Richard Rahl has traveled far from his roots as a simple woods guide. Emperor of the D'Haran Empire, war wizard, the Seeker of Truth-none of these roles mean as much to him as his newest: husband to his beloved Kahlan Amnell, Mother Confessor of the Midlands.But their wedding day is the key that unlocks a spell sealed away long ago in a faraway country. Now a deadly power pours forth that threatens to turn the world into a lifeless waste.Separated from the Sword of Truth and stripped of their magic, Richard and Kahlan must journey across the Midlands to discover a dark secret from the past and a trap that could tear them apart forever. For their fate has become inextricably entwined with that of the Midlands-and there's no place so dangerous as a world without magic…
La magie, c’est de la bouillie pour les chats. Car voici la sourcellerie, la puissance thaumaturgique de l’Aube des Temps ! Elle p?n?tre le Disque-monde par l’entremise du huiti?me fils d’un mage (d?froqu?, oui).Disons-le tout net : casse-cou.Une fois de plus, faudra-t-il compter sur l’ineffable Rincevent pour sauver les meubles ? il est vrai que l’homme a plus d’un tour dans son sac perc?. Il dispose aussi d’une ?quipe de choc, o? vous retrouverez le myst?rieux et pusillanime Bagage — tellement humain ! — et le subtil biblioth?caire de l’universit? des mages — tellement simiesque ! Avec, pour la premi?re fois dans un livre, Nijel le Destructeur, jeune h?ros par correspondance, et Conina, la fille du plus c?l?bre Barbare, par qui tombent les coeurs et les coups, Prime exotique : un s?jour inoubliable dans la cit? d’Al Khali, sous la houlette du S?riph Cr?osote.
Their coming had not been written in the stars, and no augury had foretold the terror they would bring. The first sign was the golden lights of the beacons, a clear message from every southern isle that a calamity had befallen them.Daish Kheda, warlord, reader of portents, giver of laws, healer and protector of all his many-islanded realm encompasses, must act quickly and decisively to avert disaster. But the people of the Aldabreshin Archipelago not only fear magic, they've abjured it. So what defense can Kheda offer against the threat of a dark magic that threatens to overrun every island of his domain?A new tale from the writer who has already gathered many fans with the five volumes of her , is an engrossing epic of magic, intrigue, culture, and politics, in a fantasy setting as colorful as the south seas, as bracing as the ocean wind, and as alluring as the hint of spices in the air of an exotic port.
Though one of the most powerful Deacons, Sorcha Faris has a tarnished reputation to overcome, which is why she jumps at the chance to investigate a string of murders in the exotic city of Orithal. But it is there that her lover, the shapeshifting rival to the throne, is targeted by a cruel and vengeful goddess, unwittingly unleashed by the Emperor's sister.
Siergiej ?ukjanienko – rosyjski kultowy autor powie?ci fantasy i science fiction. Najlepiej sprzedaj?cy si? pisarz w Rosji. ??czne nak?ady jego ksi??ek ju? dawno przekroczy?y milion egzemplarzy. Laureat licznych nagr?d, jego ksi??ki przet?umaczono na wiele j?zyk?w. "Nocny patrol" (r?wnie? wydany przez nasz? oficyn?) zosta? ju? sfilmowany, kilka innych tytu??w tak?e zostanie przeniesionych na ekran."Irina westchn??a. U?miechn??a si? lekko, patrz?c na Martina, i w jej spojrzeniu Martin dostrzeg? znacznie wi?cej zrozumienia sytuacji, ni? mo?na by si? spodziewa? po nastolatce. Powiedzia?a:
Debut novelist Charlton creates a complex world in which magical abilities depend on the ability to handle words. Apprentice wizard Nicodemus Weal was once thought to be the prophesied Halcyon, but his inability to control spells sends him to the bottom of the pecking order. When murders and strange activities coincide with the Convocation at Starhaven, visiting wizards and druids begin to wonder whether Nicodemus might in fact be the anti-Halcyon. While the magic system is intriguing and carefully described, the setting is never fully realized, and Nicodemus's interactions with other teachers and students seem to take place in a world bereft of supporting characters. Charlton's baroque prose perfectly mirrors the central role of language and the byzantine politics surrounding the Convocation and the potential prophecy, and the innovative spell craft will please fantasy readers weary of more traditional magics.
Held prisoner by humans, his angelic memory and power lost because of the sigil-inscribed collar around his neck, Tir dreams of freedom and hungers for vengeance. He's sworn he'll never lie with a mortal, but when Ara?a removes his shackles and helps him escape his captivity, she melts his icy control and leaves him burning with desire. She's a temptation he can't resist — an unknowing enemy who might well enslave him more thoroughly than the chains he's worn for centuries.Powerful forces have brought them together to serve a greater purpose, but learning the truth of what they are will destroy them — unless their love is strong enough to overcome the dark legacy of a battle that began with the birth of mankind.
They call me the Spider. I'm the most feared assassin in the South — when I'm not busy at the Pork Pit cooking up the best barbecue in Ashland. As a Stone elemental, I can hear everything from the whispers of the gravel beneath my feet to the vibrations of the soaring Appalachian Mountains above me. My Ice magic also comes in handy for making the occasional knife. But I don't use my powers on the job unless I absolutely have to. Call it professional pride.Now that a ruthless Air elemental has double-crossed me and killed my handler, I'm out for revenge. And I'll exterminate anyone who gets in my way — good or bad. I may look hot, but I'm still one of the bad guys. Which is why I'm in trouble, since irresistibly rugged Detective Donovan Caine has agreed to help me. The last thing this coldhearted killer needs when I'm battling a magic more powerful than my own is a sexy distraction…especially when Donovan wants me dead just as much as the enemy.
Old habits die hard. And I plan on murdering someone before the night is through.Killing used to be my regular gig, after all. Gin Blanco, aka the Spider, assassin-for-hire. And I was very good at it. Now, I’m ready to make the one hit that truly matters: Mab Monroe, the dangerous Fire elemental who murdered my family when I was thirteen.Oh, I don’t think the mission will be easy, but turns out it’s a bit more problematic than expected. The bitch knows I’m coming for her. So now I’m up ...
An undercover mission leads to danger, adventure and an impossible choice. After siphoning her own blood magic in the showdown at Hubal, Opal Cowan has lost her powers. She can no longer create glass magic. More, she's immune to the effects of magic. Opal is now an outsider looking in, spying through the glass on those with the powers she once had, powers that make a difference in the world. Until spying through the glass becomes her new power. Suddenly, the beautiful pieces she makes flash in the presence of magic. And then she discovers that someone has stolen some of her blood — and that finding it might let her regain her powers. Or know it could be they are lost forever.
Trzeci tom "Trylogii wojen mag?w".Skandaron, Czarny Gryf, sta? si? legend? za ?ycia. Kiedy? walcz?cy bohater – teraz jest wyroczni? we wszystkich sprawach. Lecz m?ode pokolenie niecierpliwi si?: synowie Skandarona marz? o tym, aby tak?e wyr??nic si? i dor?wna? bohaterskim rodzicom. Sprowadza to na nich mroczne si?y, z kt?rymi dawniej dzielnie zmaga? si? Czarny Gryf…Ta pe?na fantastycznych przyg?d ksi??ka odtwarza prehistoryczne dzieje Valdemaru.