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Любовные романы - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 13151—13175 из 14144.

  • Kellan
  • Hoffmann Kate
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • The woman lying unconscious on the Irish shore near Ballykirk can't possibly be a mermaid.can she? Still, architect Kellan Quinn wastes no time saving her life. And soon she's recovering in his home – setting his fantasies ablaze in his bed!But heiress Gelsey Woods is no mermaid. Instead, she's hiding from the mess she's made of her life so far. And something about Kellan – and Ballykirk – feels like home, especially during the holidays.Unfortunately, Gelsey's past is catching up with her quickly. And her only Christmas wish is that Kellan will still love his gift from the sea once he learns the truth…

  • Kill Me If You Can
  • Young Nicole
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Patricia Amble might be down, but she's not dead--yet. Tish has left the Detroit suburbs for her next renovation project: an old log cabin in Michigan's remote Upper Peninsula. And the fun part—it's the same cabin where she spent her childhood summers. The fresh air and solitude are just what she needs after her flight from romance and her brushes with death. As Tish arrives at her new home, her hope for peace and quiet is shattered when she finds a torn photo of her dead mother with the words "don't ask why" written across her face. Mysterious relatives, old rivalries, and a dangerous drug ring may make this twenty-six-year-old mystery more than she can handle. Tish must put together the pieces of her mother's death or risk losing everything—including her own life. Book 2 in the Patricia Amble Mystery series, Kill Me If You Can is a suspense-packed story of family secrets, long-distance romance, and renovations of the heart.

  • Kiss Me, Katie! & Hug Me, Holly!
  • Shalvis Jill
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • An omnibus of novelsKiss Me, Katie!All Katie Wilkins wanted for Christmas was to get Santa Claus under the mistletoe, because beneath that Santa suit was her ideal man – or so she thought. But it wasn't nice, safe Mr. Perfect who kissed her senseless. Horrors! It as Bryan Morgan – wild man, stunt pilot, and all-around daredevil. And, heaven help her, she'd really liked that kiss. Which just proved what she'd known all along – she was Christmas cursed!Hug Me, Holly!Sheriff Riley McMann couldn't believe his ears when Holly Stone announced that she'd be taking over the only caf? in Little Paradise. She looked as if she hadn't worked a day in her life, and besides, he had to eat there! But he was soon working up quite an appetite for "Calamity Holly" when he discovered there was more to her than designer clothes and an attitude. Maybe his Christmas wishes were going to come true after all…

  • Kitty-Kitty, Bang-Bang
  • Cairo
  • Жанр: Эротика
  • With murder, mayhem and hot sex, is a wickedly delicious sequel to .It was her cutthroat ambition and ruthlessness that got Katrina, or Kat for short, out of the hood and on top of her game. Once a murderer on a seductive prowl with two missions in mind—satisfying her insatiable libido and killing unsuspecting marks—Katrina has lain down her guns. Having once used her alluring charm and exotic beauty to lure men to their deaths, Katrina has had a change of heart.She’s settled for a simpler life and traveling, partying, and shopping ...

  • Ksi??ycowa noc
  • Boge Anne-Lise
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Na ?wiat przychodzi drugi syn Mali. Kobieta nie jest w stanie pokocha? gor?c? i macierzy?sk? mi?o?ci? ch?opca, kt?rego ojcem jest znienawidzony Johan. Dziecko przypomina jej wszystkie upokorzenia, jakich dozna?a od swojego m??a. Jednocze?nie Mali odczuwa coraz wi?ksz? s?abo?? do nowego zarz?dcy, zawsze pogodnego i ?yczliwego wszystkim Havarda. Dziewczyna pr?buje pow?ci?gn?? rodz?ce si? w niej uczucie, gdy? nie chce ju? drugi raz wyj?? za m??. Kiedy jednak w noc ?wi?toja?sk? dostrzega Harvarda z urodziw? Laur? Granvold, w serce Mali wkrada si? zazdro??? Saga "Grzech Pierworodny" w skandynawskiej literaturze popularnej to najwi?kszy hit od czasu "Sagi o ludziach lodu". – Anna Marciniak?wna, Wybitna skandynawistka, dziennikarka, t?umaczka. W Polsce seria ta osi?gn??a niebywa?y sukces!

  • La amante cautiva
  • Mallery Susan
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Vendida… a un atractivo pr?ncipe del desiertoVictoria McCallan hab?a decidido ofrecerse como pago a las deudas de juego de su padre al pr?ncipe Kateb de El Deharia. Sin embargo, la joven secretaria, que trabajaba en palacio, no esperaba que el pr?ncipe le hiciese una contraoferta… Cuando el pr?ncipe Kateb, viudo desde hac?a cinco a?os, se llev? a Victoria al desierto para que fuera su amante durante seis meses, no lo hizo con la intenci?n de enamorarse de ella. Pero la descarada estadounidense no tard? en tentarlo. El pr?ncipe estaba obligado a tomar una esposa de su misma condici?n social, pero el coraz?n de Kateb le ped?a que actuase de otro modo…

  • La aventura de amar
  • Hoffmann Kate
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • AL FIN… LO ATRAP? EL AMOREl escritor de libros de viajes Brendan Quinn era famoso por seducir a las mujeres con su encanto… y despu?s abandonarlas cuando las cosas se pon?an demasiado serias. Pero encontr? la horma de su zapato cuando aquella bella heredera se neg? a abandonar su barco… y su cama.Amy Aldrich s?lo quer?a llevar una vida normal, y experimentar todos los placeres que pudiera haber en ella: libertad, aventura… y sexo con el guap?simo Brendan Quinn. Lo que no esperaba era enamorarse tan r?pidamente, y ?l parec?a haberse enamorado tambi?n. El problema era que Brendan no sab?a qui?n era ella realmente.