-and a woman with a secret. Since she was seven, she's been the keeper of a powerful charm that grants her health and immortality… as long as she stays a virgin. But Serena isn't all that innocent. And when a dangerously handsome stranger brings her to the brink of ecstasy, she wonders if she's finally met the one man she cannot resist.FATAL DESIRESWraith is a Seminus demon with a death wish. But when an old enemy poisons him, he must find Serena and persuade her to give him the only known antidote in the universe-her charm. Yet, as she begins to surrender to his seductions and Wraith senses the cure is within his grasp, he realizes a horrible truth: He's falling for the woman whose life he must take in order to save his own.
VENGEANCE IS A DISH BEST SERVED HOT.Imperial Intelligence couldn't find them, the Imperial Fleet couldn't catch them, and local defenses couldn't stop them. It seemed the planet-wrecking pirates were invincible. But the pirates made a big mistake when they raided ex-commando leader Alicia DeVries' quiet home world, tortured and murdered her family, and then left her for dead.Since the Imperial forces seem hog-tied, Alicia decides to turn "pirate" herself, and steals a cutting-edge AI ship from the Empire to start her vendetta. Her fellow veterans think she's crazy, the Imperial Fleet has shoot-on-sight orders. And of course the pirates want her dead, too. But Alicia DeVries has two allies nobody knows about, allies as implacable as she is: a self-aware computer, and a creature from the mists of Old Earth's most ancient legends. And this trio of furies won't rest until vengeance is served.
Ingram "Los Angeles Daily News" calls "Patriots" "enormously entertaining", while "Kirkus Review" has high praise for the novel's "punchy action and realistic consequences". The rugged individualists who have settled the frontier planet of Greenwood are threatened by politicians and bean counters on Earth, who see Greenwood only in terms of profit. The settlers must set aside their local differences in order to meet the challenge and preserve their world and way of life.
Gdy Manse Ewerard zg?osi? si? na egzamin kwalifikacyjny i zosta? przyj?ty, firma, kt?ra rzekomo poszukiwa?a in?ynier?w, okaza?a si? biurem rekrutacyjnym Patrolu Czasu. Do obowi?zk?w Ewerarda jako Niezale?nego Agenta nale?a?o strze?enie Historii przed r??nej masci szale?cami i fanatykami, pragn?cymi zmieni? przesz?o??. Gdyby wiedzia?, jak trudne i niebezpieczne b?d? jego misje, zapewne nie odpowiedzia?by na og?oszenie w gazecie…
Anton Gorodecki w?a?nie wr?ci? z rodzin? z zas?u?onego urlopu: odwi?z? ?on? Swiet?an? i dwuletni? c?reczk? Nadi? na wie? i przyjecha? do pustego moskiewskiego mieszkania. Co mo?e robi? „s?omiany wdowiec”, dysponuj?cy jeszcze kilkoma wolnymi – od pracy i obowi?zk?w domowych – dniami? Zaprosi? go?ci? Samemu gdzie? si? wybra?? Posprz?ta?? Ale zanim Anton rozstrzygn?? ten dylemat, zanim zacz?? oddawa? si? b?ogiemu nier?bstwu czy „kawalerskim rozrywkom” zadzwoni? Heser i wezwa? swojego „maga do zada? specjalnych” do biura.Niby nic, a napi?cie ro?nie – przecie? Heser ...
1588: Queen Elizabeth is felled by an assassin’s bullet. Within the week, the Spanish Armada had set sail, and its victory changed the course of history.1968: England is still dominated by the Church of Rome. There are no telephones, no television, no nuclear power. As Catholicism and the Inquisition tighten their grip, rebellion is growing.
PAZAUD?T? SEJAALEKSANDRS BE?AJEVSRom?na pamat? probl?ma, kas skar endokrinolo?iju — zin?tni, Kura p?ta iek??j?s sekr?cijas dziedzeru darb?bu. Prepar?ti, ko izgudrojis padomju ?rsts Sorokins. iedarbojoties uz ?iem dziedzeriem, spej p?rmain?t cilv?ka ?rieni, augumu, sejas kr?su utt. Kinoaktieris Presto Iemantojis slavu ar savu ??m?go izskatu, kas liek skat?t?jiem smieties, vienalga, vai tie to grib vai ne. Presto grib k|?t par norm?la izskata cilv?ku, lai var?tu piepild?t seno sapni un l?lot tra?iskas lomas, ta?u reiz? ar kropl?go ?rieni pazaud? visu — v?rdu, slavu, bag?t?bu, un vi?am j?iztur neatlaid?ga c??a par tiesib?m uz darbu. Rom?na daudz humora, un reiz? tas atmasko kapit?listisko sabiedr?bu, kur? valda kails apr??ins un ciniskums.
NIKOLAJS GOGOLIS IZLASEPAZUDUSI V?STULELATVIJAS VALSTS IZDEVNIEC?BA 1948 Tulk. M. Mencendorfa Noskann?jis gr?matu un FB2 failu izveidojis Imants Lo?melis
Zanim Severian, wygnaniec z konfraterni kat?w, dotrze do miejsca swego zes?ania, Thraxu, musi pokona? licznych wrog?w i wiele czyhaj?cych na niego niebezpiecze?stw. Prze?ladowany przez okrutne wspomnienia i straszne wizje nie wie, czy zawdzi?cza je swej absolutnej pami?ci czy ogarniaj?cemu ?wiat mrokowi. Zawraca z obranej drogi, aby zwr?ci? skradziony klejnot, Pazur ?agodziciela, kt?ry przypadkiem znalaz? si? w jego posiadaniu. Zaatakowany przez dziwne istoty odkrywa, ?e klejnot nie tylko emanuje b??kitnym blaskiem, ale ma te? niesamowit?, magiczn? moc. ?Lubi? Wolfe’a. Szczeg?lnie rozsmakowa?em si? w?a?nie w Ksi?dze Nowego S?o?ca.Otrzyma?a nagrod? Nebula w 1981.Otrzyma?a nagrod? Locus w 1981.Nominowana do nagrody Hugo w 1982.
Are the self-programming robots on the moon ensuring “peace on Earth,” or are they secretly plotting a terrestrial invasion of their own? Only Ijon Tichy, sent on a dangerous mission to report on the robots’ activities, knows for sure. But, as luck would have it, he is caught by a highly focused ray, which severs his corpus collosum and leaves the left side of his brain at odds with the right.Has he returned to Earth with the secret that could save all humanity? His left brain can’t remember, and his right brain can’t tell. Agents ...
Stephenson opisa? tu badaczy, filozof?w, naukowc?w, kt?rzy zostali zamkni?ci w zakonach i pozbawieni dost?pu do komputer?w, akcelerator?w cz?stek oraz reszty niezb?dnego ustrojstwa, lecz nie zaprzestali swoich bada?. Opracowali nowe metody pracy, r?wnie dobre, a mo?e nawet lepsze od starych, bo dzia?aj?ce wy??cznie w oparciu o wszechstronne mo?liwo?ci psychofizycznego instrumentarium cz?owieka. Tym samym Stephenson zdaje si? m?wi? wprost — jedyn? technologi?, kt?r? warto rozwija? jest cz?owiek.