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Книги 9526—9550 из 10588.
  • Smok Jego Kr?lewskiej Mo?ci
  • Новик Наоми
  • Pierwszy tom cyklu „Temeraire” — niezwyk?ego po??czenia fantasy i powie?ci historycznych z czas?w napoleo?skich.Za?oga przechwytuje francusk? fregat? i odkrywa na jej pok?adzie drogocenny ?adunek — jajo rzadkiego smoka, gotowego niemal do wyklucia. Wskutek zrz?dzenia losu kapitan Will Laurence zostaje opiekunem stworzenia i nadaje mu imi? Temeraire. Musi zapomnie? o dawnym ?yciu, porzuci? s?u?b? we flocie, wst?pi? do Korpusu Powietrznego, brytyjskiej jednostki smok?w, i przej?? wyj?tkowo intensywne szkolenie bojowe. Napoleon bowiem szykuje ju? ?mia?? inwazj? na Angli? przy u?yciu w?asnych si? powietrznych…Powie?? zdoby?a Compton Crook Award w 2007.Nominowana do nagrody Hugo w 2007.

  • Snow Queen
  • Lackey Mercedes
  • Godmother and Snow Queen, Aleksia's main job is to support the Tradition by abducting young men about to turn bad, and putting them through a trial to show them the error of their ways. She sometimes worries that she is becoming as cold as her own Ice Palace. But then come the rumours of a wicked Snow Witch, freezing whole villages to death, and claiming to be the Snow Queen. Aleksia has to set off on her own adventure to sort things out.

  • Sojourn
  • Сальваторе Роберт
  • The third in a series of premiere hardcover editions of Salvatore’s classic dark elf tales.This new release of the classic R.A. Salvatore novel continues the tale of the origins of Salvatore’s signature dark elf character Drizzt Do’Urden and is the first-ever release of this Forgotten Realms novel title in hardcover. Each title in “The Legend of Drizzt” series showcases the classic dark elf novels in new, deluxe hardcover editions. Each title will feature all new cover art, in addition to excerpts from an exclusive author interview in which R.A. Salvatore answers questions posed by readers.

  • Song in the Silence
  • Kerner Elizabeth
  • Lanen Kaelar has dreamed of dragons all her life. But not just dreaming, for Lanen believes in dragons. Her family mocks her that dragons are just a silly myth. A legend. But Lanen knows better. And she means to prove it. One day she sets out on a dangerous voyage to the remote West to find the land of the true Dragons. What she discovers is a land of real dragons more beautiful - and surprising- than any dream she could have imagined.

  • Songs of Love & Death
  • In this star-studded cross-genre anthology, seventeen of the greatest modern authors of fantasy, science fiction, and romance explore the borderlands of their genres with brand-new tales of ill-fated love. From zombie-infested woods in a postapocalyptic America to faery-haunted rural fields in eighteenth- century England, from the kingdoms of high fantasy to the alien world of a galaxy-spanning empire, these are stories of lovers who must struggle against the forces of magic and fate. Award-winning, bestselling author Neil Gaiman demonstrates why he’s one of the hottest stars in literature today with “The Thing About Cassandra,” a subtle but ...

  • Sons Of Destiny
  • Shan Darren
  • Lord of the Shadows 'Stephen King for kids! Darren Shan has brought his own brand of vampire mythology into the heads and hearts of thousands of children with his vivid and compelling series The Saga of Darren Shan, about one boy's journey from ordinary lad to vampire prince. Once they're hooked, kids tend to rip into the flesh of these books, quickly draining them of their life blood. The covers, with images of ghouls, creeping hands and dripping fangs are terrifying alone. ' Metro Life, Evening Standard Cirque Du Freak "!fast-paced and compelling book which leaves the reader hungry for more." JK Rowling "I read Cirque Du Freak last week. I loved it. I love the way you manage to juggle the funny with the unpleasant, the affection with the hurt. It's great story-telling." Roddy Doyle The Vampire's Assistant "The Vampire's Assistant blazes a thrilling, gruesome trail through a fascinating plot." The Good Book Guide Vampire Mountain "Get your teeth into it!" Funday Times