Humanity has reached the stars, joining the vast galactic community of alien species. But beyond the fringes of explored space lurk the Reapers, a race of sentient starships bent on 'harvesting' the galaxy's organic species for their own dark purpose.The Illusive Man, leader of the pro-human black ops group Cerberus, is one of the few who know the truth about the Reapers. To ensure humanity's survival, he launches a desperate plan to uncover the enemy's strengths - and weaknesses - by studying someone implanted with modified Reaper technology. He knows the perfect subject for his horrific experiments: ...
Zebrane opowiadania prezentuj? rozmaite odmiany literatury sf od „powie?ci kryminalnej w czterech trupach” do interesuj?cej parafrazy motywu wehikulu czasu. Pisarz rezygnuje niekiedy z zasady prawdopodobie?stwa naukowego na rzecz fantazji paradoksalnych hipotez i eksperyment?w intelektualnych. Jego utwory dobrze os?dzone s? w codzienno?ci radzieckiej, wiele tu trafnych obserwacji obyczajowych i humoru.
Любовь — нежный и беззащитный цветок, иногда он может расцвести и на краю могилы. Кристиан и Алексия впервые встретились на кладбище, здесь они в беседах проводят долгие ночи и постепенно влюбляются друг в друга. Однако рок преследует молодых людей. Алексия погибает страшной смертью, и после ее кончины Кристиан осознает, что самые страшные привидения — это призраки былых возлюбленных…Впервые на русском языке от автора, чьи произведения переведены более чем на 40 языков и изданы тиражом более 3 000 000 экземпляров!
Der Mann: Brion Brandd, Agent der Gesellschaft f?r kulturelle Beziehungen.Der Auftrag: Eine Welt vor der atomaren Vernichtung zu bewahren.Der Schauplatz: Dis — ein wilder, unwirtlicher Planet mit unheimlichen Bewohnern.Das Problem: Den Ursprung des ?bels zu finden, das die Bewohner des Planeten befallen hatte.Fr?her einmal waren die Disaner Menschen gewesen. Jetzt waren sie nur noch von dem Wunsch besessen, zu morden! Alles und jeden zu t?ten, sich selbst zu vernichten, ihren Planeten zu zerst?ren — nach M?glichkeit sogar das gesamte Universum, wenn man sie gew?hren lie?…Brion hatte nur noch wenige Stunden Zeit, um sie daran zu hindern.
What was Nazism doing in America in the l980s? A lot.Jack-booted stormtroopers. Mobs howling for racial purity. And on the podium a man ranting and raving and holding his followers spellbound as swastika flags waved above them.Out of what hellish depth of the past had the hideously scarred man who called himself Herr Fuhrer Blutsturz emerged..with his artificial limbs that gave him superhuman strength..with his voluptuous blonde assistant Ilsa who seduced what he couldn't destroy..and with his burning desire to kill Dr. Harold W. Smith, head of the top-secret U.S. Agency CURE, even if he had to rip America into bloody shreds to do it?Remo and Chiun had to find the answer to this monstrous mystery and the antidote to this irresistible evil. But first they had to find a way to stop battling each other and stay alive long enough to do it...
Space wasn’t half so scary, half so strange, or even half so alien, as what Hal Bregg returned to. He had been away from Planet Earth for ten years space-time. But that was 127 years back home and a lot of things had changed. Sex. Money. Transit. Violence. There’s no more violence. Everyone gets it “betrizated” out of them in childhood. And that’s just the beginning…Naturally, Hal refuses to be acclimated by the “Adapt” people. He prefers to figure it out all by himself, be a stranger in a strange land, draw his own conclusions. ...
The conflict between the human Tanu and the reptilian Yilan? reaches a climax as the two implacable enemies face each other in a battle for the destinies of their races. Harrison 's conclusion to his alternate prehistory of Earth excels in its detailed depiction of an alien civilization that might have been.
Every advanced society in the galaxy relies on the technology of the Protheans, an ancient species that vanished fifty thousand years ago. After discovering a cache of Prothean technology on Mars in 2148, humanity is spreading to the stars; the newest interstellar species, struggling to carve out its place in the greater galactic community.On the edge of colonized space, ship commander and Alliance war hero David Anderson investigates the remains of a top secret military research station; smoking ruins littered with bodies and unanswered questions. Who attacked this post and for what purpose? And where is Kahlee Sanders, ...
Dr Dan Sylveste, an archaeologist who has for years been fascinated with the long-dead alien race the Amarantin, is about to discover something that could change the course of mankind. But before he can act on anything his wife is killed and he is captured when a coup sweeps across the planet Resurgam. Meanwhile, an astonishing ship bearing a crew of militaristic cyborgs and a kidnapped Gunnery Officer is bearing down on Resurgam, crossing light years of space to enlist Sylveste’s help to save their metamorphosing Captain. Only Sylveste, or, more accurately, the software programme containing his father’s knowledge that he carries in his mind, can save the Captain. None of them can anticipate the cataclysm that will result when they meet, a cataclysm that will sweep through space and could determine the ultimate fate of humanity.Nominated for BSFA Award in 2000.Nominated for Arthur C. Clarke Award in 2001.
StarCraft: Revelations is a short story which takes place in the StarCraft universe and is authorized by Blizzard Entertainment in Amazing Stories Magazine, issue 596.The story, involving the destruction of Chau Sara, takes place before and during StarCraft Episode I.
Das Ehepaar Durant darf ein Kind haben — so haben es die Regenten der Genetik entschieden. Und das Gesetz 10927 gestattet es den Durants, der genetischen Umformung ihres Embryos beizuwohnen. Dr. Potter, der gro?e K?nstler unter den Genchirurgen, nimmt die Operation vor. Dabei handelt er den Gesetzen der Regenten zuwider, die kategorisch die Ausmerzung aller Erbanlagen fordern, die Menschen zur Rebellion gegen die jahrtausendealte Herrschaft der Unsterblichen f?hren k?nnten. Mit Hilfe einer Untergrundorganisation von halbrobotischen Cyborgs gl?ckt die Entf?hrung des Embryos aus dem Bruttank des Hospitals. Doch der Preis, den die Verschw?rer zahlen m?ssen, ist ungeheuer hoch. In panischer Furcht vor einer Revolte gegen ihre Herrschaft sind die unsterblichen Regenten eher bereit, die ?brige Menschheit auszul?schen, als dem neuen Leben eine Chance zu geben.
The revolution has been co-opted by half-assed heroes, overclocked CGI, and tricked-out sunglasses. Once radical, cyberpunk is nothing more than a brand. These sixteen extreme stories reveal a government ninja routed by a bicycle repairman, the inventor of digitized paper hijacked by his college crush, a dead boy trapped in a warped storybook paradise, and the Queen of England attacked with the deadliest of forbidden technology: a working modem. You'll meet Manfred Macx, renegade meme-broker, Red Sonja, virtual reality sex-goddess, and Felix, humble sysadmin and post-apocalyptic hero. Editors James Patrick Kelly and John Kessel (Feeling ...
Dzia?o si? to w czasach, kiedy udoskonalono wynalazek transmisji materii na mi?dzygwiezdne odleg?o?ci i zrealizowano mo?liwo?? podr??y w czasie. Wszystkie istoty, prawdziwe i legendarne, mog?y swobodnie przemierza? ca?? Galaktyk?.Profesor Peter Maxwell wyruszy? z Ziemi w misji specjalnej, ale wskutek nieprzewidzianych okoliczno?ci wyl?dowa? na nieznanej kryszta?owej planecie, kt?ra okaza?a si? magazynem wiedzy zaginionej staro?ytnej supercywilizacji.Kiedy Peter Maxwell wr?ci? na Ziemi?, pragn?c u?wiadomi? wszystkim istnienie tego skarbu, ze zdumieniem przekona? si?, ?e nikt go nie s?ucha. Wszystko wskazywa?o bowiem na to, ?e wr?ci? z wyprawy miesi?c wcze?niej, nie przywo??c ze sob? ?adnych rewelacji, a p??niej zgin?? w wypadku.Po prostu nikt nie wierzy?, ?e Peter Maxwell — orygina? istnieje naprawd?…
Rhapsody is high fantasy, descended from Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings through Eddings’s Belgariad and Malloreon series, complete with an elf-like people, cannibalistic giants, fire-born demons, and dragons. Inquiring fantasy readers will wonder whether it can live up to such distinguished predecessors. The answer is yes. Haydon’s first fantasy is a palpable hit. The three protagonists are well-realized characters whose adventures are by turns hilarious, horrific, and breathtaking. Best of all, though elements are drawn from familiar sources ranging from Norse myth to Mozart’s The Magic Flute, Haydon’s magic worldbuilding is convincing, consistent, and ...