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Книги 48676—48700 из 51942.
  • Shooting Schedule
  • Murphy Warren
  • Жанр: Детективная фантастика
  • And now, from the great folks who brought you Pearl Harbor...Nemuro Nishitsu remembered Pearl Harbor. He also remembered the rest of World War II and Japan's humiliating defeat. Nishitsu had been a humble soldier then. He was Japan's number one industrialist now. And he had the money, the power, and the madness to script a sneak attack that made Pearl Harbor look like a childish prank...made in the U.S.A. a pitiful helpless giant...and made Remo and Chiun the country's last vanishing hope...as the flag of foreign conquest was planted in the American heartland, and the Destroyer was X-ed out of the action...

  • Shut the Fuck Up and Die!
  • Rose William
  • Жанр: Ужасы
  • The old house knew the taste of blood. It was as familiar with screams as it was the wind whistling through the desolate pine forest in which it hid. For within its walls, a sadistic evil had taken root in the minds of its residents: a family whose fiendish desires demanded blood, tears, and pain to quench their savage thirst for brutality.Enter Matt And Mona: young newlyweds with the misfortune to have car trouble at the wrong place, on the wrong night…. As good samaritans lead them into the isolation of the woods, no one realized a nightmare was about to be unleashed…Prepare yourself. It’s about to get very, very bloody.“If you think you have the stomach for gruesome and graphic, give this book a spot on your digital shelf.”~ Carl Hose, author of

  • Shuttered Sky
  • Шустерман Нил
  • Жанр: Социальная фантастика
  • It began innocently enough: six children conceived at exact moment that the star Mentaras-H went supernova—The Explosion transformed their souls into living star fragments. It also conferred upon each of them a unique but mysterious powera power that until they learned its secret masqueraded as a warping disfigurement. For some, it was physical. For others, it was emotional. But for all six, it meant one thing: their lives would never be the same.In time they unlocked the secret of their power. Their gifts brought them incredible riches and attention. Once despised for their deformities, they ...

  • Si?dmy syn
  • Card Orson
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • …W rozs?dnym ?wiecie na pewno nic by si? nie sta?o. Ale bajarz wiedzia? ju?, ?e ten ?wiat wcale nie jest rozs?dny. Alvin Junior mia? pot??nego, niewidzialnego wroga, kt?ry nie przegapi? okazji.Bajarz skoczy? do przodu. Poczu?, jak drgn??a ziemia pod stopami, jak zapad? si? ubity grunt. Niewiele, par? centymetr?w, ale wewn?trzna kraw?d? kamienia obni?y?a si? w?a?nie o taki kawa?ek. W rezultacie szczyt wielkiego kr?gu przesun?? si? o ponad p?? metra i tak szybko, ?e nic ju? nie mog?o go zahamowa?. Za chwil? m?y?ski kamie? runie na swoje miejsce na fundamencie, a Alvin Junior zostanie pod spodem, zmielony jak ziarno…Powie?? nominowana w 1988 do nagrod Hugo, World Fantasy Award oraz Locus za najlepsz? powie?? fantasy.

  • Silbertod
  • Higgins F.
  • Жанр: Ужасы
  • Nichts f?r schwache Nerven: das R?tsel um den Silberapfelm?rder Pin lebt gef?hrlich. In den verwinkelten Gassen von Urbs Umida wimmelt es von Dieben, Betr?gern und Scharlatanen, und es geht Angst um, seit ein M?rder sein Unwesen treibt. Er hinterl?sst bei jedem seiner Opfer einen silbernen Apfel, sonst wei? man nichts von ihm. Seltsam ist auch die Gruppe von Schaustellern, die Pin kennenlernt. Einer von ihnen behauptet, Tote zum Leben erwecken zu k?nnen. Gemeinsam mit seiner Freundin Juno versucht Pin, seinem Trick auf den Grund zu kommen. Da schl?gt der Silberapfelm?...

  • Silent Voices
  • McMahon Gary
  • Жанр: Ужасы
  • Twenty years ago three young boys staggered out of an old building, tired and dirty yet otherwise unharmed. Missing for a weekend, the boys had no idea of where they’d been. But they all shared the same vague memory of a shadowed woodland grove… and they swore they’d been gone for only an hour. When Simon returns to the Concrete Grove to see his old friends and unearth painful memories from his childhood, things once buried begin to claw their way back to the surface.The hummingbirds are flying again, bringing a warning of something terrible. Bad dreams take on physical form and walk the streets of the estate. A dark, hideously patient entity is calling once again from the shadows, reaching out towards three terrified boys who have now grown into emotionally damaged men. And the past is about to catch up with them all, staining their lives with a darkness they could never truly escape. Welcome back to the Concrete Grove. The place you can never really leave…