In the sleepy English countryside, at the dawn of the Victorian Era, life moves at a leisurely pace in the tiny town of Wall, so named for an imposing stone barrier that divides the village from an adjacent meadow. Armed sentries guard the sole gap in this wall, in order to keep the curious from wandering through. Here in Wall, young Tristran Thorn has lost his heart to beautiful Victoria Forester. But Victoria is cold and distant—as distant, in fact, as the star she and Tristran see fall from the sky on a crisp October evening. For the ...
W pe?nym emocji zako?czeniu trylogii o kupcach i ich ?ywostatkach Robin Hobb snuje urzekaj?c? opowie?? o kwitn?cym niegdy? mie?cie, kt?re znalaz?o si? na kraw?dzi zniszczenia, o wspania?ym, mitycznym gatunku stworze?, kt?ry znalaz? si? na granicy wymarcia oraz o klanie Vestrit?w, kt?rego przeznaczenie splot?o si? i z miastem, i z owymi stworzeniami… Podczas gdy Miasto wolnego Handlu zmierza ku katastrofie, matka rodu Vestrit?w, Ronika Vestrit, napi?tnowana jako zdrajczyni, szuka sposobu na zjednoczenie jego mieszka?c?w wobec zagro?enia z Krainy Miedzi. Tymczasem Althea Vestrit, nie?wiadoma los?w swojej rodziny oraz Miasta Wolnego Handlu, kontynuuje niebezpieczn? misj? odnalezienia i odzyskania swego ?ywostatku, "Vivacii", od bezlitosnego pirata, Bystrego. Mimo zuchwa?o?ci planu mo?e si? on okaza? niewykonalny. Jej ukochana "Vivacia" b?dzie bowiem musia?a si? zmierzy? ze straszliw? tajemnic? swego istnienia.
In Wizard’s First Rule, Richard Cypher’s world was turned upside down. Once a simple woods guide, Richard was forced to become the Seeker of Truth, to save the world from the vile dominance of Darken Rahl, the most viciously savage and powerful wizard the world had ever seen. He was joined on this epic quest by his beloved Kahlan, the only survivor among the Confessors, who brought a powerful but benevolent justice to the land before Rahl’s evil scourge. Aided by Zedd, the last of the wizards who opposed Rahl, they were able to cast him ...
Just typical. No love life to speak of for months, then all at once, every horny creature in the Otherworld wants to get in your pants…Eugenie Markham is a powerful shaman who does a brisk trade banishing spirits and fey who cross into the mortal world. Mercenary, yes, but a girl's got to eat. Her most recent case, however, is enough to ruin her appetite. Hired to find a teenager who has been taken to the Otherworld, Eugenie comes face to face with a startling prophecy--one that uncovers dark secrets about her past and claims that Eugenie's first-born ...
In this book, everything is solved. Elspeth and Darkwind act as Envoys and go into Hardorn to meet their once-enemy Tremane. The people of Hardorn want to make him their King, but only under conditions. Karal, Firesong, An'desha, the gryphons, Sejanes (a mage of Tremanes) and Master Levy (a Mathematican and clever engineer) head towards the Dhorisha Plains. They are to go where the tower ruins are that were once home to Urtho and his people over a millenia ago. The Storms are returning to that spot and they are going there to try and prevent another Cataclysm from occuring that will possibly destroy them all. Urtho was a great experimentor that had created very dangerous Weapons to use against Ma'ar. He deamed them too dangerous to use and sealed them in a chamber of the tower. The Kalenedral, Sworn ones to the Goddess, have been protecting these things from greedy mages. But now, maybe they are of use.
Untrained. Untested. Unleashed. With her unique magical abilities, Opal has always felt unsure of her place at Sitia's magic academy. But when the Stormdancer clan needs help, Opal's knowledge makes her the perfect choice — until the mission goes awry. Pulling her powers in unfamiliar directions, Opal finds herself tapping into a new kind of magic as stunningly potent as it is frightening. Now Opal must deal with plotters out to destroy the Stormdancer clan, as well as a traitor in their midst. With danger and deception rising around her, will Opal's untested abilities destroy her — or save them all?
In this book, the storms are getting worse and are more frequent. Living creatures are being changed into monsters and huge circle of land are dissapearing to be replaced by land from all around the world. Karal is now the envoy from Karse and is a full SunPriest because Ulrich, his mentor, was murdered. As Karal struggles to gain the respect of the other Council members, An'desha and Firesong are having their own problems. They are breaking apart, An'desha is trying to find himself and his own path, but does that path include Firesong? Tremane, the once military leader and proclaimed Heir to the throne of the Empire is now in Hardorn. He and his men decided not to be a part of an Empire that abandons its own people so they take up residence in Hardorn. Tremane begins to do very good things fo these people, they are beginning to trust him.
Valdemar and Karse are now in Alliance with one another...a huge shock to both sides since they were at war with one another for so long they didn't even remember how it started! SunPriest Ulrich and his Secretary, Sunpriest-apprentice Karal are sent into Valdemar as Envoys. In this book we get to know the history of Karse and we learn about Karal a great deal. FireSong now has a new lover, An'desha, whose body Mornelithe Falconsbane had claimed his own. But now that the evil mage is gone, An'desha can discover himself. Ancar is gone and Hardorn is ...
Moorcock is off at full throttle. Every scene has ironic meaning. A couple of minor stories, and we're into the lush, manic rush to Armageddon that is STORMBRINGER! Still the greatest plot on the planet, build and build until the final, cataclysmic - and said to be the best in all fantasy fiction - ending, which is completely stunning. Long before Pullman won the Whitbread Moorcock was offering this mad, bad and thoroughly humane fantasy to the world. He remains a giant.