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Книги 601—625 из 759.

  • Spisek Syksty?ski
  • Vandenberg Philipp
  • Podczas renowacji fresk?w Micha?a Anio?a zdobi?cych sklepienie Kaplicy Syksty?skiej konserwatorzy dokonuj? zadziwiaj?cego odkrycia. Ka?da z namalowanych scen zawiera wymy?lnie ukryt? liter?. U?o?one w ca?o?? litery tworz? pozbawiony sensu napis. W poszukiwaniu zagadkowego znaczenia przes?ania genialnego artysty prefekt kongregacji wiary dawnej inkwizycji natrafia w tajnym archiwum Watykanu na zadziwiaj?cy dokument, ujawnienie kt?rego mo?e wstrz?sn?? posadami ca?ego chrze?cija?stwa.Co kryje w sobie tajemniczy napis? Czy przemy?lnie ukryta inskrypcja jest wyrafinowan? zemst? zza grobu Micha?a Anio?a za to, co uczyni?o mu pa?stwo ko?cielne? Czy Watykan zdo?a zatrzyma? w swych tajnych archiwach jedn? z najwi?kszych tajemnic chrze?cija?stwa?

  • Stones Fall
  • Pears Iain
  • A tour de force in the tradition of Iain Pears' international bestseller, , weaves a story of love and high finance into the fabric of a page-turning thriller. A novel to stand alongside and .A panoramic novel with a riveting mystery at its heart, is a quest, a love story, and a tale of murder — richly satisfying and completely engaging on many levels. It centres on the career of a very wealthy financier and the mysterious circumstances of his death, cast against the backdrop of WWI and Europe's first great age of espionage, the evolution of high-stakes international finance and the beginning of the twentieth century's arms race. Stone's Fall is a major return to the thriller form that first launched Iain Pears onto bestseller lists around the world and that earned him acclaim as a mesmerizing storyteller.

  • Sufrid, peque?os
  • Tremayne Peter
  • En esta tercera entrega de la serie sobre sor Fidelma de Kildare, Tremayne nos traslada al espacio natural de la monja detective, la Irlanda del siglo VII, regida por sus peculiares leyes brehon y en la que la Iglesia celta permite la convivencia de hombres y mujeres en los monasterios. De hecho, el celibato no era un concepto muy popular por aquellos lares.En esta ocasi?n, Fidelma debe esclarecer la m?s que sospechosa muerte de un reputado erudito, el venerable Dac?n, en la abad?a de Ross Alitihir; una muerte que puede tener funestas consecuencias e incluso desencadenar una guerra entre los reinos de Laigin y Osraige. Sin embargo, todo parece indicar que hay algo m?s que una intriga pol?tica tras el asunto.Sor Fidelma deber? luchar contra el tiempo.

  • Suspense & Sensibility
  • Bebris Carrie
  • Persuaded by Mrs. Bennet to sponsor a London social season for Elizabeth’s sister Kitty, the Darcys reluctantly return to the glittering ballrooms and parlors of the fashionable world. There Kitty meets Harry Dashwood, the handsome young owner of Norland, and they quickly fall in love. But for the Bennet sisters, it seems the course of true love simply cannot run smooth. No sooner do Harry and Kitty announce their engagement than Harry begins to change. His disreputable behavior, unexplained absences, mysterious gatherings, questionable new companions, and sinister activities lead all to wonder: Who is the true Mr. Dashwood? — the respectable gentleman Kitty thought she knew, or the dishonorable rogue now reflected in the mirror? A clue from Harry’s family tree sends the Darcys once more on a quest to discover the truth before history can repeat itself. For if Harry and Kitty are to have a future, the past must first be put to rest.

  • Sweet Revenge
  • Penrose Andrea
  • England, 1813: Lady Arianna Hadley acts the part of a French chef in one of London's aristocratic households to find her father's murderer. But when the Prince Regent falls ill after consuming Arianna's special chocolate dessert, she finds herself at the center of a scandal. It soon becomes clear that someone is looking to plunge England into chaos-and Arianna to the bottom of the Thames...

  • Tears of Pearl
  • Alexander Tasha
  • In Alexander's lackluster fourth Lady Emily historical (after ), Emily and her new husband, British intelligence agent Colin Hargreaves, are honeymooning in Constantinople when a half-English harem girl is murdered. After Colin is charged with the investigation, the British crown reluctantly allows Emily to handle questioning within the harem. Emily follows the clues much farther afield, exploring the tangled histories of the victim's diplomat father from whom she was abducted many years before, her troubled archeologist brother and sultans both current and deposed. The author deftly handles the exotic setting and a subplot in which Emily worries she may be pregnant, but a lack of tension and a number of implausibilities, starting with the ease with which a Western woman can play detective in despotic, late 19th-century Constantinople, make this a relatively weak entry. Hopefully, Emily will recover her usual sparkle once the newlyweds return to more familiar ground.