For years, Grace has watched the wolves in the woods behind her house. One yellow-eyed wolf—her wolf—is a chilling presence she can't seem to live without. Meanwhile, Sam has lived two lives: In winter, the frozen woods, the protection of the pack, and the silent company of a fearless girl. In summer, a few precious months of being human... until the cold makes him shift back again. Now, Grace meets a yellow-eyed boy whose familiarity takes her breath away. It's her wolf. It has to be. But as winter nears, Sam must fight to stay human—or risk losing himself, and Grace, forever.
…W rozs?dnym ?wiecie na pewno nic by si? nie sta?o. Ale bajarz wiedzia? ju?, ?e ten ?wiat wcale nie jest rozs?dny. Alvin Junior mia? pot??nego, niewidzialnego wroga, kt?ry nie przegapi? okazji.Bajarz skoczy? do przodu. Poczu?, jak drgn??a ziemia pod stopami, jak zapad? si? ubity grunt. Niewiele, par? centymetr?w, ale wewn?trzna kraw?d? kamienia obni?y?a si? w?a?nie o taki kawa?ek. W rezultacie szczyt wielkiego kr?gu przesun?? si? o ponad p?? metra i tak szybko, ?e nic ju? nie mog?o go zahamowa?. Za chwil? m?y?ski kamie? runie na swoje miejsce na fundamencie, a Alvin Junior zostanie pod spodem, zmielony jak ziarno…Powie?? nominowana w 1988 do nagrod Hugo, World Fantasy Award oraz Locus za najlepsz? powie?? fantasy.
Following the cliffhanger ending of Blood of Amber, Merlin is stranded in surrealistic Alice in Wonderland-esque bar where the Mad Hatter serves cocktails. Managing to escape, Merlin meets new family members--one of whom is intent on killing him. As events escalates, Merlin finds himself surrounded by his worst enemies including his ex-girlfriend--back from the dead.
Accepting the responsibilities as ruler to the world of Amber, Corwin finds himself the target of sibling treachery, and must seek guidance in a land of visions, where a sinister prediction foretells his doom.
Garth Nix was born in 1963 in Melbourne, Australia. A full-time writer since 2001, he has previously worked as a literary agent, marketing consultant, book editor, book publicist, book sales representative, bookseller, and as a part-time soldier in the Australian Army Reserve. Garth’s books include the award-winning fantasy novels , and; and the cult favourite YA SF novel . His fantasy novels for children include ; the six books ofsequence, and series. More than five million copies of his books have been sold around the world; his books have appeared on the bestseller lists of , , and; and his work has been translated into 37 languages. He lives in a Sydney beach suburb with his wife and two children.Editors’ note:‘Sir Hereward and Mister Fitz Go to War Again’ won the Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Story of 2007.
Magiere is a dhampir-half human, half vampire-sired for the purpose of slaying the undead. Outside the village of Chemestuk, where she was born and raised, stands her father's keep. Within its walls, she hopes to discover the secrets of her past and figure out why a vampire would wish to breed a creature capable of slaughtering his own kind…But there are those who don't want Magiere to learn the truth- and when her half-elf partner, Leesil, makes a startling discovery in the keep, he can understand why. Before Leesil can reveal the truth to Magiere, they must vanquish a creature of unimaginable and unlimited power who has damned a small village of people with a horrifying curse…
M?ody Christer Tomasson by? przekonany, ?e jest jednym z czarownik?w Ludzi Lodu. Wierzy?, ?e dzi?ki swym nadprzyrodzonym zdolno?ciom b?dzie m?g? pom?c ma?ej Magdalenie, kt?r? spotka? w uzdrowisku Ramlosa. Ale Magdalena znikn??a w tajemniczych okoliczno?ciach. Christer postanowi? j? odnale??. W trakcie poszukiwa? odkry? prawd?, kt?ra wstrz?sn??a ca?? Szwecj?. Wybuch? skandal nad skandale…
Przyjaci??ki Unni i Vesla oraz bracia, Jordi i Antonio, wyjechali do Hiszpanii, by podj?? pr?b? przerwania dawnego przekle?stwa. Unni i Jordi s? w sobie zakochani, ale w?a?nie z powodu owego przekle?stwa, ci???cego nad rodzinami obojga, nie mog? si? do siebie zbli?y?. Antonio, coraz bardziej zainteresowany Vesl?, prze?ywa g??boki wstrz?s, gdy na terenie historycznej Alhambry wrogowie uprowadzaj? jego ukochan?.
Unni, Jordi, Juana i inni zbli?aj? si? do celu ostatniej wielkiej ekspedycji, lecz nikt z nich nie wie, ?e m?ody sympatyczny Miguel to demon Tabris w przebraniu. Gdy Tabris odkrywa w?asne ciep?e uczucia dla Juany, wpada we w?ciek?o??, gdyz przynosi to ujm? na honorze demona…
W przepojonej smutkiem dolinie, daleko w Alpach Transylwa?skich, u st?p przera?aj?cej twierdzy le?a?o zapomniane miasteczko. Wielu zab??ka?o si? w te okolice i nigdy ju? ich p??niej nie widziano. Przybyli tu tak?e Heike Lind i jego towarzysze, Mira i Peter. Odkryli, ?e ludno?? miasteczka z dawien dawna ?yje w ci?g?ym strachu, i ma to zwi?zek z mieszkankami twierdzy: ksi??niczk? Feodor? i pi?kn? jak z bajki Nicol?…
The Eleventh book of the saga of Tarl Cabot.Tarl Cabot had resumed his allegiance to the Priest-Kings, the non-human but benevolent rulers of Gor. And accordingly Tarl knew that the battle fo the possession of the planet was under way — the Kurli, the beastlike invaders, had made their plans.
Godmother Lily is having a hard time protecting the small but rich kingdom of Eltaria. The Tradition is trying to force Princess Rosamund down a path -- but is it that of Sleeping Beauty or Snow White? Everything seems to be being subverted, from the seven evil dwarfs who capture Rosamund, to the Wicked Stepmother who rescues her. And to top it all, Prince Siegfried needs to rescue a maiden who isn't his aunt from a ring of fire in order to avoid his own Doom. The only solution to all this: issue a set of challenges to all the local Princes, the prize being the kingdom and fair Rosamund's hand.
Debren z Dumayki, w?drowny mistrz magii, czarodziej z tytu?em uniersyteckim i wiecznie pust? sakiewk? musi si? zmierzy? z licznymi przeciwnikami. Mimo swej apolityczno?ci, raz po raz wpl?tywany jest w intrygi tajnych s?u?b, rewolucjonist?w i ambitnych pretendent?w do ju? obsadzonych tron?w…