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Книги 50326—50350 из 51942.

  • The Other Teddy Roosevelts
  • Resnick Mike
  • Жанр: Ужасы
  • Theodore Roosevelt: president, naturalist, explorer, author, cowboy, police commissioner, deputy marshal, soldier, taxidermist, ornithologist, and boxer. Everyone knows about that.But how about vampire hunter?Or African king?Or Jack the Ripper's nemesis?Or World War I doughboy?Mike Resnick (the most-awarded short story writer in science fiction history, according to Locus) has been the biographer of these other Teddy Roosevelts for almost two decades. Here you will find a familiar Roosevelt, but in unfamiliar surroundings stalking a vampire through the streets of New York, or a crazed killer down the back alleys of ...

  • The Outsider
  • Metz Melinda
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • He's not like other guys.Liz has seen him around. It's hard to miss Max – the tall, blond, blue eyes senior stands out in her high school crowd. So why is he such a loner?Max is in love with Liz. He likes the way her eyes light up when she laughs. And the way her long, black hair moves when she turns her head. Most of all, he would like to imagine what it would be like to kiss her.But Max knows he can't get too close. He can't let her discover the truth about who he is. Or really, what he is…Because the truth could kill her.

  • The Painted Man
  • Brett Peter
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Sometimes there is very good reason to be afraid of the dark... Eleven-year-old Arlen lives with his parents on their small farmstead, half a day's ride away from the isolated hamlet of Tibbet's Brook. As dusk falls upon Arlan's world, a strange mist rises from the ground, a mist carrying nightmares to the surface. A mist that promises a violent death to any foolish enough to brave the coming darkness, for hungry corelings - demons that cannot be harmed by mortal weapons - materialize from the vapours to feed on the living. As the sun sets, people ...

  • The Pale Roses
  • Moorcock Michael
  • Серия: Legends from the End of Time
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Цикл о Крае Времени весьма необычен. Это не фэнтези, это не научная фантастика в обычном смысле этого термина, это - нечто иное. Край Времени - это когда "дни вселенной были сочтены". Герои этого цикла - люди, хотя человеческого в них не сильно много. Они всемогущи, а если их настигает смерть, то они легко могут возродиться, а главное - они не живут, они скорее играют в жизнь. Играют в любовь, в страдания, играют во что угодно, лишь бы занять время. Беспрерывные развлечения - вот смысл их жизни. Цикл полон языковых изысков, необычных способов построения речи и сюжета, странных имен героев, но при этом читается просто отлично. Легенды Края Времени - это сборник повестей о Крае Времени, позволяющий получше узнать обитателей этого столь необычного мира. Именно эти истории вскользь упоминались в Танцорах. Среди них: история греха Вертера де Гёте, рассказ о дуэли Лорда Акулы Неизвестного и, на мой взгляд, лучшая повесть о материнской любви и сыновнем непонимании... "Танелорн: Всё о Майкле Муркоке" http://www.moorcock.narod.ru/

  • The Paradise War
  • Lawhead Stephen
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Lewis Gillies is pursuing graduate work in Celtic studies at Oxford when his rich roommate, Simon Rawnson, slips through a hole in a cairn to the land of the Tuatha de Danann. With the help of an eccentric professor, Lewis pursues Simon and finds himself playing a major role in some important Celtic myths. In retelling these myths, Lawhead ( Arthur ) allows his characters to become unspecific archetypes who therefore fail to hold the reader’s interest. As he is herded from event to event, Lewis, supposedly a Celtic scholar, fails to recognize the import of these occurences. Throughout, Lawhead tells his readers what to feel rather than letting his story move them.

  • The Pastel City
  • Harrison M.
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • In the distant future, a medieval system rises from the ruins of a technology that destroyed itself. Armored knights ride their horses across dunes of rust, battling for the honor of the Queen. But the knights find more to menace them than mere swords and lances. A brave quest leads them face to face with the awesome power of a complex, lethal technology that has been erased from the face of the Earth--but lives on, underground.

  • The Peace Machine
  • Shaw Bob
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • First published in 1971 as Ground Zero Man, this novel was revies by the author and published in 1985 as .It is 1988, and an obscure scientist, Lucas Hutchman, has made a momentous discovery. He can build a neutron resonator: a device which, once triggered, will detonate every nuclear warhead in the planet. In a future on the brink of nuclear suicide (Damascus has just been wiped out by a terrorist nuclear bomb), the temptation is irresistible to use his invention as a gun held against the heads of the world’s leaders. Lucas constructs the machine, and then sends plans ...