Ex-assassin Axl Borja has agreed to do one last hit - only he hasn't told his gun yet. Cardinal Santo Ducque faces political ruin if he can't regain the Vatican's missing billions. Mai's a Japanese kinderwhore held hostage on a space habitat. As they collide their actions could change the world.
Ensign Andrew Dahl has just been assigned to the Universal Union Capital Ship Intrepid, flagship of the Universal Union since the year 2456. It’s a prestige posting, and Andrew is thrilled all the more to be assigned to the ship’s Xenobiology laboratory.Life couldn’t be better…until Andrew begins to pick up on the fact that (1) every Away Mission involves some kind of lethal confrontation with alien forces, (2) the ship’s captain, its chief science officer, and the handsome Lieutenant Kerensky always survive these confrontations, and (3) at least one low-ranked crew member is, sadly, always killed.Not surprisingly, a great deal of energy below decks is expendedon avoiding, at all costs, being assigned to an Away Mission. Then Andrew stumbles on information that completely transforms his and his colleagues’ understanding of what the starship Intrepid really is…and offers them a crazy, high-risk chance to save their own lives.
Cuando los humanos abandonan el planeta Belzagor, siguiendo la pol?tica de descolonizaci?n consistente en dar independencia a todos los alien?genas con cultura propia, el administrador imperial Gundersen retorna para emprender un viaje etnol?gico-sentimental-m?stico-inici?tico… donde hallar? o no hallar? lo que esperaba, pero en todo caso no retornar? el mismo que se puso en camino… como tampoco el lector volver? a ser el mismo despu?s del viaje maravilloso que esta novela propone.
Hall Bregg ? um homem sem mundo, um astronauta que regressa duma miss?o no espa?o e encontra a Terra Irreconhec?vel. Apesar de s? terem passado dez anos biol?gicos, na Terra j? decorreram cento e vinte e sete. As cidades est?o constru?das com uma tecnologia que ele desconhece, os h?bitos sociais est?o completamente alterados; ? ministrada aos seres huma| nos, na inf?ncia, uma droga que neutraliza os seus impulsos agressivos. Como conseguir? um astronautal — que representa o pioneirismo — adaptar-se a uma civiliza??o onde n?o se corre o menor risco, onde as pessoas se tornam menos cultivadoras do prazer e da juventude, esquecendo-se der que significa sonhar ou ambicionar? Hall Bregg ir? lutar por se adaptar e encontrar um lugar para si pr?prio.
Утомили, честно говоря, различные попаданцы, которые благодаря своим невье… гм… более чем нескромным познаниям во всем двигают прогресс семимильными шагами, попутно гоняя Батыя, Того и Манштейна, исключительно на чужой территории и малой кровью. Произведения с такими героями бывают и вполне увлекательны, но делая из наших врагов слабаков и неумех, которых любой любитель форумных дискуссий может в хвост и в гриву, мы принижаем как мужество наших врагов, которое имело место быть, так и подвиги наших предков. Мой герой никогда не увлекался альтернативной историей — у него и по обычной-то тройка, да и та, что называется, за красивые глаза. Он не герой, не изобретатель, не спецагент… Он — обычный ученик НЕМЕЦКОЙ реальной школы, попавший в необычную ситуацию. И что теперь делать? А ничего не поделаешь, извольте спасать Родину, геноссе Карл. Насколько это в ваших силах, разумеется.
Fresh from finding out that she is a demon princess, fighting her aunt for her life, and rescuing her father from being poisoned, Nikki Donovan is looking forward to getting back to her regular high school life. But when Rhys, the handsome king of the faery realm, decides to show up at her school as a "foreign exchange student," Nikki knows this won't be possible. Couple with this a whole host of other problems: there's a new prophecy that claims she will destroy everyone. Her conflicted feelings for Rhys and her boyfriend, Michael, are getting in the way of their relationship. Her best friend Melinda just might be a demon-slayer-in-training, and her old crush Chris might know of her demon side. Throw in a field trip to none other than Hell itself … and Nikki's going to be hoping for a rain check on more than just her homework!
As if trying to fit in at a new school isn't stressful enough, sixteen-year-old Nikki Donovan just found out that her long-lost father is, in fact, the demon king of the Shadowlands — the world that separates and protects us from the Underworld. When she is brought there by the mysterious — and surprisingly cute — messenger Michael, she learns that her father is dying, and he wants her to assume the throne. To complicate matters, a war is brewing between the Shadowlands and the Underworld, her half-demon qualities are manifesting, and her growing feelings for Michael are completely forbidden. Ruling a kingdom, navigating a secret crush, and still making it home by curfew — what's a teenage demon princess to do?
Her name's Allie Bateman, and she claims she's the owner of the Dragonfly, the charter fishing boat that belongs to Cooper Remington. He isn't about to be swindled out of his inheritance.even if she is the most alluring first mate ever to hit the high seas!Everything was smooth sailing until the sexy East Coast lawyer showed up. Allie can't believe she agreed to be temporary partners – must be the salt air. It can't be the irresistible charms of Cooper, a man she knows better than to trust.So why's her heart telling her she and Cooper would make a great team – on the water and off?
The world is dead, devoured by a plague of reanimated corpses.Cahz and his squad of veteran soldiers are tasked with flying into abandoned cities and retrieving zombies for scientific study. Deep in infected territory, hundreds of miles from their support vessel, the ever present dangers weigh heavily on Cahz’s mind as he shepherds his team to make quick, clean extractions.Then the unbelievable happens. After years of encountering nothing but the undead, the team discovers a handful of disheveled survivors in a fortified warehouse with dwindling supplies.Surrounded by hordes of ravenous corpses, Cahz ...
In the Hollywood of the future there’s no need for actors since any star can be digitally recreated and inserted into any movie. Yet young Alis wants to dance on the silver screen. Tom tries to dissuade her, but he fears she will pursue her dream — and likely fall victim to Hollywood’s seamy underside, which is all to eager to swallow up naive actresses. Then Tom begins to find Alis in the old musicals he remakes, and he has to ask himself just where the line stands between reality and the movies.Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1996.
LizAlec is wired for sound, speed and anything else that money can buy. But she's abducted. Her mother's a French minister, who moves Heaven and Earth to find her. Fixx fixes things — recordings, people, anything that makes money. Some of him is almost human. Now he has to find LizAlec
Failure to become a successful space colony, plus fear of the indigenous non-human population, forces the abandonment of Sims Bancorp Colony. Ofelia, tired of taking orders and too elderly to survive the trip to the next colony, hides until all fellow humans are evacuated. Alone but unafraid, she meets the challenges of survival and eventually befriends the natives who call themselves “The People.” Gradually, Ofelia becomes an important member of The People and acts as their diplomatic liaison when a new group of humans return to the planet. Once downtrodden and overlooked, Ofelia rises above her old position to rebuild her self-esteem and redefine herself as she rises to situations calling for her to use her intelligence, emotional fortitude, and abilities. Once she has power, she uses it wisely and justly.
Venant de l'espace interstellaire, un objet p?n?tre dans le syst?me solaire. Au d?but, il n'int?resse gu?re les astronomes et encore mois les journalistes ; les ast?ro?des et les com?tes caract?ris?s par des orbites tr?s excentriques sont innombrables.Mais cet objet n'est pas ordinaire. Une observation pouss?e montre qu'il est parfaitement cylindrique. Ses dimensions sont imposantes : une trentaine de kilom?tres de long, une quinzaine de diam?tre. Pour la premi?re fois de m?moire d'homme, un navire venu d'une autre ?toile traverse le syst?me ...
In anul de gratie 2130, un obiect straniu este descoperit insurubandu-se in spatiu, pe ceea ce ar putea constitui un curs de coliziune cu Pamantu.Ce este? de unde vine? Si, cel mai important, ce doreste?
Das r?tselhafte Objekt, das die Astronomen auf den Namen Rama tauften, gab allen R?tsel auf. Es war noch weit entfernt, deutlich au?erhalb der Jupiter-Umlaufbahn. Etwas, das auf eine solch gro?e Entfernung auf dem Radar erschien, musste gigantisch gro? sein. W?hrend das Objekt durch das Sonnensystem raste, zeigte sich bald, dass es geformt war wie ein perfekter Zylinder. Offenbar stand die Menschheit im Begriff, ihren ersten Besucher von den Sternen zu empfangen…