Examines a world where biology is the cutting-edge science and part-human creatures live in Lake Superior and must deal with toxic waste, and includes cast of unique characters.
Lewis Crane survived the Los Angeles earthquake of 1994, but his family didn’t. At 7 years old, his life was torn apart. Now, at 37, he’s a seismologist with a mission: protect others from that fate. He’s got a unique theory of quake prediction, but in an America split along racial and religious lines, he’ll have to predict the unpredictable to get anyone to believe him. Steeped in the latest discoveries of earth science, this is a near-future story of high-tech suspense and the staggering force of a moving, living earth.
Unlike Jack Ketchum’s earlier novel, LADIES NIGHT, his newest one, RIGHT TO LIFE, definitely has the shoe on the other foot as a pregnant woman becomes the victim of a deranged married couple that kidnap her right off the street and hold her captive for several months while she’s forced to endure their bizarre SM games.The 139-page novella starts off with Sara Foster on her way to an abortion clinic to do away with the unwanted child that she’s now carrying. Before Sara can even enter the clinic, she’s grabbed and sedated by ...
En el a?o 890 de la J?gira, Lis?n al-Aysar, erudito ?rabe del reino de Granada, convencido de la existencia de un mundo m?s all? del oc?ano, se embarca en una gran expedici?n. En esta rilha le acompa?ar?n aventureros ?rabes, corsarios turcos, caballeros sarracenos, un hechicero mameluco y un piloto vizca?no, renegado y borracho. Descubrir?n una tierra lujuriosamente f?rtil y deber?n enfrentarse a sus extra?os pobladores: hombres-jaguar, guerras floridas y sacrificios humanos. El viaje llevar? a Lis?n a alcanzar una nueva sabidur?a, conocer la magia, recuperar el motor y vivir una gran aventura. Una original novela que nos sumerge en una emocionante y ex?tica aventura y nos invita a reflexionar sobre las culturas ajenas y la propia, del pasado y del presente.
Michael Poole’s constructed in the orbit of Jupiter had opened the galaxy to humankind. Then Poole tried looping a wormhole back on itself, tying a knot in space and ripping a hole in time. Poole was never seen again. Then from far in the future, from a time so distant that the stars themselves were dying embers, came an urgent SOS — and a promise. The universe was doomed, but humankind was not. Poole had stumbled upon an immense artifact, light-years across, fabricated from the very of the cosmos.
ArrayGus and Thatch were desperately trying to drive the big mobile home up into the mountains, high above the floods rapidly drowning out the rest of the world. They even had some crazy notion about saving civilization from the waters—which was why they took along uptight Zena - who knew far more than she was telling about why that vast canopy of ice had suddenly surrounded Earth—and voluptuous Gloria—who turned out sometimes to be a man and sometimes a woman as well. And then they picked up Karen, and Floy, and Dust Devil, and Foundling—two latterday Noahs in a motorized ark. The trouble was, their little community wasn’t the only one frantically trying to find dry land, food and fuel. And seeing robbery, looting, murder and cannibalism were now looked on as legitimate means of survival, the struggle for life was apt to become a little vicious at times.
Abenteurer dreier verschiedenen Rassen unternehmen eine waghalsige Expedition zum gr??ten Wunder der Milchstra?e: Einst baute ein l?ngst vergessenes Volk eine gigantische ringf?rmige Welt, die um eine Sonne rotiert. Die Abenteurer glauben, auf einem verlassenen Artefakt zu landen — doch die Ringwelt ist nicht tot…Ein Klassiker der Science Fiction in Neuauflage. Der preisgekr?nte, brillante Roman Larry Nivens liegt hiermit in der kongenialen ?berstzung von Axel Merz erstmals vollst?ndig, ungek?rzt und bis ins Detail werkgetreu vor: Eine Neuentdeckung, ebenso spannend wie die Entdeckung der Ringwelt selbst.
In 2855 wordt een onderzoeksexpeditie naar de gestuurd, een gigantische door onbekenden gebouwde wereld-ring om een ster. Nessus de poppenspeler, een buitenaards ras, vraagt Louis Wu, Teela Brown en de Kzin-strijder Spreker-tot-Dieren om met hem mee te gaan. Hun ruimteschip stort neer op de Ringwereld en in die uitgestrekte wereld blijken andere, weinig vriendelijke wezens te wonen.
A new place is being built, a world of huge dimensions, encompassing millions of miles, stronger than any planet before it. There is gravity, and with high walls and its proximity to the sun, a livable new planet that is three million times the area of the Earth can be formed. We can start again!
returns series protagonist Louis Wu to the titular world. Louis and his friend The Hindmost, an alien of the Pierson’s puppeteer race, are prisoners of the Ghoul protector Tunesmith, a Ringworld native, who is deliberately provoking the warships that surround his world. All the star-faring races of Known Space have sent warships to the Ringworld, and they are already at the brink of war. If fighting breaks out, the near-indestructible Ringworld will be destroyed: dissolved by antimatter weapons.The Ringworld series is so complex and ambitious that opens with a glossary and a cast of characters, inclusions that even many Known Space fans will need. Newcomers to Niven’s artificial planet should start with .
In Italy, a powerful vampire is amassing the power to control the souls of the dead. Lady Victoria Gardella de Lacy-a vampire slayer for just over a year-races across Europe to stop what could be the most deadly army the Gardellas have ever faced. She is accompanied by Sebastian Vioget, a man as tempting as he is untrustworthy. But when Victoria discovers that she has been betrayed by one of her most trusted allies, the truth will challenge all her powers as a Venator-and as a woman.
It is the summer of 1942 and what our historians have called the Incredible Victory in the Battle of Midway has become a horrendous disaster in the world. Two of America’s handful of carriers in the Pacific have blundered into a Japanese submarine picket line and have been sunk, while a third is destroyed the next day. The United States has only one carrier remaining in the Pacific against nine Japanese, while the ragtag remnants of U.S. battleships — an armada still reeling from the defeat at Pearl Harbor — are in even worse shape.Now the Pacific belongs ...
In 2198, one hundred and fifty years after the desperate wars that destroyed an overpopulated Earth, Man lives precariously on a hundred hastily-established colony worlds and in the seven giant Ships that once ferried men to the stars. Mia Havero’s Ship is a small closed society. It tests its children by casting them out to live or die in a month of Trial in the hostile wilds of a colony world. Mia Havero’s Trial is fast approaching and in the meantime she must learn not only the skills that will keep her alive but the deeper courage to face herself and her world. Published originally in 1968, Alexei Panshin’s Nebula Award-winning classic has lost none of its relevance, with its keen exploration of societal stagnation and the resilience of youth.Won Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1968.Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1969.