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Книги 47801—47825 из 51942.

  • Phoenix and Ashes
  • Lackey Mercedes
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Elanor Robinson's life had shattered when Father volunteered for the Great War, leaving her alone with a woman he had just married. Then the letter had come that told of her father's death in the trenches and though Eleanor thought things couldn't get any worse, her life took an even more bizarre turn.Dragged to the hearth by her stepmother Alison, Eleanor was forced to endure a painful and frightening ritual during which the smallest finger of her left had was severed and buried beneath a hearthstone. For her stepmother was an Elemental Master of Earth who practiced ...

  • Phules Errand
  • Асприн Роберт
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Not many men are as hardy as this Phule. Phule is without a doubt the only captain in the Space Legion with his own butler, but Beeker has stuck with him through thick and thin. Which is why it’s incomprehensible to Phule why Beeker has run off-planet without a word—and with Omega Company’s lovely new medic. Without his right-hand man, Phule has no idea what his left hand is doing. So he takes off after his errant butler, just as General Blitzkrieg decides to make a surprise visit to Zenobia. And the only thing Blitz would like better than catching Phule off guard is to catch Phule AWOL...

  • Phytosphere
  • Mackay Scott
  • Жанр: Постапокалипсис
  • When the alien Tarsalans mount a light-blocking sphere around Earth to further their aims of conquest, two scientists race against time to destroy it, even as crops die in the endless night of the phytosphere, and famine and anarchy tighten their hold on civilization. Matters go from bad to worse when Earth’s over-zealous military, seeking to defeat the Tarsalans, inadvertently destroy the phytosphere’s control mechanism, turning it into a train without brakes. One of the scientists fails to destroy the light-blocking sphere. This leaves it up to the remaining scientist. But he is on an isolated moon community without resources or weapons, and must use only his wits and cunning to defeat the twin-brained super-intelligent Tarsalans. Alien-based post-apocalyptic fiction at its best!

  • Pi?ta g?owa Cerbera
  • Wolfe Gene
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Powie?? mo?na por?wna? do tkaniny o skomplikowanym, fascynuj?cym wzorze, misternie utkanej z w?tk?w trzech, pozornie odr?bnych, mikropowie?ci. Ka?da z nich stanowi pasjonuj?c? lektur?, razem tworz? natomiast zupe?nie now? jako??; dopiero przewr?ciwszy ostatni? kartk? czytelnik zaczyna sobie u?wiadamia? jak wielkie znaczenie mia?y pozornie ma?o istotne wzmianki rozrzucone w tek?cie i natychmiast zaczyna czyta? ksi??k? od nowa, by m?c w pe?ni doceni? mistrzostwo Gene Wolfe'a, jednego z najbardziej oryginalnych i fascynuj?cych tw?rc?w wsp??czesnej science fiction.

  • Pi?taszek
  • Heinlein Robert
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Nieodleg?a przysz?o??, obszar nale??cy do dawnych Stan?w Zjednoczonych, obecnie podzielony na ma?e pa?stewka tocz?ce ze sob? walk? o wp?ywy. Ziemi? rz?dz? mi?dzynarodowe korporacje, a ludzko?? zaczyna kolonizowa? kosmos. Friday, tajna agentka pracuj?ca dla organizacji paramilitarnej, pakuje si? w sam ?rodek narastaj?cego konfliktu. Jako sztucznie wyhodowana istota, zab?jczo pi?kna, obdarzona nadludzkim refleksem, si?? i inteligencj?, przewy?sza ludzi pod ka?dym wzgl?dem. Paradoksalnie, z tego w?a?nie powodu musi ukrywa? swoj? to?samo?? i boryka? si? z rasistowskimi uprzedzeniami. Lec?c w kosmos jako kurierka odkrywa, ?e najnowsza misja ma zako?czy? si? jej ?mierci?…Powie?? by?a nominowana do presti?owych nagr?d Nebula, Hugo i Prometheus Award.

  • Pi?ty elefant
  • Pratchett Terry
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Sam Vimes jest uciekinierem. Wczoraj by? diukiem, komendantem policji i ambasadorem w tajemniczej, bogatej w t?uszcz krainie Uberwald.Teraz nie ma nic pr?cz wrodzonej pomys?owo?ci i sm?tnych portek wujaszka Wani (nie pytajcie). Pada ?nieg. Jest mr?z. I je?li nie przedrze si? przez las do cywilizacji, wybuchnie straszliwa wojna.Ale jego tropem pod??aj? potwory. S? inteligentne. S? szybkie. S? wilko?akami a i ju? go doganiaj?. „Pi?ty elefant” to najnowsza powie?? Terry’ego Pratchetta o ?wiecie Dysku. Tym razem w rolach g??wnych: krasnoludy, dyplomacja, intryga i wielkie bry?y t?uszczu.

  • Pianeta di caccia
  • Tepper Sheri
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Marjorie Westriding Yrarier ? stata inviata sul pianeta Grass per rispondere a un misterioso interrogativo: un contagio si sta spargendo fra le stelle, un’epidemia mortale che minaccia di distruggere la razza umana. Nessun pianeta ne ? rimasto immune, tranne Grass. Perch??Poco si conosce di Grass, se non che si tratta di un luogo idilliaco, dove la natura ? assolutamente intatta e l’ambiente conserva un perfetto equilibrio. Interamente coperto dalle pi? strane variet? di vegetazione che si possano immaginare, il pianeta ? un’autentica anomalia cosmica. Un gruppo di famiglie giunte secoli prima per colonizzarlo hanno edificato rapidamente una nuova ...

  • Pianeta di ghiaccio
  • Clement Hal
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Per la famiglia Wind, i monti dell'Ovest americano sono un ambiente di vita ideale e una fonte di benessere, dopo che babbo Wind ha scoperto la sua miniera d'oro segreta. Per i Sarriani, abituati a respirare zolfo volatile, il Pianeta di Ghiaccio ? uno dei tanti mondi inabitabili dell'universo. Perfino le loro navette automatiche inviate verso le pianure azzurre che formano gran parte del pianeta cessano subito le comunicazioni. Di parere diverso sono invece alcuni contrabbandieri che, dalla loro base su Mercurio, da quasi trent'anni ottengono dal Pianeta di Ghiaccio preziose quantit? di una potentissima droga allucinogena in cambio di ...

  • Picnic la marginea drumului
  • Strugatsky Arkadij
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Cunoscut ?i apreciat mai ales datorit? fascinantei ecraniz?ri a regizorului Andrei Tarkovski — C?l?uza —, acest roman le-a adus fra?ilor Struga?ki celebritatea mondial?. Cartea, ap?rut? cu mari dificult??i ?n fosta Uniune Sovietic?, este o alegorie politic? cu conota?ii filosofice ?i etice, scris? ?n cheie science-fiction, care dep??e?te cu mult modelul scrierilor de anticipa?ie sau al distopiilor sociografice. Prin consisten?a sa narativ? ?i inteligen?a not?rii detaliilor semnificative, prin atmosfera sa metafizico-fantastic? ?i stilul bogat ?i fluent, cartea fra?ilor Struga?ki e o oper? epic? ?n adev?ratul sens al cuv?ntului.

  • Picture the Dead
  • Griffin Adele
  • Жанр: Любовная фантастика
  • A ghost will find his way home.Jennie Lovell's life is the very picture of love and loss. First she is orphaned and forced to live at the mercy of her stingy, indifferent relatives. Then her fianc? falls on the battlefield, leaving her heartbroken and alone. Jennie struggles to pick up the pieces of her shattered life, but is haunted by a mysterious figure that refuses to let her bury the past.When Jennie forms an unlikely alliance with a spirit photographer, she begins to uncover secrets about the man she thought she loved. With her sanity on edge and her life in the balance, can Jennie expose the chilling truth before someone-or something-stops her?Against the brutal, vivid backdrop of the American Civil War, Adele Griffin and Lisa Brown have created a spellbinding mystery where the living cannot always be trusted and death is not always the end.

  • Pie?? krwi
  • Bear Greg
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Vergil Ulam by? geniuszem przekraczaj?cym granice biologii. Pracowa? nad restrukturyzacj? kom?rek ludzkiego organizmu. Kom?rek my?l?cych. Poniewa? Genotron, firma, w kt?rej pracowa?, skasowa? jego rewolucyjny program badawczy, Vergil postanowi? na przek?r wszystkiemu ocali? dzie?o swego ?ycia. Wybra? spos?b najprostszy i najskuteczniejszy — przemyci? my?l?ce kom?rki we w?asnej krwi. Pocz?tkowo skutki dzia?ania inteligentnych limfocyt?w s? niczym cuda w ma?ej skali: wzrok Vergila poprawia si?, a on sam staje si? okazem zdrowia i seksualnej sprawno?ci. Ale potem dziej? si? rzeczy bardziej niezwyk?e. Kom?rki ...